Manufactio - Minecraft/Factorio hybrid

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intresting. i know AE2 needs alot of power. was using the reactor to offset that and run the minners. but then the furances were not getting enough power even with 4 desiel engines running. and they are some thirsty machines. i had to keep restocking those tanks because i couldn't get mek to output (then yo umentioned it had a wrench and i figured it out from there) but yea if that insane amount of wind generators and 4 engines aren't enough for this. i can only wonder what would happen if i had a proper base that didn't use those.

Edit: noticed the raids. they are massive. how is a player suppose to defend himself from those early on? i got lucky my survival playthrough started on a Survival Island map by complete RNG accident.

Edit 2: the guns have issues shooing at things above and below them. below is obvious it doesn't have alot of movement in that direction. but up. they are litteraly missing and expending ammo.
ISSUE FOUND!: The labritory recipe is incorrect. the ingredients for the quest have +1 object that is no longer needed and +1 object that is needed. not to mention you change the strutures shape. the input and output are on the ground. BUT THEY ARE BOTH INPUT! i cant make red research because it doesn't reconize the red science pack research and i think its because it has no output. But yet the multiblock is constructed and changed color.

Also this is still a bug. never mentioned it as i was unsure about those blueprints in the first place

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intresting. i know AE2 needs alot of power. was using the reactor to offset that and run the minners. but then the furances were not getting enough power even with 4 desiel engines running. and they are some thirsty machines. i had to keep restocking those tanks because i couldn't get mek to output (then yo umentioned it had a wrench and i figured it out from there) but yea if that insane amount of wind generators and 4 engines aren't enough for this. i can only wonder what would happen if i had a proper base that didn't use those.

Edit: noticed the raids. they are massive. how is a player suppose to defend himself from those early on? i got lucky my survival playthrough started on a Survival Island map by complete RNG accident.

Edit 2: the guns have issues shooing at things above and below them. below is obvious it doesn't have alot of movement in that direction. but up. they are litteraly missing and expending ammo.
As mentioned, there is no access to mekanism yet, and it's an end game technology. Mek is going to have higher energy requirements (for the convenience of single block machines) and if I recall correctly, I buffed the power usage in the config early on, but it's not been calculated in any way yet.

ISSUE FOUND!: The labritory recipe is incorrect. the ingredients for the quest have +1 object that is no longer needed and +1 object that is needed. not to mention you change the strutures shape. the input and output are on the ground. BUT THEY ARE BOTH INPUT! i cant make red research because it doesn't reconize the red science pack research and i think its because it has no output. But yet the multiblock is constructed and changed color.

Also this is still a bug. never mentioned it as i was unsure about those blueprints in the first place

Lab structure is incorrect? Damn. Was asked if I could tweak it (forgot to mention in change notes, bad me).

That's interesting that the preview is not showing for you. I've seen on the MM github some old issues about the preview, but I thought it had been fixed. Unfortunately that's a mod issue and nothing I can resolve.
If you click the bottom right icon, that puts it into above view 2D view (you can then use the arrows the move between layers). Does that work?
Also found the lab glitch mentioned above.

To pass the time is did some creative testing.

A burner drill with a uranium drill head needs 4 and a bit blast furnaces with 2 heaters to keep up.

Picture here:

One thing to note is that the conveyor does not stack items. they keep their original stacks size when placed on the conveyor.
Thats the reason for the many inserters to move the ingots off the conveyors.
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Also found the lab glitch mentioned above.

To pass the time is did some creative testing.

A burner drill with a uranium drill head needs 4 and a bit blast furnaces with 2 heaters to keep up.

Picture here:

One thing to note is that the conveyor does not stack items. they keep their original stacks size when placed on the conveyor.
Thats the reason for the many inserters to move the ingots off the conveyors.

convayers will add stacksize but it treats it weird. my personal testing shows this but the stacking item has to be withing hitbox touching range. so basicly needs to be put on the convayor at the same time. (or hit the convayor as the same block passes by)

And NO the 2d wont work. 60% of the screen is covered. i can see the multiblock but i have zoom in and spin the thing for an hour to get everything.
Regarding the preview render issue, it has already been reported to the mod developer. There is something you can try, change your GUI scaling and see if it helps. From what I can gather, it seems to be a complex issue dependent on native screen resolution and minecraft GUI size.

With your creative build above, can you confirm exactly what mekanism block you have used? Precisely which block and what upgrades you've put into it? Just having a quick look
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i had 4 top tier furnaces from mekanism. they have 6-8 slots and smelts all of that once.they also had max power efficency, speed, and silence addons. (if all 4 ran at full speed i would definatly not have power. thankfully they are fast enough to get done with the small amount of aluminium, and copper without having to worry about those two. BUT the two iron ones are real power hogs. (dont forget to turn on the stack spread thing.)
How can I create Inserter with Assembler?
I tried Inserter.
But Assembler made a Drill Structure block.
If the output is empty and there are many materials in the input, it seems to create a Drill Structure block.
The problem is that the materials are the same.
early game is such a nightmare if you dont start on a survival island. first few nights were bad. but now its just constant mobs attacking. i built walls. well skeletons can shoot me over those walls i made. and the creepers just dont give a dang thing about walls. its just gone in a wave of fire and death. and turrets are locked behind quite a bit of tech before you can even use them. let alone power all of them. WITH ammo.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the zombies that are outside your walls dont burn in the sun. no they hang around waiting for an opertunityto get in. really pretty watching a ring of hostiles forming up around my base on the minimap.

Edit2: ammo press is also locked behind some progression that is unnessasary. its option i the book litteraly says "BTW this was available the whole time" but you dont know that as it looks locked untill you progress a bit. since coal generator is unlocked early enough to power the labritory have it's progression unlock unlock that item. (ran out of bullets before i ever got to check that option)
How can I create Inserter with Assembler?
I tried Inserter.
But Assembler made a Drill Structure block.
If the output is empty and there are many materials in the input, it seems to create a Drill Structure block.
The problem is that the materials are the same.
Aww, crap.

If you are confident editing files, change \Manufactio\config\modularmachinery\recipes\as_drill2.json to the following:
"machine": "assembler_standard",
"registryName": "as_drill2",
"recipeTime": 53,
"requirements": [
"type": "energy",
"io-type": "input",
"energyPerTick": 350
"type": "item",
"io-type": "input",
"item": "ore:plateIron",
"amount": 10
"type": "item",
"io-type": "input",
"item": "ore:gearIron",
"amount": 5
"type": "item",
"io-type": "input",
"item": "mekanism:controlcircuit",
"amount": 3
"type": "item",
"io-type": "input",
"item": "minecraft:furnace",
"amount": 1
"type": "item",
"io-type": "output",
"item": "libvulpes:metal0@10",
"amount": 1


This adds a furnace to the recipe (which are easy and quick to make) and makes the total ingredients unique.
I have actually put a feature request into Modular Machinery so you can "Lock/Select" a recipe.

early game is such a nightmare if you dont start on a survival island. first few nights were bad. but now its just constant mobs attacking. i built walls. well skeletons can shoot me over those walls i made. and the creepers just dont give a dang thing about walls. its just gone in a wave of fire and death. and turrets are locked behind quite a bit of tech before you can even use them. let alone power all of them. WITH ammo.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the zombies that are outside your walls dont burn in the sun. no they hang around waiting for an opertunityto get in. really pretty watching a ring of hostiles forming up around my base on the minimap.

Edit2: ammo press is also locked behind some progression that is unnessasary. its option i the book litteraly says "BTW this was available the whole time" but you dont know that as it looks locked untill you progress a bit. since coal generator is unlocked early enough to power the labritory have it's progression unlock unlock that item. (ran out of bullets before i ever got to check that option)
What biome are you in?
Hostiles should not be spawning on grass, sand & dirt. So exposed stone and caves are sources of mobs.
The swarm behaviour should not be kicking in for 5 game days. Swarming is not affected by the above main rule. The config appears to be set to low chance.
Powered lanterns should stop spawns in a 32 block radius.
You can make pistol ammo without the ammo press.

Key two things there are the number of days until spawning kicks in, needs increasing to give time to research, and the spawning chance needs a look at.

Edit: Further thinking while on my way to work this morning, is actually the difficulty at game start of obtaining pistol ammo. This is mainly due to Gunpowder.
Factorio Pistol Ammo is basically only Iron, so you'll never run out. What I'll also have to do is add a very cheap, easy and inefficient recipe for the basic pistol ammo, which will allow for easier access into the Military research, and increase survivability and usefulness of Turrets.
Once you can get into Gunpowder, then more efficient recipes are available
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One odd thing i noticed is that my alloy kiln gives me immersive engineering electrum.
This electrum can not be used to make heavy engineering blocks.
Once i blockify and the ingotize (is that a proper word??) the electrum, the recipe works.
The electrum is now thermal foundation and works in the recipe.
One odd thing i noticed is that my alloy kiln gives me immersive engineering electrum.
This electrum can not be used to make heavy engineering blocks.
Once i blockify and the ingotize (is that a proper word??) the electrum, the recipe works.
The electrum is now thermal foundation and works in the recipe.
Really? I purposely changed recipes so that the kiln is only outputting TF electrum. At least there's a work around until I get a fix in place.
I made the electrum earlier and used them without problems to make the heavy engineering blocks at that time, so it must be something that changed recently.
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I made the electrum earlier and used them without problems to make the heavy engineering blocks at that time, so it must be something that changed recently.
Ah, there's something recently happening on my system where occasionally when I quite Minecraft, the scriptfiles revert to a previous version. The software that I use to edit them alerts me that they are being changed, but if I missed the alert, I could have lost those changes I made.

Don't you just love computers.
Cheap Pistol recipe: 1 iron 1 copper 1 charcoal. should be easy enough to get. if those very unique trees dont take 10 minecraftdays to produce logs.
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One odd thing i noticed is that my alloy kiln gives me immersive engineering electrum.
This electrum can not be used to make heavy engineering blocks.
Once i blockify and the ingotize (is that a proper word??) the electrum, the recipe works.
The electrum is now thermal foundation and works in the recipe.
According to my game, you cannot craft IE electrum in the Kiln, only TF version. (Side note, I need to adjust a lot of recipes in the Arc Furnace, some are outputing incorrect items - that's a big job for the weekend). It almost sounds like the scripts have not loaded for you.

  • Added a pistol ammo recipe as suggested by @DaMetaEX which will help early game. Gunpowder will make recipes more efficient, and allow expansion into the more advanced ammo types.
  • Added a more direct recipe for crafting full pistol magazines in assemblers, removes a crafting step but not the most resource efficient approach.
  • Tweaked ZombieAwareness, it's effects of swarming/hordes will only kick in after 20 minecraft days. Above ground hordes will be smaller, underground hordes unchanged.
  • The Electric Drill requires 5 hardened stone instead of a furnace, to save another crafting step. This will stop the drill/inserter recipe conflict.

Regarding Mek, had a look on the wiki about speed upgrades, did not appreciate how much of a energy usage increase the speed upgrades cause at max levels. No wonder the creative build above was struggling. I'm going to balance it for 4 speed upgrades, with the option available to the player to go higher, if they can generate the power (which at 8 upgrades will be near on impossible).
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wow Mek. couldn't just give players a powerfull option. you had to ensure that the machines turn into Extra Utilities Energy Trashcans! XP

Speaking of trashcans. i kinda wouldn't mind having a trashcan option since i dont technicly need some of the items that drop from certain mobs (rotten flesh into leather would be nice) and certain objects (blast furnace)
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There is something you can try, change your GUI scaling and see if it helps. From what I can gather, it seems to be a complex issue dependent on native screen resolution and minecraft GUI size.

This fixes it for me. I have to set the GUI scale to "Large", which greatly limits the usefulness of JEI.

By the way, the bug affects the 3d and the 2d versions. The 2d doesn't show up at all.

Clearly the bug is with the clipping region. It shouldn't be that hard for the developer to fix.

I'm only in the very early stages of the pack, and I've found 2 things to be quite difficult:

1: The restriction of only 8 lanterns makes it very hard to go mining. I've been mining in pitch black, and obviously one of these mods has tweaked light levels, because I can't see anything.

2: The amount of iron needed early seems pretty high. Just making the laboratory takes about a full stack, which is not easy to come by when you are out of lanterns.
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