Manufactio - Minecraft/Factorio hybrid

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went creative and started setting up a base that can do everything automaticly. and solar power is hopelessly weak. 7 advanced solar pannels just to power 1 powered miner and even then it is not perfect. the solar mod that add alot of solarpannels outpowers it by tier 2.
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went creative and started setting up a base that can do everything automaticly. and solar power is hopelessly weak. 7 advanced solar pannels just to power 1 powered miner and even then it is not perfect. the solar mod that add alot of solarpannels outpowers it by tier 2.
That'll be fixed in the next update. Should equate to 1.5 solars to a powered drill. Didn't appreciate that the config works in Mek's Joules, not RF.
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That'll be fixed in the next update. Should equate to 1.5 solars to a powered drill. Didn't appreciate that the config works in Mek's Joules, not RF.
Coolio. finished the tech tree from teh book. and a TON of stuff is locked behind mission XXXXX and i cant figure out how to trip that so i can see everything.
Each quest stage has an icon representing what is unlocked and as far as I recall, the research stages that actually unlock items do tell you what is unlocked. You can't actually show images within individual quests.

an image is fine. But how the hell am i suppose to know what that item is by its Icon. i have played modded minecraft from Beta 1.6 onward. only a handful of mods in this pack i am familure enough with to know what item i am looking at. if you cant provide an image in the discription then how abuout a list of names of the onlocked items so players can look up the item name and recipe. maybe even alter the tutorial to have a secondary objective where its unlocked by the player must then craft those objects so he knows what they are.
Coolio. finished the tech tree from teh book. and a TON of stuff is locked behind mission XXXXX and i cant figure out how to trip that so i can see everything.
Anything with XXXXX are intentionally disabled items/blocks, either due to duplicated functionality or not fitting the Factorio theme.
Anything with XX+Mod Name (Like XXMek) is tech I've not yet integrated/reviewed and will either be research or disabled going forward (This is basically the WIP chapters).

Speaking of which, making good progress with the Space and Beyond, and writing up the quest tutorial stages. Quite a number of steps required, which once known, are straightforward, but it's real confusing at first.
Realised in the design of the pack, I never actually reviewed the power usage, was too busy focused on the structural side of things - whoops! Well, it is a beta :D


One output from the Diesel Generator using MV cables is enough to nearly run 5 Drills perfectly. Factorio is 10 drills to one Steam Engine. Since the IE generator has 3 outputs, you can run 15, or 10 plus part of your factory. This I feel is a good balance, as the generator is an expensive build.

Now to rebalance the rest of the generators and crafters to be inline with this. Powergen and usage will be a bit different from default.

I'm also making a tweak to the Standard Assembler, you can build it to have either 4 item inputs, or 3 item inputs and a fluid input - allowing more recipes.
Also, at the same stage as unlocking the IE Assembler, I'm thinking of an advanced assembler made from modular machinery that has 6 item inputs. There are some recipes that the IE Assembler won't be able to handle as they are not 3x3.
Nice changes you have made to the pack.

Got a bit baffled by the sidedness of the inserters on the basic assembler.

Anyway, episode 6 is out:
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Nice changes you have made to the pack.

Got a bit baffled by the sidedness of the inserters on the basic assembler.

Anyway, episode 6 is out:
Ah yes, the inserters need to be facing the correct way. Haven't seen your vid yet, but if you look at the blueprint recipe for the particular machine, it shows you the correct layout.

Edit: Ah, I see now, the inserter direction is independant of the machine rotation. When I build the structure template, the inserter was facing out. I've adjusted the machine recipes to allow any direction of the inserter.

Edit2: First engine research was showing due to me linking the research the wrong way round.
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How is Progress.was wondering if a testing server could be set up. my computer can run the game fine. but rendering takes a major hit when it had to do everything in chunk information/distrobution of information.
The initial power review & overhaul is complete using same ratios that Factorio uses, so power gen should grow in line with expanding the factory & autocrafting. No doubt more will need tweaking on this, especially on other mod items, but the core is in place.
Few more recipes added to the assemblers.
Some further cleaning of JEI, OreDict and recipes.
Some questbook text changes.
Looking into the possibility of Speed/Efficiency/Crafting modules on the Modular Machines, but I don't think MM is flexible enough.

I've just got to make all the Advanced Assembler recipes, then it'll be ready for release.
I'm not 1000% sure on what functions your needed. but Applied Energistics has some universal functionality.

ALSO not sure if its a problem or a bug but the mekanism fluid tank does not work. you could look into the tank from thermal expansion. it has a creative level and can tier up when you get more tech. (you already have a part of this in there for the upgrading thing. not sure if you have the other bit)

ALSO ALSO cant refine oil. pumpjack can be assembled but the immersive enginnering distilling silo wont be allowed. not sure exactly what is stopping me. but i'm guessing its something similar to the XXXXX thing.
I'm not 1000% sure on what functions your needed. but Applied Energistics has some universal functionality.

ALSO not sure if its a problem or a bug but the mekanism fluid tank does not work. you could look into the tank from thermal expansion. it has a creative level and can tier up when you get more tech. (you already have a part of this in there for the upgrading thing. not sure if you have the other bit)

ALSO ALSO cant refine oil. pumpjack can be assembled but the immersive enginnering distilling silo wont be allowed. not sure exactly what is stopping me. but i'm guessing its something similar to the XXXXX thing.
AE is one of the end game goals, still to be implemented. Big sprawling factories are required first.

The Mek Fluid tank needs to be right clicked with Meks Wrench thingy (I can't remember what it's called from the top of my head) which will put it into Output mode. From my testing, it outputs from the bottom, and inputs in the top. It is more restrictive than TE tanks, but I'm avoiding including TE because I don't actually need 95% of the mod for this themed pack.

The pumpjack has been pushed to a later level of technology, the main Oil Processing research (P013) provides the Factory-0 resources pump and the Distillation Tower.
i'm in creative for some testing. and i unlocked all possible things available in the quest book. so having a bit of issue there. and i didn't know mek had a wrench.

(as stated earlier i only know a handfull of mods)
Version 0.73 is waiting approval on Curse - enjoy when available.
got the update. not sure if i did something wrong. but still cant make the distilling multiblock. says further progression is required. ALSO Advanced solar went from 240 RF/T to 280 RF/T that it not a huge jump.
got the update. not sure if i did something wrong. but still cant make the distilling multiblock. says further progression is required. ALSO Advanced solar went from 240 RF/T to 280 RF/T that it not a huge jump.
Have you unlocked Stage P013? That should be controlling the structure.
Edit: Damn, there's was an questbook error. The command wasn't running.
Do a chat command /gamestage add @p P013 and it'll work.
Thought I fixed all the quests with that issue.

There's more than just the solar panel change regarding power, and the amount of power from the advanced solar panel is the same ratio as used in Factorio. It is intentional that large solar panel arrays are used.
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While walking the dog, had an idea for something some players might like to accept the challenge to build and use.

The Duplicator:

For an expensive machine, a lot of power, some uranium 238 and electrotine, you can duplicate certain items. The crafting speed is based on the EMC value, and the RF/t is based on the number of items that go into the original item.

Electrotine only spawns normally underground, so you'll have to go mining the old fashioned way. This machine is not needed in anyway to progress, but may be useful at times.
command fixed issue. a few of the liquids in mektanks glitches out the game.(visually) and for some reason Techguns flags a few things haven't looked at the log but its difinatly a problem. other than that. without knowing the exact changes to check on what was tweeked. it seems like its running well. (in my creative test world)

EDIT: if your wanting EMC to be an endgame thing. the newest Equivelent Exchange allows ALL items to be in the EMC list. (noticed alot had no EMC) and it does it automaticly based off its crafting recipe. i dont know the spacifics but Pahamar definatly worked to get that mod to be something of use. (or abused if your Direwolf20/soryan)
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this much power is not enough power (the reactor is choked 50% and all its doing is mining storing and smelting. the other stuff like turrets and distilation are litteraly isolated with an infinite capacitor. the power generation needed gets expensive. (FYI 4 miners 1 AE storage system 4 maxed out Mek furnaces.
Since Mek and AE2 are not yet implemented, I'm not surprised that you are running into power issues with that creative build.
I need to crunch the numbers after finishing the Space and Beyond chapter/research.