Whitelist Server Looking for online friends to play MC with? Come here! (DW20 1.7.10 1.0.3)

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hi Eanator... is the server located in US or Europe....? reason i ask is that servers located outside europe will lagg for me :)
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} Pyrotemplar
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} Pyro
[3]-{age} 26
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} AE 1 and 2. I am a software engineer and really like the idea of storing items in bites.
[5]-{Favorite color} red
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} 4 years
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} I am looking to play some modded MC with a group of people and have fun while challenging myself to build fun and complex builds.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} Pyro_templar (skype)
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN}: drawsius
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name}: Drawsius
[3]-{age}: 20
[4]-{Favorite mod and why}: If i have to choose AE: I'm not so good with it and trying to learn to use it but i know the power off the mod and i like what you are able to do with it. But i like all of the mods.
[5]-{Favorite color}: Orange
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft}: on and off for about 3-4 years
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted}: i want to join for all the reasons you mention in the introduction, I want to play with nice and friendly people and I want to have fun doing it.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"}: Drawsius [skype]
[1]- Luke9978
[2]- Luke
[3]- I'm 17
[4]- Computercraft i love my code
[5]- Dark purple
[6]-Too dam long~ about 3 years
[7]- I'm looking for a community to get to know and game with, hopefully i can be a great help with server management/debug from running servers for a year or so.
[8]- PM me and ill give you my skype name
[4]-I've played a lot of ftb packs, but there's still a lot I have yet to explore. Microblocks is awesome from an aesthetic perspective, and I also love thaumcraft for being unique in the ways that I like.
[6]-Since the nether was added in alpha
[7]-I'm looking for exactly what this server is advertising itself as: a small community of friendly people.
[8]- I have skype but would prefer to PM it
Hey mate, applying on two other peoples behalf too!

[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} Hawkes70 (United Kingdom)
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} James
[3]-{age} 18
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} Direwolf, contains the most content.
[5]-{Favorite color} Blue
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} Since in-development, but I've played on and off.
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} Me and a bunch of mates just fancied playing on a chilled, private server where we could truly enjoy the richness of FTB.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} Skype name: mortima70

- Other two whitelist applications for my mates, contact me! :)

[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} ForestMerkel (Germany)
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} Juliandergrose
[3]-{age} 18

[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} NeedSomeMore (Netherlands)
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} 'NSM'
[3]-{age} 18
[3]-{18 o.o}
[4]-{ thermal Expansion usually start off with it and nice fun mod
[6]- when it began beta ._. know idea what year that was or version
[7]-( i havent played in legitly like a year so just coming back dont know what its like anymore }
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} -----------------> PM ME
Sorry for late replies, but they have all been sent!
hi Eanator... is the server located in US or Europe....? reason i ask is that servers located outside europe will lagg for me :)
Unfortunately, the server is located in the US.
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN}strong_armz
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name}strong
[4]-{Favorite mod and why}I think mystcraft was one of my fav, anything that adds to exploration with dungeons and such is always fun to me
[5]-{Favorite color}blue
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft}a few years on and off
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted}just looking for a small server to play with others on and learn the mods. I don't know them very well it's been quite a while since i really got into ftb
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"}PM me
[1] Rashen
[2] Rashen
[3] 19
[4] The Best version of EE.. Equivalent Exchange. think it was v2.
[6] I've been following minecraft's development ever since the first teaser was released.
[7] Have not ever actually played minecraft with other people besides my two friends. I would love to get to know some other people in a community.
[8] Rashen3695
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} PITTERIX
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} Peter
[3]-{age} 15
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} Steve's carts
[5]-{Favorite color} Blue
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} 4 years
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} I'm looking for a nice modded server.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} PM me please
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} blomstrand98
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} carl
[3]-{age} 18
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} applied because its so cool
[5]-{Favorite color} green
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} 3 years
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} because i am a nice person love playing minecraft with all :)
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} linkan162 skype name.
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} Xerocry
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} Andrew
[3]-{age} 19
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} EnderIO, AE2 - great oportunities for automate everything!
[5]-{Favorite color} lime
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} Around 3 years
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} I'm mature, calm person, want to play with people, have fun and automate everything!
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} PM me :)
1 - Somnolency
2 - Thomas
3 - 19
4 - Botania because its magic and flowers
5 - Black
6 - 2 years
7 - I want to play with other people and with no lags)
8 - PM me
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} dannybear
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} dannybear
[3]-{age} 21
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} Forestry because of bees
[5]-{Favorite color} Orange
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} Around 2 years I guess
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} I am looking to meet new people in a close community that love playing minecraft and maybe other games.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} PM me
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} Amuzet
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} Moctezuma
[3]-{age} 20
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} CC-Peripherals for all that delicious control, and Dwarf Fortress importer
[5]-{Favorite color} Midnight Blue
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} since 1.2.5 which was around 2010?
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} From what I see your server is quite full already not sure you should but I would love to play with yall
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} Amuzet
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} jaycron
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} james
[3]-{age} 17 nearly 18
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} Botania because of all it's cool stuff.
[5]-{Favorite color} Blue
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} Since the days of tekkit
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} I'm looking for a small server that I can play on where I can meet some new people and not be heavily restricted on what I can do.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} jaycron
[1]-{Your Minecraft IGN} Bibblybob96
[2]-{first/nick/preferred name} Bibbly
[3]-{age} 18
[4]-{Favorite mod and why} Thaumcraft, simply because I love the whole aspect of being able to create things using magic
[5]-{Favorite color} Green
[6]-{How long have you played minecraft} 4 1/2 years
[7]-{why do you want to join/why should you be accepted} I'm looking to meet new people who also enjoy minecraft as well as a place to be able to have fun and fail my experiments in Thaumcraft.
[8]-{Skype Name/ Curse voice name **if you have neither just say "PM me"} PM me