Is the chest biding seal working? i can't found the recipe![]()
Tarma Root spawns may not be ok. I got fed up of wandering around getting hunted in caves, so I turned creative flying on and popped a night vision potion.
I flew a good 500 blocks underground in cave systems, ravines, you name it.
0 Tarma Roots. I know we have the AM2 Plant fix, but does that also block the growth spell?
Edit: nevermind. I just realized the Plant Fix actually allows me to use bonemeal... /facepalm
Edit 2: trying to use bonemeal on stone on a cave with no light. Can't use it. The bonemeal is not consumed.
Edit 3: has to be on grass. Dirt or other blocks do not allow for this.
Is my Neutral Etherium suppose to disappear from my obelisk or calefactor or mana batery?
About my Neutral Etherium going "poof", I read somewhere that I need to keep the obelisk, mana battery and devices chunk loaded. Can anyone confirm?You got it - one grass block surrounded by stone in the dark and bonemeal that grass.
About my Neutral Etherium going "poof", I read somewhere that I need to keep the obelisk, mana battery and devices chunk loaded. Can anyone confirm?
Is my mana battery able to connect to only block at a time? I have a Calefactor and an Essence Refiner near the obelisk and I have to switch the pairing, as needed, manually. Is there a way for them to draw from the battery as needed?
I could power several devices from same battery. But it indeed tend to disconnetc after a while, probably because uneven chunk loading.
I remember (long time ago, on as server far far away) making my base a one-chunk tower exactly because of issues like this. And because sky-high tower looks cool
Yep, I powered all from same set of batteries (lightm neutralm dark) and altar, three calefactors, reconstructor and breeding focus worked fine.But it can stay connected to more than one devices, right? It won't undo the previous connection(s)?
Yep, I powered all from same set of batteries (lightm neutralm dark) and altar, three calefactors, reconstructor and breeding focus worked fine.
I can definitely agree with this I have learned several new toys to play with in thaumcraft alone. Granted I haven't really started any of the other mods other than ars magica.I have to say, @DrasticDemise . You know how to learn an old dog like me a few new tricks in this modpack!
I have something to add on those "bonemeal grass sourrounded by stone in the dark" tarma roots: They need to be underground. I tried on elevation level 74 ( I live partly in an mountain) but even after 30+ bonemeal, nothing happens. I try on elevation level 32, it worked after the second bonemeal.
Curiosity: when trying at 74, was the area covered by a roof or something? I have by base/hobbit hole on a mountain summit, above 100 and, indoors, it worked for me.
The layout is the same: Grassblock with stone ALL around (above and below).
Though i wonder just how much darkness is neccesary... in the test below i simply closed the only entrance, which meant total darkness. In the test above, a torch was far away, but it did shine a small glimpse of light nearby.
Unless it is simply extremely random, with like 5% per bonemeal or so.
i don't know how much altar power creating a otherwhere chalk needs.google it everywhere,they didn't even mention that it need altar power.my original altar is 3 blocks away from my cauldron,and it hold 1626 power but still nothing happen.so i cheat another alther right beside my cauldron and put expensive stuff on it,it hold 3000 power,but still nothing happen.this mod pack has really bad guiding.Check you altar power, maybe that is the problem
(sry if my englis is bad)