Hey folks! Another day, another pack release, this time with Simply Magic! This is a pack I have developed with @Brizzle. Enjoy!
Please post bug reports in the repository: https://github.com/DrasticDemise/Simply-Magic
If you wish to contribute to the development and upkeep of this mod pack, visit the git page for guidelines and available projects. If you wish to propose changes to this mod pack, visit the Git and post an issue with the tag [Proposal].
Now available on the Curse Launcher.
Pack code: SimplyMagic
Description: Simply Magic is an Hardcore Questing Pack in which players are walked through core magic mods without the comforts of vanilla or otherwise "technological" armors and weapons. Quests are provided supplemental to in-game documentation and provide a tutorial-like experience to those that wish to learn magic mods without the hardcore aspects that other magic-themed packs demand. Additional documentation is provided in-game for core gameplay changes, and players will also find an array of automation-themed challenges for those that wish to prove their mastery in magic.
Simply Magic aims to fill the niche that Mage Quest is no longer able to. Simply Magic provides in-game documentation in a tutorial-like experience for the following mods:
- Ars Magica
- Aura Cascade
- Thaumcraft
- Botania
- Mystcraft
- Blood Magic
- Witchery
This pack aims to provide a magic experience without the overshadowing of tech mods or hardcore game play. There is no tech here! The quest book aims to show points of mods that fill the niche of the often used Thermal Expansion and Applied Energistics. Need an option for mass storage? There is already a mod for it, get learning!
One notable change is that vanilla weapons and tools above stone are set to 1 durability. The exception to this rule is that Iron Pickaxes have a durability of 100. This is to encourage the use of magic tools that are otherwise overlooked.
World Generation is handled by Alternate Terrain Generation and the Streams Mod. Make sure to set it to ATG in world creation!
Using the Vanilla food system. No food clutter from Pam's Harvestcraft or eating requirements from Spice of Life or Hunger Overhaul. This allows users to explore modded foods and production that are often overlooked.
The only mobs added are mobs from Dark Menagerie and the core magic mods. Dark Menagerie offers a variety in combat that isn't outrageously unlike vanilla.
Exploration is encouraged by Thaumcraft and Rougelike Dungeons. Those that wish to challenge their magical gear will find raid-able Rougelike dungeons! Future exploration mods may be added in the future.
This pack is extremely light. You should have no problem running this pack! The mods selected are extremely light-weight and are further optimized by Fastcraft and BetterFPS.
- Accidentally Circumstantial Events(ACE) by Zavviasso
- Alternate Terrain Generation by TTFTCUTS
- AnimationAPI by thehippomaster21
- AppleCore by squeek502
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Ars Magica 2 by Mithion
- Am2 Plant Fix
- Automagy by Tuhljin - Granted
- Aura Cascade
- Baubles by Azanor
- Bibliocraft
- BetterFps by Guichaguri
- Blood Magic by WayofTime
- Botania by Vazkii
- Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
- Chisel 2 by warlordjones, tterrag1098, TheCricket26, Drullkus
- CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
- CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
- CoFH Core by CoFH team
- Dark Menagerie by RWTema
- Extended Potion ID's
- Farseek by delvr
- FastCraft by Player - Granted
- Forbidden Magic by SpitefulFox
- Gadomancy
- Guide-API by TehNut, Tombenpotter
- Guardian Chests
- Hardcore Questing Mode by lorddusk, Newcastlegeek, Vswe - Granted
- I'm Looking At Blood by pokefenn
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- IronChests by cpw, progwml6
- Jabba
- JourneyMap by techbrew
- LaunchGUI by TehNut
- MineTweaker by StanH
- ModTweaker by jaredlll08, joshie, SpitefulFox
- Morpheus
- Mystcraft by XCompWiz - Granted
- Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
- Open Mods Core
- Open Blocks
- Quadrum by dmillerw
- Roguelike Dungeons by Greymerk
- Sanguimancy by Tombenpotter
- Streams by delvr
- TCBotaniaExoflame
- Thaumcraft by Azanor
- Thaumcraft NEI Plugin by DjGiannuzz
- Thaumic Horizons by TheKentington
- Thaumic Infusion by DrunkMafia
- Thaumic Inventory Scanning
- Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix, nekosune, Vazkii
- Traveller's Gear by Dawn_1006
- Waila by ProfMobius
- Wawla by Darkhax
- Witchery by Emoniph - Granted
- Witching Gadgets by BluSunrize
- Yampst by bilde2910
Version 1.1.5
Version 1.1.3
Version 1.1.2
Version 1.1.1
Version 1.1.0
Version 1.0.2
Version 1.0.1
Version 1.0.0: Released!
- Updated FTB Utils/Lib, Storage Drawers, COFH Core, Automagy
- Nodes are slightly more common and slightly higher odds of being special
- Fixed Brazier quest
- Farseek/Streams
- More slabs can be crafted back into their block forms @TDarkShadow
- Added Mouse Tweaks - #40 - @koalalord9999
- Added FTB Lib and Utilities - You can now chunk load!
- Added Thaumcraft Node Tracker
- Backported Guide-API - Books now work.
- Updated COFH Core
- Fixed Witchery Torn Pages quest
- Fixed Scepter quest #43 - @Final-Legacy
- Fixed Living Infusion Quest #44 - @Final-Legacy
- More Hoarding quests! Can now obtain a hungry node
- Increased Thaumcraft biome spawn rate by a small bit
- Added Bibliocraft and Jabba
- Replaced Guardian Chests with Open Blocks. Most items in Open Blocks are disabled except for a few decoration blocks.
- Can now convert botania flowers directly into dye - @TDarkShadow
- Botania Exoflame now supports TC. - @TDarkShadow
- Added Thaumic Inventory Scanning - @TDarkShadow
- Violet Aura description fixed - @Fortanono
- Disabled Mana Fluxfield - @TDarkShadow
- Replaced Witchery door reward with Bibliocraft rewards
- Updated Botania, Gadomancy, Forbidden Magic
- Replaced Lootable Bodies with Guardian Chest.
- Added clarification for the Golemancers Bell recipe
- Fixed the lexica botania detection
- Added information on obsidian harvesting
- Increased the durability of iron tools. They are less than vanilla, but not totally useless.
- Added Clarification on how to bonemeal additional AM2 plants - Zieg777
- Increased the chance of AM2 plants spawning when using bone meal in their respective areas.
- Added Aura Cascade and quest line. Authored by @Fortanono!
- Corrected some potion conflicts.
- Added Morpheus for servers
- Added AOBD for Aura Cascade integration.
Hotfix for Am2 quests not revealing properly.
- Added Gadomancy and Quests
- Added Am2 Plant Fix and fixed quest
- Additional hoarding quests.
Servers: PM me with public servers to be listed here!
Website: http://bloodtypea.enjin.com/
Server IP: bloodtypea.mcraft.pro
Website: http://www.tronopolis.net
server ip: simplymagic.tronopolis.net // sm.tronopolis.net // simply.tronopolis.net // magic.tronopolis.net
Server IP: bloodtypea.mcraft.pro
Website: http://www.tronopolis.net
server ip: simplymagic.tronopolis.net // sm.tronopolis.net // simply.tronopolis.net // magic.tronopolis.net
Let's Plays: Pm me with your let's play series to be listed here!
FAQ: Ask away.
How do I mine obsidian early if Diamond Picks are 1 durability?
Manasteel and Thaumium pickaxes are capable of mining obsidian.
Manasteel and Thaumium pickaxes are capable of mining obsidian.
@Brizzle - Co-developer and author of the Witchery and Blood Magic quest lines!
@Fortanono - Developer of the Aura Cascade Questline!
Zieg777 - Developer of the Flicker System quest line for Ars Magica 2!
@TDarkShadow - Several accepted commits for mod additions and scripts!
Please post bug reports in the repository: https://github.com/DrasticDemise/Simply-Magic

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