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I was able to set up a server as a standard pack with; nice to see this pack getting some support.

The only issue I have is when I start, it does not start me near the base or observatory (I'm guessing the default map didn't load) or do I see any options to start with that. Is there a config or default setting on the server side I need to set?
I haven't played on a server, but you will definitely need to start in one of the scenario worlds. When you start are you telling it to create a new world or play one of the two scenarios?
for all of those griping about advanced power-

Use a modular generator. 7x7x7 should do it, set up a liquid transfer node and splitter to provide hydrogen to fuel the thing, make as much of it out of end stone as you can, and add diamond/emerald/redstone/gold/lapis blocks and add more power feeds as you need them.

My 5x5x5 is producing 6000 rf/t and has no problem keeping up with max upgraded nuclearcraft furnaces, 30+ splitters/combiners, a modular grinder that can outrun a fast cobblegen, and a sieve with over 40 fortune and 30 speed upgrades on it. Total draw is about 1200/turn, and totally self-sustaining.
I haven't played on a server, but you will definitely need to start in one of the scenario worlds. When you start are you telling it to create a new world or play one of the two scenarios?
There is the rub. Starting on the server doesn't give me an option after I pick multiplayer except to join server. Options are controlled server side (like difficulty). But nothing to load a specific world, even if that would be a fix.
Hmm, who ever set up the server will need to download one of the scenario save files and upload it the multiplayer server. Then somehow you'll need to set your spawn.
How good are the modular generators compared to advanced ones? I've made a 7x7x7 one out of endstone as someone in the thread recommended, have 12 sieves going and power to spare. Seems to at least be better(and cheaper to scale) than stirlings, and also extremely fuel-efficient. Puts stirlings to shaaame(at least unupgraded ones, and capacitors cost da gold).

How does the scaling work with different blocks(e.g. mostly endstone with diamond/emerald/redstone/gold blocks thrown in) and how big can you go?
Looking at the stats, I might just be best off using multiple endstone ones.

I could automate propane production for advanced generators eventually, but I think I'll save that for when I have fusion to power. Is propane the best choice, or should I use crucibles to a refinery? Does it affect rf/tick? Can I use liquid for that instead of canisters, or do I need a tank and routers and so on? I have a small/medium fertilized dirt giant-spruce stone chopper farm with autocrafted axes and barrel storage of saplings/wood. Stone axes can't keep up with tree growth.
(Edit: I saw a tutorial on advanced gens, never mind.)

Can I make the automation on the synthesizer go faster? It seems to slowly spit out items one at a time.

Do meteors do any damage? Doesn't seem like it.
Is there a way to keep adjacent relocators from connecting/transferring items?
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Yes meteors do damage. they can be as impactful as miniature creepers... destroying solar generators and the like without blast-protected glass encasing them....

I only ever used the Modular furnace system.... never thought about modular genny.... then again i never got that good a stream of ender stuff for making 7x7x7 end stone anyway...

If you're using the item transfer node on the synthesizer try using a stack upgrade instead of speed upgrades.
Yes meteors do damage. they can be as impactful as miniature creepers... destroying solar generators and the like without blast-protected glass encasing them....

I only ever used the Modular furnace system.... never thought about modular genny.... then again i never got that good a stream of ender stuff for making 7x7x7 end stone anyway...

If you're using the item transfer node on the synthesizer try using a stack upgrade instead of speed upgrades.
I ended with a chest with single items of carbon black when I tested that. They won't stack automatically? Weird.
Relocator+extraction did nothing...
Extract from the bottom, right?

Edit: Relocator works. Had to break+replace. I guess it doesn't craft quickly or in stacks.
Lava stone barrel+glowstone gets you endstone, unless that's been changed recently(no other way I know pre-mars for decent ender pearl production).
Could really use a barrel NEI plugin, I didn't know at first either...
Strange I haven't gotten hit by meteors yet, do all meteors do damage? Seen one right on top of my wall IIRC.

It seems endstone gets diminishing returns past a certain size(I made a 7x7x7 and it's better than my 11/12 one). Wondering if I should make multiple, or use something else...
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... (no other way I know pre-mars for decent ender pearl production).
There are six moon dungeons in a 1000m radius around the base. You could raid them as early as possible and hope for Ender Lilys from the chests. (I got 16 of them in the current save, more than enough to have a decent ender pearl supply.) The dungeons will also give lots of iron and glowstone, both pretty helpful that early in the game.

Decompose 4x compressed cobble for Titanium
Make titanium armor and sword
Make a glider (Lapis or gunpowder for sulfur, mushrooms or silk for nitrate)
Run through the dungeon and empty the chests
Cheese the boss fight (2 high wall just inside boss room, dig one down and remove bottom layer of the wall, hit the feet of the mob)
... collect goodies :)
About Iron

Most of the mod packs in Galactic Science are new to me, which is great. Early game, I am hitting a wall by being short on iron right now. It seems like the path is.... break down double cobblestone for chems; use silicon diox to create gravel; sieve gravel for broken iron ore (25%); use hammer on broken ore, cook, 1 iron ingot. So, sieve 15 (ish) gravel = 1 iron ingot?

(just saw the above raid idea as well)
How do I connect the EnderIO [Fluid Tank] to the EnderIO [Stirling Generator] ??

I have the output/input correct, because when I have them adjacent to each other the bucket of lava travels between the two properly.

But when I try using a pipe in between, the bucket of lava just stays in the [Fluid Tank].

The pipes I've tried is Extra Utilities [Transfer Pipe], Router Return [Inventory Cable].

The pipe/cable that does work is EnderIO [Item Conduit], but I don't have access to an [Alloy Smelter] yet.

How do I connect them using pipes?
Just curious, but without any map mod included, how to you determine 1000m range?
Counted the blocks when traveling to the dungeons. ... 872 ...873 ... 874 ... :) (Just kidding, I added Journeymap to the pack. The actual coordinates are posted all the way back on pg75.)

Early game, I am hitting a wall by being short on iron right now. It seems like the path is.... break down double cobblestone for chems; use silicon diox to create gravel; sieve gravel for broken iron ore (25%); use hammer on broken ore, cook, 1 iron ingot. So, sieve 15 (ish) gravel = 1 iron ingot?

There are several ways to get or save iron when starting out:
- Sieving Moon Rock has a chance to give meteorites. Each meteorite can be crafted into 3 iron gravel
- Make a cobble gen and autocraft the stone into triple or quadruple compressed cobble. The relocator tubes work great for that, the crafting modules don't need power. The quadruple compressed cobble has a 1:8 chance to generate a bunch of iron and silicon.
- Check the crafting recipes for alternatives. Pistons for example can be made with aluminium. Larger chests can be made as Copper->Silver->Diamond. (Never use Iron->Gold->Diamond. Gold will actually be the main bottleneck when starting with tier 2.)
- Quests and quests! If you made something for a quest and don't need it right away, check what you get from decomposing it. The Progressive Automation line has rewards that give tons of iron back, do it as soon as you can.
- The Observatory building is made from Quartz blocks. Four of these blocks can be turned into a stack of gravel for sifting. (But it's such a nice starter building, it feels like vandalism to break it down.)

The main advice: Get cobble gen and a semi automatic obsidian generator running as soon as possible. A single crucible on an Awesomite block generates enough gravel (via lava and obsidian) that you always have something to sieve. Then build the automated sieve and two Stirling generators and let it process the gravel while you do other stuff. The generators can be fueled by lava (one bucket lasts 8+ minutes) or the Methacrylate (one stack lasts 2.5 hours) until that can also be automated.

How do I connect the EnderIO [Fluid Tank] to the EnderIO [Stirling Generator] ??
I have the output/input correct, because when I have them adjacent to each other the bucket of lava travels between the two properly.
But when I try using a pipe in between, the bucket of lava just stays in the [Fluid Tank].
The pipes I've tried is Extra Utilities [Transfer Pipe], Router Return [Inventory Cable].
The pipe/cable that does work is EnderIO [Item Conduit], but I don't have access to an [Alloy Smelter] yet.
How do I connect them using pipes?
There is a quest to make Relocators ("Location Location Location"), they work perfectly for that. Connect tank and generator with a relocator, put Extractor modules on both sides and set them to pull one item every second. It will take the empty bucket from the generator, fill it in the tank and put a full bucket back in the generator.

The same setup is also great for connecting the Oxygen Compressor to a chest. Throw empty tanks into the chest, they get filled up and the full tanks go back into the chest. :)
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There is a quest to make Relocators ("Location Location Location"), they work perfectly for that. Connect tank and generator with a relocator, put Extractor modules on both sides and set them to pull one item every second. It will take the empty bucket from the generator, fill it in the tank and put a full bucket back in the generator.

The same setup is also great for connecting the Oxygen Compressor to a chest. Throw empty tanks into the chest, they get filled up and the full tanks go back into the chest. :)

Thank you, I finally figured it out. :)
hi, i'm trying to build a private server, but i can't generate maps, where is the file to change to enable terrain generation please ?
hi, i'm trying to build a private server, but i can't generate maps, where is the file to change to enable terrain generation please ?
You need to download one of the starter scenarios and upload it somehow to the server you have set up.
I've never done it myself but I think what you do is start a solo game from one of the two scenarios and quit. Go into the folder where the solo world save file is stored. Copy it and upload it to your server. You'll need to set you spawn somehow to that correct location and somehow you'll need to get a quest book and the starting items.

You need to play in a scenario world because there are starting items you need, the oxygen collector, saplings, bonemeal, etc. If you generate a world (its been awhile so I don't know if it is even possible to generate a brand new world) it won't have those starting things.
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