Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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So I've just started playing this mod pack, I've been having alot of fun with it so far.

I was really sceptical about learning the Mine checm mod, but with the way other methods of crafting/ collecting mats have been removed or restricted to higher tier materials, I finally gave up on other methods and starting playing with the chemicals and using this mod and it is alot of fun in this mod pack.

I like how the difficultly doesn't always make certain methods impossible, but still encourages a player to diversify their methods of addressing problems
Is it possible to travel to the other dimensions in RFTools? Also, I'm assuming whitestones aren't capable of being charged, right?

I love this pack! I'm a big fan of long, long grinds.
I'm pretty sure if you find dimlets and research them you should be able to create some dimensions and go to them as long as you can power them. I haven't tried though so maybe someone can verify?
Oh and you should also put in big reactors mod with some twists to recipes and stuff. I like its simplicity and efficiency while also having it challenging to get a super great one up and running. Also no craters if you mess up
Oh and you should also put in big reactors mod with some twists to recipes and stuff. I like its simplicity and efficiency while also having it challenging to get a super great one up and running. Also no craters if you mess up
there is nuclear craft ;)
How can I set up Galactic Sience in a Nitrado server? If I put the map on the server with Galactic Sience installed I just spawn in the Void and if I generate a world server side I just spawn on earth. Pleasa help.
there is a bash and batch script included that does everything for you. When you are using a hosting provider the system varies, as they know their system the best, I would recommend on contacting the nitrado support.
there is a bash and batch script included that does everything for you. When you are using a hosting provider the system varies, as they know their system the best, I would recommend on contacting the nitrado support.
Well yea but then I have to host it on my PC right? I mean if I do with the batch?
That is not an option. We won't do such game breaking changes. Not on the same version. 4Space works fine as it is atm, Galacticcraft, too. We are still using +half a year old ex nihilo ex astris... mods due to them not having been compatible for a long time. Those old version's didn't break anything. The latest is not always the best.

One of the packs goal is to get the user to think about solution's, trying out different stuff. While those storage solutions available might not suite your needs they achieve the goal of giving the user a challenge to figure out how to make it work.

Those that played tekkit classic and other packs pre 1.4.7 probably remember how solar factories and a like worked. There was no appEng, no advanced logistic pipes.. To craft a few high end solar panels you had to build a setup the size of the view distance. Like building a redstone calculator. That is what the pack aims for, getting the player back to being creative, spending hours on hours on optimizing the setup so that enough items are at the right spot at the right time.. Not, here is a storage, take what you need.

I see you haven't been installing mods on your minecraft for very long since you don't know the number one rule of installing/modding: Game breaking changes can, and WILL occur at some point as with all modpacks/mods and since it's one of the top reasons most mods or modpacks get abandoned I shouldn't really have to point this out to anyone here. Not to mention you only seem to be going on about AE2 being game breaking instead of acctually focusing on what you quoted or what you yourself wrote... if this modpack is going for 'underused mods' then why the most used galacticraft addon, one thats been completely and utterly dead as of Oct 23, 2015?

A unofficial rule for modpack creators that's pretty common is basically "don't shoot yourself in the foot" by using dead mods or mods with serious compatibilty issues so there less troublesome work in future updates. Not to mention as of the recent galacticraft updates there were some bug fixes such as the addon map movement glitch, addon added moon zoom bug, addon added space station capability, and galacticraft biomes being added to the forge dictionary. Changes that the More Planets and Galaxy Space addons not only used to fix such bugs in their addons but added compatibility for since they are still being activlly worked on while 4 space still has those old bugs and issues plus many, many more im still attempting to iron out as I come across them.

To make a long story short: Im working on maintaining 4 space and I can tell you right now, the current version your using WILL screw you over in the future and most likely in ways you least expect like obscure crashes with other mods or world corruption... and you will have no one to report the bug to in order to fix it since im quite busy just getting the planet Hera into a stable release state and squishing bugs Matt missed. Just because the modpack can use and old version of one mod doesn't mean all old versions will always work and it's common kowledge that the latest versions are the best options since they almost always have critical bug fixes, I honestly shouldn't have to spell that out ._.

Note: Want to know why im acctually pushing to swap out 4 space for More Planets other then the "More Planets fits the theme more"? From how my current bug hunts going there is a game breaking crash that rarely occurs when using any mod that affects rendering sky or blocks while in the dimension for Elipse... and thats only one of the many obscure ones im having issues hunting down the causes for(like how the game crashes sometimes with a ticking memory exception after traveling to another planet added by 4 space, still haven't even remotely found the cause of that one), it up to you to keep 4 space and shoot yourselves in your collective feet but don't say the current maintainer didn't warn you if a bug does come around and wreck your day at some point in the future.

Also if you happen to be using the past versions with all the rocket tiers instead of the current 1.9 or 2.0 versions that removed them before Matt left development(was in the process of redoing them from what I see in the code and what Matt himself said), my advice is don't since those are the most unstable of the bunch and the most likely to corrupt a world with prolonged use or just one mod not playing nice with 4 space and since such a crash is BAD yet very uncommon the player won't even see it coming before it hits and they lose everything in one fell swoop.

And if you fell like I replied to a old comment, im sorry but I have a life( and the bug hunts I mentioned already... bug hunts suck :/ ) and can't watch this thread 24/7 but from the reactions to my past comments I firmly believe what I said needed to be said since there seems to have been some serious miscommunication happening.
Now back to bug hunting... yaaay( turning sarcasm up to 11)
Good afternoon. It seems I have hit a road block with this pack if someone could offer some assistance? I am trying to make the book for Minechem in this pack and I cannot seem to get to the point to be able to make leather for the book to discover recipes so thay I may use the synthesizer to make gold. I need gold to move forward with any of the quests. I have completed all the quests I can up to this point. No quest has offered leather as a reward or a book either. Am I missing something? I also cannot use blood magic to do this as it required a special metal to make the altar. Help what am I missing? D: TLDR : I need gold and or leather to move forward. How do I get this without one or the other?
I see you haven't been installing mods on your minecraft for very long since you don't know the number one rule of installing/modding: Game breaking changes can, and WILL occur at some point as with all modpacks/mods and since it's one of the top reasons most mods or modpacks get abandoned I shouldn't really have to point this out to anyone here. Not to mention you only seem to be going on about AE2 being game breaking instead of acctually focusing on what you quoted or what you yourself wrote... if this modpack is going for 'underused mods' then why the most used galacticraft addon, one thats been completely and utterly dead as of Oct 23, 2015?
I don't understand what you want to say. What I get is, if a mod is going to be abandoned drop it for an alternative. For me that means *** the players that actively play the pack, start tweaking from the beginning and go back on beta level (its not a kitchen sink pack).
Please tell me how many galactic craft packs there had been on FTB in April? This pack has been created for the FTB Community which is not very familiar with the galactic craft mod as most official packs never included it. Please tell me which less known, stable and feature rich mod there is that could provide a similar aspect to the game.

A unofficial rule for modpack creators that's pretty common is basically "don't shoot yourself in the foot" by using dead mods or mods with serious compatibilty issues so there less troublesome work in future updates. Not to mention as of the recent galacticraft updates there were some bug fixes such as the addon map movement glitch, addon added moon zoom bug, addon added space station capability, and galacticraft biomes being added to the forge dictionary. Changes that the More Planets and Galaxy Space addons not only used to fix such bugs in their addons but added compatibility for since they are still being activlly worked on while 4 space still has those old bugs and issues plus many, many more im still attempting to iron out as I come across them.
The pack was started back in April, you should go by this time.
We do not have any game breaking bug reports about 4space, heck I think not even a non game breaking one. Again, why *** over players and start at the beginning with tweaking, complete quest overhaul.. for a new mod which we don't even know if it is more stable. Did you never hear of "never change a running system"? As a single end user this might not be bad, but on production level, doing this is shooting your self in the foot including your users.

Just because the modpack can use and old version of one mod doesn't mean all old versions will always work and it's common kowledge that the latest versions are the best options since they almost always have critical bug fixes, I honestly shouldn't have to spell that out ._.
Ever heard of the saying, fixing one bug causes 8 new ones? You can never tell which version is the most stable one until it has been used equally within a similar dimension. Security fixes are the best example for this. A bug has been found, is being fixed, the fix creates 10 new bugs that are much more serious, to name recent ones: adobe flash, dell foundation services.. On top please don't forget that these are security fixes done by a team of professionals with all hands on deck. Not a small fix done from a person at midnight with half focus.

Note: Want to know why im acctually pushing to swap out 4 space for More Planets other then the "More Planets fits the theme more"? From how my current bug hunts going there is a game breaking crash that rarely occurs when using any mod that affects rendering sky or blocks while in the dimension for Elipse... and thats only one of the many obscure ones im having issues hunting down the causes for(like how the game crashes sometimes with a ticking memory exception after traveling to another planet added by 4 space, still haven't even remotely found the cause of that one), it up to you to keep 4 space and shoot yourselves in your collective feet but don't say the current maintainer didn't warn you if a bug does come around and wreck your day at some point in the future.
In which universe are you putting hundreds of hours into working around something and frustrating your users to fix something that you are not experiencing. That is like, the iphone is having issues with its microphone and latest software libraries, we use the same components here, lets call all phones back and replace them with others, because we might run into the same issue once we update to the latest libraries.

How about doing some testing, seeing if 4space breaks if you update all the mods and if it does, let us know with facts, with something to from.

What is giving the insurance that the other mod is causing less issues (which is difficult with 0 known ones)? What is justifying the loss and frustration for the current players?
If we would start hunting for issues other packs are encountering, heck you would need a full time team.

If you have a strong opinion get the facts straight. Show data not assumptions.
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I'm on my sixth or seventh play through. I've never made the mine chem book. I don't think you need it. You need to sieve gravel to get gold. And leather can be made with minechem. You have to make proteins that make up leather. It is a painful process to make leather. Again, other than a single book to make an enchanting table, you don't need much leather. Once you have an enchanting table, you can use the extra magical wood blocks from making the quarry to empower your enchanting table. NEI has a recipe for making leather using proteins in minechem.
I see you haven't been installing mods on your minecraft for very long since you don't know the number one rule of installing/modding: Game breaking changes can, and WILL occur at some point as with all modpacks/mods and since it's one of the top reasons most mods or modpacks get abandoned I shouldn't really have to point this out to anyone here. Not to mention you only seem to be going on about AE2 being game breaking instead of acctually focusing on what you quoted or what you yourself wrote... if this modpack is going for 'underused mods' then why the most used galacticraft addon, one thats been completely and utterly dead as of Oct 23, 2015?

Well seems im missing the number one rule then. I still like to install the original settlers 2 from time to time and enjoy it. How could they dare to not update it the last 20 years.

Also we are working on updates, but esp. with mods, that change their maintainers every so often, then have no maintainers. Then they have a maintainer that says "lets screw everything, make a half assed rewrite and stop in the middle of the process"....
I was thinking of starting a new play through of the modpack but I wanted to see how much it would change if I had access to the overworld. Could you tell me how to enable it? I've been trying to find it for a while in configure but I can't seem to
Dude you should seriously make a play through walkthrough series of this. You are insane at it
I decided to start over this week and a few setups might be worth sharing.

Power Generation: It uses lava as fuel source. A cobble generator feeds the crucibles, the lava goes into an EnderIO Fluid Tank. The tank has two routers attached (both need machine upgrades), the routers are connected to a bank of Stirling generators. It needs a bucket for each generator, but that's pretty much it already. One router pulls the empty buckets out of the generators, they get filled up in the tank, the other router places them back into the generators.



This system leverages what needs to be built anyway (cobble gen and lava production) and is highly efficient. One crucible on an Awesomite block is able to support 8 generators, most of the cobble is actually used to make Triple Compressed cobblestone, most of the lava goes into a stone barrel to produce obsidian or endstone. - It works soooo much more betterer than a Hydrogen powerplant. :)

The displayed setup is actually overkill for T1, the real purpose is to have enough power to start with T2. It will generate 2000RF with the Octadic thingie upgrades, which allows to run an Ender Quarry (900RF), a sieve and hammer with 16 speed/32 fortune upgrades (970RF) and SAG Mill plus Alloy Smelter as needed. The capacitor banks will be controlled by an EnderIO monitor, which will turn the generators on and off depending on the energy level.

Automated T1 Ore Processing: It uses the Gravel barrel as input for the Automatic sieves, Transfer Nodes pull from the bottom, all ore fragments go into the Special Chest to the right, everything else into the Diamond chest to the left. Both chests are sitting on sorting pipes with filters to do the routing.



The Special Chest has a packaging upgrade attached that combines the gravel/sand/dust fragments into the ores. Gravel and sand is ejected into the hammerer sitting in front of the chest (via Advanced Ejection Upgrade and filters) hammered down and fed back into the chest. Attached to the back of the chest is another ejection+filter upgrade that moves the ore dust into a GC furnace.
The final ingots are pulled out from the bottom of the furnace, routed all the way around and end also up in the diamond chest.

The rest of the setup is pretty much standard.
Galacticraft machines to make the T2 rocket and the fuel.

Minechem synthesizer and decomposer linked to an array of Sorting Barrels.

Crafting and enchanting corner. First step at T2 will be to replace the furnaces with a SAG Mill and Alloy Smelter.

Automatic refilling for the oxygen tanks upstairs. The second Dimensional Chest is in the workshop, no running around necessary to swap out the tanks.

Outside of the base only the absolute minimum. PA tree farm, some sugar cane, soul sand production, ender lilies ... and the rocket ready to launch for Mars. :)

The complete setup is only temporary. As soon as the Mars quarry and the upgraded ore processing is working, I'll let it run for a couple of hours and build an actual moon base with workshops, bio dome, buildings for the MC reactor and power generation, oxygen production and dedicated launch complex. Should be fun to do during the weekend. :)
I know Nemsun and Ego went to the Overworld at least once by building a space station and falling off it to get to the Overworld. I'm not positive but Caithleen may have disabled space stations since then or just made impossible to get to. I think it was said that going to the Overworld breaks the pack. I do know that the Nether seems to be completely disabled, at least on the moon anyway.
Overworld and Nether absolutly break the packs balance. The cofh tpx command was referred quite often in this thread if you really want to give it a go thoo.
Ok, here is a video of the community server I put together this morning. Part of it in the middle got cut out, but its not too bad, I hope you enjoy.

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