Think i have brought this up many times before, but unsure if on this thread ... sooo ...
Mr. Newspaper : Hey Caithleen, how did you come to modpacking?
Caithleen : Well .. i was playing that new modpack, you know? Because I wanted to play around with draconic evolution. It was the only new stuff in that pack but it got my interest. So I punched trees, made picks, went to mining trips, made a quarry, the thermal machines, an ae system. Then some more dynamos for more power. Then a big reactor. And then suddenly I realized...
I was doing ALL THAT STUFF AGAIN. And whatfor? To play around with a single mod. That was the birth of "something fresh".
When was the last time you played around with retrievers? Filters? B-Space barrels? RFTools or modular storage? Yeah right. AE2 is a great mod, really. But its also the single-gofor mod for automation since its so good at it. Its been like this since AE1 (and when LP started to suck resourcewise), and the only change was that AE2 became a bit more tedious, but its still the SINGLE automation/storagemod that people strive for.
If i have AE2 in a pack, why should i make a modular storage? Or rely on barrels beside some storagebus stuff for e.g. cobble when i dont have a DSU (DSU=next all the time thingy). Thats why we dont have AE2 in here, but nice alternatives. If you are too lazy to check them out, this pack may not be for you. Or feel free to make a singleplayer world and add it yourself. But I wont do it
And before you ask - same goes for TiCon. Also a really great mod but soooo overused. Also ... smelteries on the moon? Nah!