This modpack is really fun, but it's insanely grindy. Is there any thing in the Edit Mods thing we could take out to fix that?![]()
Hmm, hit a hiccough with galacticraft. They changed the oil/fuel so placed blocks of oil/fuel will vanish on updating. That isn't a huge deal, but the default maps when loaded have the warning about the missing tiles, which is a bad first impression when loading up a modpack. I am not sure quite how to update the default maps, do I just load the world, save and then replace the level.dat? Or do I need to replace DIMM-28 and DIMM-112 folders as well?
Ahh, I have to replace the just level.dat but it needs to be sanitized first...
Automatic Sieve or Automatic Hammer I believe they are called. There is however nothing that exactly copies the behaviour of the AA
Note: it has to be extracted from the bottom.Use transfer node (item)
Note: it has to be extracted from the bottom.
I don't like the idea of cheating stuff in, but I'm playing with my daughters on a local LAN server and I'll work on quests on the side and I like them to be able to get rewards for the quests we do. I just give myself duplicates of the reward items and put them in a chest for the kiddos so they can see the progress made and open the reward bags.
That is the only cheating we do as we like the experience of building up to the higher tiers! We are almost ready to go to Mars now and they are having fun!
You can go into the config and set it so you both get the rewards for completed quests.
I'm kind of impressed that you already did the start of the stars quests, I've only just built my fire chamber (which made my game unplayable too), and at this point I've got permanent outposts on both mars and venus, with quarries chugging away at both sites.
Sounds like you guys are having fun with it too, you don't need to copy rewards though. Under the party settings in the quest book, you can specify how quests rewards are shared, including everyone getting the full amount of the reward. =)
I looked at the party options and that wasn't an option for me. We are having a blast, I have a 9 year old and a 5 year old that both love to play with me! You are further along than we are as we haven't built the TII rocket yet. We wanted to get the airlocks set up and get a full cow farm etc going for food as dehydrated melons and apples are getting old. We need some meatBefore we put our finished product for the sealed rooms' walls and floors though we built the rooms out of cobble so when we blow it up with the heart of star we could just rebuild it with the finish materials and worry about replacement stars later (I honestly stumbled upon the heart of star and wasn't trying to complete the quests. I got a depleted nether star as a reward from a legendary bag and was looking into its uses and that is why we are working on that.)
That brings me to another question. The Oxygen Bubble distributor, according to a wiki, only has a radius of 9 or 10 at maximum power if I'm understanding it correctly. This means I can only have roughly 270 fire or so as a maximum within that radius and then replacement cost for the bubble distributor etc. after it gets blown up is annoying. Is there a way to increase the bubble radius, or is it fixed? Thanks for the help!
And thank you too Caithleen for the awesome ingenuity of this modpack. I was pretty much done with Minecraft til this came along!
You can place platforms above and below the forming star for more fire space. To prevent it blowing up the netherrack I placed an obsidian block and then 3 blocks above that another obsidian block, then water on top of that. That will make water flow on the 4 cardinal directions, but the blast can still come out the diagonal corners, so just place and break a block on the 4 sides of the obsidian the water is on to make it flow out more and cover the diagonals. The water stops all block damage from explosions, so a ring of netherrack around it and a platform a few blocks down should be enough to reach 499 fire (don't do 500, currently bugged)
Heh, I have no cows, instead I just eat apples whenever I'm near my tree farm (currently I have 3 large tree farms pumping out logs that get turned into charcoal that gets transformed into syngas which is then converted into power, I'm considering upgrading soon though as I'm starting to reach the limit of what can be accomplished with that system without it being ridicolously large. I built the rocket almost at the start though, thinking it was more important to just get off the surface. =)
I have a little sister that I play with from time to time, though far more vanilla-esque mods as she seems to have an aversion to all the technical stuff in many mods.
I'm glad happy and surprised to hear about the explosion, surprised because I hadn't heard of that before, and happy because 1) then I'm forewarned, and 2) I actually built my chamber from stone too, and it's a pretty rudimentary design, so if I manage to mess up the anti explosion system, then at least I won't have blown up more valuable resources.
Though at this point I could probably build it from iron or even gold without noticing a serious dent in my resources xD