Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...To make the charcoal to burn for power to power the sieve to get me ores that doesn't output enough coal fast enough to power itself? What am I missing here?

Why make charcoal when you can split water for hydrogen? I assume that is what you're missing. :) Stirlings can burn minechem hydrogen.

I would have never figured it out either without reading about it, since I hadn't used minechem before now. Presumably if minechem is used in kitchen sink packs they tweak the power requirement for the decomposer/synthesizer so you can't do things like power an empire off of a single fluid transfer node and two water source blocks.
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so how do you auto craft gravel in the chemical synth? i have everything else automated apart from this.


also whenever i try to put down a oxygen sealer and power it my world gets corrupted, ive had to restart from an hour before i got my first heart of the star twice, any suggestions?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so how do you auto craft gravel in the chemical synth? i have everything else automated apart from this.
For me, I pump in the materials needed and then I take it out of the bottom (to take the crafted item out, you HAVE to take it out of the bottom for automation). What I use to move the items around is transfer nodes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
also whenever i try to put down a oxygen sealer and power it my world gets corrupted, ive had to restart from an hour before i got my first heart of the star twice, any suggestions?
On the very first page, the first post about the modpack has a github link. You can send your problem there, along with a log as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are feathers the only decent source of nitrogen? More than 90% of the decomp recipes are just other chemicals, and so far everything seems to have feathers at its root. How am I supposed to get nitrogen? Feathers are non-existent.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are feathers the only decent source of nitrogen? More than 90% of the decomp recipes are just other chemicals, and so far everything seems to have feathers at its root. How am I supposed to get nitrogen? Feathers are non-existent.

Mushrooms, Cocoa beans, some other things. Easiest is probably to get a bit of nitrogen from mushrooms, then synth cocoa beans and jungle wood and start a cocoa bean farm since they grow nice and quick.

Feathers can be had from baby zombie jockeys. I had an adventure catching a chicken in a soul vial that way to get a spawner only to finish a quest the same day that also gave a broken chicken spawner, doh.


how do i get the schematic for the teir 2 rocket is it a quest reward or do i have to find a moon duengon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Early I use a decomposer to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. I feed the hydrogen to starlings as Twisto suggests and dump the oxygen in a barrel with a void upgrade. Over time I upgrade that. Before I go to mars I have a system with 96 Stirlings which produces 1920 rf/tick. After I come back from Mars I make another identical system and I start making Octadic capacitor upgrades for all 192 Stirlings giving me a system that produces 7120 rf/t. It takes a while to make that many capacitors. Eventually I build a fusion chamber and that requires a lot of power so I build an advanced generator that produces 25K rf/t. Once I start making Naq, I'll need every bit of that power I can get.

At every stage of the process I have a tree farm. I upgraded it here and there, over and over until it has a diamond chopper with enough upgrades to be 11x11. It is fully automated so that other than flipping a switch every a few days to automatically make iron axes to keep it working, I don't have to mess with it. It produces enough wood to keep me supplied for all the chests, barrels, and barrel upgrades, etc that I'll ever need. Other than a few moments early on, I haven't needed to bonemeal trees. Every barrel in my base is fully upgraded to level 7, and has all the storage upgrades to give it 2 million capacity.. Once all my barrels were upgraded, I feed the logs into a decomposer to make cellulose, and feed that into another decomposer to make carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They Hydrogen and Carbon I use to make propane to feed the advanced generator. Yes, I could also make the methylmethacrylate. But as I said earlier, Caithleen said you get more bang for you buck just making propane. Perhaps its the multiple steps to make the meth and the actually MMA combined with 2 decomp steps to make the ingredients that causes the problem. I don't know.

Episode 23 will be live in under 2 hours....



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have found something from my searching.
First off, the RF required to synthesize the chemical and the RF to decompose items is negligible.

Anyway, this is the solution to our answer of which is better, propane or methyl metacrylate.
Note: I do not mean to insult anyone with this, this is just to settle an argument.

Yes, I did all that math too at one point. I watched GennyB's live stream where he set up a MMA producing system with Caithleen's guidance. I used MMA in one of my several play throughs.

I asked Caithleen while we were doing the community server world what fuel I should use for the advanced generator. He said just use Propane. I explained I had a way to make carbon and hydrogen and oxygen easily that would most likely keep up with the adv gen fuel requriements, he said just use propane. He never said why. I could easily convert my system in my current solo world over to using MMA. The adv gen is already fully fueled and its capacitors are full. Honestly I think either works about the same. You can power a MMA producing system off of carrots if you can supplement the oxygen (which is easy to do, decomp water for oxygen and hydrogen). During development I think the idea was for this elegant system that would make 1 MMA for 1 carrot and early you could run it through stirlings and then later adv gens, but it turned out it was 1 oxygen short. That is why the quest line is called I was bad at math.

But I will say Caithleen had some ideas I didn't agree with about the Stirlings. He said long term they wasted hydrogen. I didn't understand that. My system made hydrogen and oxygen for free, no touch required. The advanced generators Caithleen set up had some router system I didn't understand feeding them the carbon and hydrogen to make propane, and this bypass system that would make rocket fuel. When we used the fusion reactor it would burn through all the carbon and shut down, and the entire power system would come to a halt. It happened a few times. You were supposed to throw logs in the decomposer before it got to that point, but when you are building and there are a few people on the server its easy to miss when it gets low. To fix it I would have to disconnect several things and reroute power to get it running again, and then change it back to how he had it. After a few days of that I decided to redesign the entire power system/resource production system/storage system. By then most everyone had stopped playing, there were just a few of us playing every now and then and Caithleen would log on once a day or so. So I spent a weekend, about 32 hours total, tearing the entire base down and putting it back together. The GS community server video on my play list is after I finished that process.

There was one funny moment, Caithleen hadn't logged on in a while and I had half the base tore down. Nothing was working, and there was this huge ugly hole where a wall used to be. He logged on and there I was, with an RR pick in my hand and guilty look on my face. I was like, ok, let me splain.... Caithleen looked around for a few minutes and said, I'd like to see what it looks like when its done. And logged off.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how would i got about getting quartz for an ender quarry?
You can make soul sand and run that through a sieve. It will produce ghast tears, nether quartz and nether wart. To make soul sand, feed water into barrel surrounded by mycelium (use ancient spores on dirt to make mycelium). Shift right click sand into the barrel after the water turns into witch water. The sand turns into soul sand. The process is automatable. Feed water into the side of the barrel, feed sand in from the top, pull soul sand from the bottom.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know they removed old Modular System and you are supposed to clear those item before updating..
Does that means that I cant use Modular System anymore? My world is crashing as soon as I place a the newly crafter modular storage


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I did all that math too at one point. I watched GennyB's live stream where he set up a MMA producing system with Caithleen's guidance. I used MMA in one of my several play throughs.

I asked Caithleen while we were doing the community server world what fuel I should use for the advanced generator. He said just use Propane. I explained I had a way to make carbon and hydrogen and oxygen easily that would most likely keep up with the adv gen fuel requriements, he said just use propane. He never said why. I could easily convert my system in my current solo world over to using MMA. The adv gen is already fully fueled and its capacitors are full. Honestly I think either works about the same. You can power a MMA producing system off of carrots if you can supplement the oxygen (which is easy to do, decomp water for oxygen and hydrogen). During development I think the idea was for this elegant system that would make 1 MMA for 1 carrot and early you could run it through stirlings and then later adv gens, but it turned out it was 1 oxygen short. That is why the quest line is called I was bad at math.

But I will say Caithleen had some ideas I didn't agree with about the Stirlings. He said long term they wasted hydrogen. I didn't understand that. My system made hydrogen and oxygen for free, no touch required. The advanced generators Caithleen set up had some router system I didn't understand feeding them the carbon and hydrogen to make propane, and this bypass system that would make rocket fuel. When we used the fusion reactor it would burn through all the carbon and shut down, and the entire power system would come to a halt. It happened a few times. You were supposed to throw logs in the decomposer before it got to that point, but when you are building and there are a few people on the server its easy to miss when it gets low. To fix it I would have to disconnect several things and reroute power to get it running again, and then change it back to how he had it. After a few days of that I decided to redesign the entire power system/resource production system/storage system. By then most everyone had stopped playing, there were just a few of us playing every now and then and Caithleen would log on once a day or so. So I spent a weekend, about 32 hours total, tearing the entire base down and putting it back together. The GS community server video on my play list is after I finished that process.

There was one funny moment, Caithleen hadn't logged on in a while and I had half the base tore down. Nothing was working, and there was this huge ugly hole where a wall used to be. He logged on and there I was, with an RR pick in my hand and guilty look on my face. I was like, ok, let me splain.... Caithleen looked around for a few minutes and said, I'd like to see what it looks like when its done. And logged off.

Yeah, weird if Caithleen says that propane is the best, even though there is a quest for Methyl Methacrylate. Maybe she (wait, is Caithleen a boy or a girl?) was trying to have a little fun and mess you up just a bit. But maybe Caithleen was a bit tired and didn't think about it, so she said propane. I have heard many players think propane was a very good fuel source to synthesize, so maybe Caithleen thought that too. Anyway, to automate the methyl methacrylate production, you will have a backlog of oxygen sadly. Man, I wish there were special uses for oxygen. The modpack ME^4 needed a ton of oxygen for an item only available through synthesizing.
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