[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That man deserves a medal. It worked perfectly ... a bit too perfect since I was far outside my base and died in a newly generated lavapool *LOL*
Does this finally mean I won't have to sit at a crucible pulling ingots out of a mold now? :D

Is it safe to delete the entire level.dat instead of pruning it to regenerate it from scratch? Or is this going to result in there being no starting base? I'm asking because I want to start from scratch on 1.3.0 and I'm too impatient to wait for karma to update the map him/herself. :p

I believe the level.dat file holds the overall information regarding you and the entire world. The information regarding the physical structure of the world (ie. all of the blocks, entities, and tile entities are stored within the files in the region directory). Deleting the level.dat file effectively deletes the entire save as far as Minecraft is concerned. If you want to keep your base and your inventory you have to use MCEdit and use the prune function to remove everything except for your base (make sure you are inside the chunks that you want to keep or you might die when you load your world).

Hey, Do I also need to MC EDIT the world or only to do this ? Because i did that and i dont see anything different to my world ? Should i explore far away from places I haven't been to get then new stuff ?

The MCEdit part is to remove the terrain, deleting the files I listed is so that the regenerated terrain has new random stuff.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On a multiplayer server. Running 1.3.0. How are people supposed to complete the first quest (Getting Armed!) if someone else has already taken the bow/sword.

Am I missing something?

Anyone? ;_; I'm not sure if I understand how this modpack works in a multiplayer environment


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If the players aren't online and in a party at this moment, I guess they lost there chance to complete it. Guess all that is left then ist to use hqm edit to alter its status (was mentioned here on some occasions).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone? ;_; I'm not sure if I understand how this modpack works in a multiplayer environment

It works fine on a smaller server, probably won't work on a public server.
If you have a few friends that you play with, make sure they all are in one party before you start completing quests. You can edit party via quest book, it's on the same screen where you see your lives. Once everyone is in the party, they will get credit for quests even when offline. If you already started without someone, you can either restart or use /hqm edit to reset quests/catch them up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
alright, no one answered my question so I'm going to repost it:

hi guys, we're using 1.2.6 and we have reached the quest with the bacterial goo. We are pumping the goo into the qds but for some reason it's just drinking the goo and it's not completing the quest. For full information yes, the quest is most definitely bound to the qds as the vine submission worked perfectly. Any help or advice?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
alright, no one answered my question so I'm going to repost it:

hi guys, we're using 1.2.6 and we have reached the quest with the bacterial goo. We are pumping the goo into the qds but for some reason it's just drinking the goo and it's not completing the quest. For full information yes, the quest is most definitely bound to the qds as the vine submission worked perfectly. Any help or advice?
Have you tried any other pipes, or just the buildcraft pipes. If you got to space you ought to be able to use the EnderIO liquid conduits right? Other than that i'm sure it has to be an item id issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you everyone for answering questions thus far!

I have another issue (still running 1.3.0). I seem to be spending 99% of the time focusing on crafting/harvesting materials for Leaves Cider, to keep hydration levels up. It feels quite odd to be spending so much time on this one issue as I progress through the pack, so it makes me question whether there might be something wrong or not. I checked the OP for changelog and there doesn't seem to be anything for 1.3.0 listed.

Is Leaves Cider the only way to keep hydration up? Thanks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would harvest snow balls (from the dungeon castles for instance) and make snow blocks out of them. Hammer away on an mariculture anvil and put the snow clumps in a bottle. Heat the bottle up in a furnace and then use two leaves on each bottle. This will give you fresh water which can be used in camel packs. I prefer this way to the leaves cider. wont have to cook up leather, and doesn't consume that many leaves.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having some issues with water freezing in the latest version. I have a couple of big pools of water (outside, but covered), and since I updated they seem to freeze instantly as soon as I walk over them (although they look like water up to that point). They're also behaving like a cross between water and ice - I can break and collect the ice with a silk touch pick, but it flows in and fills the gap like water.

This is a 1.2.5 map that I've been updating, if that makes a difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is mariculture bugged?

Fish feeder keeps buging out for me. Trying to get magical droplet from clownfish.

Sometimes complaining about not enough water.
After each night the mod will not reset as the temperature is back to normal. Have remove the fishes and put em back in or the heating elements to reset the mod.
Food disappering all of a sudden.

Is it the mod it self that is bugged or is it tweaks that caused it to have fits?

feeders got a chunkloader in the area.
No squids spawning and a roof that keeps the ice away. Only water sources as well.

Have used the mod before in skyislands and had no problem at all automating the process.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having some issues with water freezing in the latest version. I have a couple of big pools of water (outside, but covered), and since I updated they seem to freeze instantly as soon as I walk over them (although they look like water up to that point). They're also behaving like a cross between water and ice - I can break and collect the ice with a silk touch pick, but it flows in and fills the gap like water.

This is a 1.2.5 map that I've been updating, if that makes a difference.
Do your boots have the cold touch enchantment? I had the same issue with an underground pool until I realized it was my boots.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I pruned my world with MCEdit 1.3, but all the terrain that generates when the game is reloaded is completely flat. There are no spires or hills or bunkers at all. The only features are the odd bit or sand. Any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do you switch between the food modes? Right now my SMP server has the 50 consumes before DR kicks in, but on my offline world it's the last 12 food eaten thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do you switch between the food modes? Right now my SMP server has the 50 consumes before DR kicks in, but on my offline world it's the last 12 food eaten thing.
The Last 12 food eaten thing takes effect after the 50 times are up


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I pruned my world with MCEdit 1.3, but all the terrain that generates when the game is reloaded is completely flat. There are no spires or hills or bunkers at all. The only features are the odd bit or sand. Any ideas?

Check this post: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...ersion-1-3-1stable.56701/page-350#post-984755

It explains what you have to do to generate a "Blast Off" style world. I did it just this way, and it worked perfectly. Make sure to have a backup in case something goes wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anybody know what i have to kill for the first Quest in "The End Dimension"? I killed the Dragon and fished some Raw Enderfish but neither seems to be what the quest wants.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
any idea why i dont have any sounds in game besides this new added fight music? and i restarted sound engine many times by pressing f3+s did not work ;(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is exactly why I haven't checked myself lol, any time I find any I have none on hand.
Was able to try it out now. But it only launched the Eye of Ender toward the End Portal. So either i did something wrong (maybe rightclick on the Summoner is wrong) or that feature was removed as well.