[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seem to have a couple new issues with 1.3. One, whenever I go to the bottom level of a dungeon, I just start taking continuous damage. And two, my alumite cleaver gives me mining fatigue 3 now. Also, if I log out and back in with items in the vat processing, I seem to lose them.

Actually, whenever I go to y12 I start taking damage.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those who want to prune their map so they get new terrain generation, to make sure it works you will need to take the following steps:

Before you do anything, make sure you are in your base or you might fall into a lava pool like BrowserXL did. Link

First, prune the savefile so that only the chunks that you want are saved.
Then you need to delete the following files within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\(yoursavefile)\" directory:
(example: within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\EzCore1.2.8" directory)
AE2\compass (the entire directory)
AE2\spawndata (the entire directory)
weather2\VolcanoData.dat (and all of the backup files for VolcanoData.dat)

And if you really want to make sure that you get random terrain generation, repeat all of the above for the savefile within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\template" directory. (Pruning of the map and deleting of the files and directories listed above.)
Hey, Do I also need to MC EDIT the world or only to do this ? Because i did that and i dont see anything different to my world ? Should i explore far away from places I haven't been to get then new stuff ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also I have problem with Using anvil+hammer on Double compressed cobblestone to make Stone gears .. On 1.2.6 it works but on 1.2.7 and 1.3.0 it doesn't ( and yes I have LEVELS EXP) Please give me a hand how to fix that I don't want to downgrade every time I need to make couple of gears


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also I have problem with Using anvil+hammer on Double compressed cobblestone to make Stone gears .. On 1.2.6 it works but on 1.2.7 and 1.3.0 it doesn't ( and yes I have LEVELS EXP) Please give me a hand how to fix that I don't want to downgrade every time I need to make couple of gears
I am having the same problems


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, Do I also need to MC EDIT the world or only to do this ? Because i did that and i dont see anything different to my world ? Should i explore far away from places I haven't been to get then new stuff ?

I pruned my world with MCEdit before following the instructions. When you follow those, you get a complete new world according to karmars specs outside the pruned area. I did it because I didn't want to endlessly run to find the new structures (had about 2000 blocks discovered in all directions).
Now I have a nice volcano close to my house which I shall pay a visit soon :)

I think when you don't prune your world, you will have to uncover new areas to have a chance for the new structures. So its best not to make some far exploration trips before updating ... and always remember ... backups are your friend.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did anyone hace trouble turning in the 4k storage cell? I can't and now can't continue the quest line. If there a fix to this or a way around it?

Also does anyone have a Sphax texture pack? I've tried to cobble one together but keep getting extreme FPS drops when i use it (sticks at 5-8 fps)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also I have problem with Using anvil+hammer on Double compressed cobblestone to make Stone gears .. On 1.2.6 it works but on 1.2.7 and 1.3.0 it doesn't ( and yes I have LEVELS EXP) Please give me a hand how to fix that I don't want to downgrade every time I need to make couple of gears
Type /mt reload


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did anyone hace trouble turning in the 4k storage cell? I can't and now can't continue the quest line. If there a fix to this or a way around it?

Also does anyone have a Sphax texture pack? I've tried to cobble one together but keep getting extreme FPS drops when i use it (sticks at 5-8 fps)
Use /hqm edit to fix it....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what's really good and makes your life super easy? Mariculture's crucible furnaces. They pretty much play the game for you. I hope karmacharger won't remove them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On a multiplayer server. Running 1.3.0. How are people supposed to complete the first quest (Getting Armed!) if someone else has already taken the bow/sword.

Am I missing something?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Updated Flaxbeard ... Easier automation!
Does this finally mean I won't have to sit at a crucible pulling ingots out of a mold now? :D

For those who want to prune their map so they get new terrain generation, to make sure it works you will need to take the following steps:

Before you do anything, make sure you are in your base or you might fall into a lava pool like BrowserXL did. Link

First, prune the savefile so that only the chunks that you want are saved.
Then you need to delete the following files within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\(yoursavefile)\" directory:
(example: within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\EzCore1.2.8" directory)
AE2\compass (the entire directory)
AE2\spawndata (the entire directory)
weather2\VolcanoData.dat (and all of the backup files for VolcanoData.dat)

And if you really want to make sure that you get random terrain generation, repeat all of the above for the savefile within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\template" directory. (Pruning of the map and deleting of the files and directories listed above.)
Is it safe to delete the entire level.dat instead of pruning it to regenerate it from scratch? Or is this going to result in there being no starting base? I'm asking because I want to start from scratch on 1.3.0 and I'm too impatient to wait for karma to update the map him/herself. :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since some poeple seem to be talking about enchants and stuff I thought I would share how I removed enchants from Items.
Pneumaticcraft "vacuum" chamber
just have to get it down to -0.75 bar and it will take an enchant off an item and onto a book (random enchant)
but here is what makes it quite awesome, it doesnt damage the item or even require it to be at full dur for this to work
you can rip the enchants for magical wood AND melt it down in the smeltery

Was also good for getting rid of that bloody magnet enchant (then I made the belt to be able to toggle(got mag 4 on it too))

I wouldnt do that, because the enchanted items render more magical wood then 1...thus costing less gold and bookcases. I will try to enchant wooden boots with lvl 1 enchants and see if i still get more magical wood from it... I'll be back!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those who want to prune their map so they get new terrain generation, to make sure it works you will need to take the following steps:

Before you do anything, make sure you are in your base or you might fall into a lava pool like BrowserXL did. Link

First, prune the savefile so that only the chunks that you want are saved.
Then you need to delete the following files within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\(yoursavefile)\" directory:
(example: within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\EzCore1.2.8" directory)
AE2\compass (the entire directory)
AE2\spawndata (the entire directory)
weather2\VolcanoData.dat (and all of the backup files for VolcanoData.dat)

And if you really want to make sure that you get random terrain generation, repeat all of the above for the savefile within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\template" directory. (Pruning of the map and deleting of the files and directories listed above.)
Thank you for this, I've been meaning to do it for my own world and am glad to see someone more knowledgeable in these matters was able to provide help for it!

Not sure if it is a glitch or not, but when you get leaves cider and put in crafting table, you get x amount of bottles back (however many you put in crafting). If you then take the fresh water and put it in a camel pack via crafting, you get 4 more bottles back ( thats the max amount of bottles you can put in camel pack). Doing this, you can duplicate and get as many bottles as you want. Its very minor, but still.

Edit: I also found out that dried apples heal almost all saturation. Very OP to me, again, not sure if intended or glitch/bug
Dried apples will only do that when your diminished rewards are empty for it.
So I keep a lot of one bar fillers on hand so I can remove the diminishing returns quickly lol

-Major exploit fix @Xolan
-Updated Flaxbeard ... Easier automation!

Taking a break for a while after this :3
I was following the MCF thread for Flaxbeard and saw the automation update and was wondering how long it would be before I see it implemented, it seems that it was not long in the slightest, THANKS!

I pruned my world with MCEdit before following the instructions. When you follow those, you get a complete new world according to karmars specs outside the pruned area. I did it because I didn't want to endlessly run to find the new structures (had about 2000 blocks discovered in all directions).
Now I have a nice volcano close to my house which I shall pay a visit soon :)

I think when you don't prune your world, you will have to uncover new areas to have a chance for the new structures. So its best not to make some far exploration trips before updating ... and always remember ... backups are your friend.
Red mob boots of bonus speed plus MyFit speed plus bottle of mana speed boosts gets you pretty far pretty quickly.
Or... you could make more Sync shells. Those work for interplanetary travel right...?

So I was looking into the Primitive Mobs mod, apparently summoners can be traded with, has anyone tried this?
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