[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I explored the new map a bit, i like the more frequent bunkers, Rogues are gone? I must have missed that in the change post.

also, I don't know if you are planning to use the toggle bus on the me system instead of "break the cable" i did notice that the stirling generator and the energy acceptor are connected to the IO port and not the energy cells? so it will only charge while also draining power? I had a hard time finding the io port at first maybe you move it onto the wall?
I got this to work. There's even plenty of room for instructive signs.
View attachment 14879

Seems like the deep dark would be a good place for funky locomotion quests centered on a frame quarry maybe.
Remove the facades so that i can see? :"P


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry I thought i was far enough over to see that. game crashed and i want to hit the rack, the ME toggle bus is connected to the energy acceptor (it's a micropart) behind the facade just above the lever. other than that the facades are just covering fluix cable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I explored the new map a bit, i like the more frequent bunkers, Rogues are gone? I must have missed that in the change post.

also, I don't know if you are planning to use the toggle bus on the me system instead of "break the cable" i did notice that the stirling generator and the energy acceptor are connected to the IO port and not the energy cells? so it will only charge while also draining power? I had a hard time finding the io port at first maybe you move it onto the wall?
I got this to work. There's even plenty of room for instructive signs.
View attachment 14879

Seems like the deep dark would be a good place for funky locomotion quests centered on a frame quarry maybe.

Edit: i finally found a rogue dungeon, but pretty far from the base, just before my game crashed. something about [at net.minecraft.world.World.func_147439_a(World.java:346)]
Done :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i updated to the latest beta, blacksmith's anvil aint working again. This time i have xp. I can make the original mariculture rings and stuffs, but not gears why???

Edit: Snow lumps do work as well


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From inside with the fans off and lighting on:
View attachment 14871
They seem to fight against the fans, especially near the drop hole.
The drop is 40 blocks, and ends in a smeltery

Remove the fans from the sections of cursed earth, it's not really needed. Lower the drop between the channel and the platforms 1 block to make it 2 high, they aren't afraid to fall 2 blocks and they wont be able to get out. Stack 3 or 6 openblocks fans on each channel, touching each other, this makes them a lot stronger, they will push farther and stuff wont be able to fight the push. A drop of 40 is too much, I don't think the liquid in the smeltery acts like liquid and prevents fall damage, so that drop would kill most things and your smeltery would collect almost no blood or liquid ender. For a smeltery grinder you want to ideally drop them directly into the smeltery, with no extra falling, every tick of damage they take is more blood/ender.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really like the new map, not regretting to have started over again :)
Especially that the spires become not so crowded anymore, makes it really nice to explore more. And with this I really love the adventure-backpack, helps so much with exploring.
Actually I suggest maybe making a little sidequest for the backpack so people get a little hint that it is in and a great way if you have to move long distances. :)
(a quest about crafting the adventure-backpack not giving it as questreward for other stuff you send in. Just to not be missunderstood.)

A little bug I had with the enderman-quest: It seemes like the enderman with the "Hardcore Ender Expansion"-tag didn't count towards the quest. (did kill two of them but the quest was not completed)

And one more little suggestion about quests: Maybe change the "Vacuum"-quest from the flaxbeard quest-tree.
The problem I see there is, that for mobfarms - as shown a few postings aboth - the fans are a better goal to reach than the vacuum-things I think. But to craft the vacuum-stuff you need to sacrifice the fans you made before.
Maybe change it to craft the chest-piece of the flaxbeard armor with the hint in the text that you can modify the flaxbeard-armor. Like with the jetpack that would be pretty much your first option for early flight I think.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As usual, backup worlds before updating

Version 1.2.6
-Galgador changes....
-Fixed some botania bugs
-Smelting hardened ores get 1.5 ingots
-Added Buildcraft addition
-Added Eureka
-Modtweaked Buildcraft addition into Flaxbeard
-Removed JustAnotherSpawner (Fix some bugs)
-Lowered Enderman slave's base health to 50 from 140
-Lowered Skeleton base health to 20 from 60or80 cant rmb
-Lowered Zombie base health to 20
-Disabled Pigman Major 100% infernal
-Enabled Pigman 100% infernal
-Lowered Blaze master base health to 150~200
-Mekanism quest fixes
-New world (Aesthetics changes) , the spatial drives from the quest may not be able to use in old world... If you are on old world use server quests to get reward...
- ____Sirlion___ Quest fixes again >_<
-All vanilla food can only be cooked in vat
-Lowered zombie aggro range to 20 blocks from 60 blocks
-Updated Pnematicraft
-Updated Galacticraft
-Updated Botania
-Enderman quest changed to enderman slaves :3
-Updated chest mod, Doesnt insta break, compatible with the inv sort mod....
-changed some modtweaker recipes
-Fixed the lava pump quest
-Fixed the Hardened clay -> hardener recipe...
-Adjusted mekanism generators values....
-Fixed some environmine configs :3
-Changed machine frames to require Stabalized metal & Osmium .... ( because i broke the tech tree of galga D:)
-Added Utility mobs :3
-Reverted Mekanism power to mostly default values.... Solar generator outputs 3 times more power though
-Added Skystone-> Silicon Recipe
- Infernal mobs spawns 1/30 mobs from 1/15 ( basically they are rarer!)
-Fixed Botania recipes
-Obsidian pick is the same tier as copper now :p
-Cake recipe now returns spider egg shell so that you can right click it on baby spider for new egg
-Disabled Meteorite pick
-Added diamond armor/tools -> diamonds recipe for the pneumaticraft pressure chamber
-Added Utility mobs quests (repeatable)
-Added 1-2 BCA quest
-Changed Lore
-Changed Lore's reader accordingly
-Revamped Flaxbeard quest rewards
-Steve carts quest move around
-AE quests now can be started at any time


Forum Addict
Team Member
Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
See, I'm done with this whole fiasco now. The last few of karmarchargers posts have been in response to the easiest things to respond to, just like what Delerium said. I never ever once ever at all EVER said anything about silicone, but karmarchager is touting it as some form of response to the issues I'm raising, despite how utterly unrelated it is.

Karmarcharger, I suggest you read the following with the most literal-minded literal-mindedness in mind, because I'm going to put it as simply as possible so maybe you'll finally understand, even if you'll completely ignore the topic so you don't look bad trying to justify your own stupidity:

1: You are bad at modpack development. Your pack is highly unstable, and should be noted as such. You obviously never playtest your pack in the slightest, and that's painfully clear. When people give you bug reports and feedback, you're just as likely to ignore anything that's even remotely negative as not. It seems you take every little thing personally and you refuse to listen to any form of criticism, constructive or otherwise.

2: You are, by all appearances, vastly stupid. Point one very much outlines this, and I'll go farther to say that instead of dealing with issues, you prefer to ignore the majority of anyone's argument and try to find the quickest way to make some half-assed bandaid solution to a problem they didn't even have so you can say you're doing something.

3: You seem to think that mindless manual grind is the same as pack longevity and fun. It's not. It's only a way to drive people away from your pack. That you require Galgadorian whatever for virtually every machine beyond the basics is absurd, and no matter how many times it's brought up that that just doesn't work, you put a bandaid on it instead of addressing the damned issue.

Honestly, I think you shouldn't be allowed to make any more modpacks. You have no idea how to listen to anything anyone says, you've no idea how version numbers work, you can't be bothered to playtest your own pack or use stable mods half the time, and all in all, you're the most arrogant little prick I've had the displeasure of dealing with. Maybe once the praise from all the morons who hold the opinion that you could never do any wrong finally gets out of your vastly over-inflated head, then you'll be able to handle the feedback you keep ignoring.

Good day and good bloody riddance.
I wouldn't usually reply to a post from two pages ago, but I'm going to go out of my way this time. This is karma's pack and karma's thread. As long as he isn't breaking any forum rules, which he isn't, he can do whatever the hell he likes. If you don't like it, you can just not reply.


Jul 29, 2019
As usual, backup worlds before updating

Version 1.2.6
-Galgador changes....
-Fixed some botania bugs
-Smelting hardened ores get 1.5 ingots
-Added Buildcraft addition
-Added Eureka
-Modtweaked Buildcraft addition into Flaxbeard
-Removed JustAnotherSpawner (Fix some bugs)
-Lowered Enderman slave's base health to 50 from 140
-Lowered Skeleton base health to 20 from 60or80 cant rmb
-Lowered Zombie base health to 20
-Disabled Pigman Major 100% infernal
-Enabled Pigman 100% infernal
-Lowered Blaze master base health to 150~200
-Mekanism quest fixes
-New world (Aesthetics changes) , the spatial drives from the quest may not be able to use in old world... If you are on old world use server quests to get reward...
- ____Sirlion___ Quest fixes again >_<
-All vanilla food can only be cooked in vat
-Lowered zombie aggro range to 20 blocks from 60 blocks
-Updated Pnematicraft
-Updated Galacticraft
-Updated Botania
-Enderman quest changed to enderman slaves :3
-Updated chest mod, Doesnt insta break, compatible with the inv sort mod....
-changed some modtweaker recipes
-Fixed the lava pump quest
-Fixed the Hardened clay -> hardener recipe...
-Adjusted mekanism generators values....
-Fixed some environmine configs :3
-Changed machine frames to require Stabalized metal & Osmium .... ( because i broke the tech tree of galga D:)
-Added Utility mobs :3
-Reverted Mekanism power to mostly default values.... Solar generator outputs 3 times more power though
-Added Skystone-> Silicon Recipe
- Infernal mobs spawns 1/30 mobs from 1/15 ( basically they are rarer!)
-Fixed Botania recipes
-Obsidian pick is the same tier as copper now :p
-Cake recipe now returns spider egg shell so that you can right click it on baby spider for new egg
-Disabled Meteorite pick
-Added diamond armor/tools -> diamonds recipe for the pneumaticraft pressure chamber
-Added Utility mobs quests (repeatable)
-Added 1-2 BCA quest
-Changed Lore
-Changed Lore's reader accordingly
-Revamped Flaxbeard quest rewards
-Steve carts quest move around
-AE quests now can be started at any time

Thank you for the hard work on this remarkable HQM pack. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to clarify. By "the spatial drives from the quest may not be able to use in old world... If you are on old world use server quests to get reward..." do you mean use /hqm edit to complete the quest?

Really enjoying pack!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to clarify. By "the spatial drives from the quest may not be able to use in old world... If you are on old world use server quests to get reward..." do you mean use /hqm edit to complete the quest?

Really enjoying pack!
Give your self a bedrock facade and unlock the server quests.... then give the spatial drives to the sever quest for the rewards


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Changed machine frames to require Stabalized metal & Osmium

Sorry I meant to mention this before, but this doesn't appear to be the case. The recipes for Steel Casings and Machine Chassis haven't changed. Edit: I'm dumb. They look almost identical, I didn't mouse over apparently. >_>

Also the FTB launcher now says the pack is by "aarmarcharger." >_>
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