As usual, backup worlds before updating
Version 1.2.6
-Galgador changes....
-Fixed some botania bugs
-Smelting hardened ores get 1.5 ingots
-Added Buildcraft addition
-Added Eureka
-Modtweaked Buildcraft addition into Flaxbeard
-Removed JustAnotherSpawner (Fix some bugs)
-Lowered Enderman slave's base health to 50 from 140
-Lowered Skeleton base health to 20 from 60or80 cant rmb
-Lowered Zombie base health to 20
-Disabled Pigman Major 100% infernal
-Enabled Pigman 100% infernal
-Lowered Blaze master base health to 150~200
-Mekanism quest fixes
-New world (Aesthetics changes) ,
the spatial drives from the quest may not be able to use in old world... If you are on old world use server quests to get reward...
- ____Sirlion___ Quest fixes again >_<
-All vanilla food can only be cooked in vat
-Lowered zombie aggro range to 20 blocks from 60 blocks
-Updated Pnematicraft
-Updated Galacticraft
-Updated Botania
-Enderman quest changed to enderman slaves :3
-Updated chest mod, Doesnt insta break, compatible with the inv sort mod....
-changed some modtweaker recipes
-Fixed the lava pump quest
-Fixed the Hardened clay -> hardener recipe...
-Adjusted mekanism generators values....
-Fixed some environmine configs :3
-Changed machine frames to require Stabalized metal & Osmium .... ( because i broke the tech tree of galga D

-Added Utility mobs :3
-Reverted Mekanism power to mostly default values.... Solar generator outputs 3 times more power though
-Added Skystone-> Silicon Recipe
- Infernal mobs spawns 1/30 mobs from 1/15 ( basically they are rarer!)
-Fixed Botania recipes
-Obsidian pick is the same tier as copper now

-Cake recipe now returns spider egg shell so that you can right click it on baby spider for new egg
-Disabled Meteorite pick
-Added diamond armor/tools -> diamonds recipe for the pneumaticraft pressure chamber
-Added Utility mobs quests (repeatable)
-Added 1-2 BCA quest
-Changed Lore
-Changed Lore's reader accordingly
-Revamped Flaxbeard quest rewards
-Steve carts quest move around
-AE quests now can be started at any time