So back to task, any one have issues with the final beta? ( Will add the new HQM quests to the actual release)
Ah that... you can complete the hydration quest to get a water bucket :3Thanks for the response but i am still confused.
I need clay to make the bricks. To make clay I need water and dirt in a vat. How do i make buckets of water?
Having fun!
Thanks for the response but i am still confused.
I need clay to make the bricks. To make clay I need water and dirt in a vat. How do i make buckets of water?
Having fun!
Perfect! Thx. Keep it up!Ah that... you can complete the hydration quest to get a water bucket :3
To get clay, you need to smash gravel ->sand->dust then put the dust in a barrel of water..
Right clicking a water bottle on the wood barrel will fill it up too!
Ahh.... I will make the galgagorian quest require the lower tier of galgadorian instead! Thanks for the info... The smelting recipe remains incase players made it before they updated and forgot to convert itIn the latest 1.2.6Beta3, is it intentional that the Large Lump of Galgador crafting recipe was removed completely, but its smelting into Enhanced Galgadorian Metal remains?
I'm trying to complete the Galgador quest in the Farming Steve's Style quest chain (Chapter 3), but it looks like currently the only way to craft Enhanced Galgadorian Metal is the block-version recipe which requires the Metallugic Infuser and the PneumaticCraft Pressure Chamber Assembly Controller to create the necessary components for the final Enhanced Galgadorian Metal Block recipe.
It just makes this Steve's Cart quest seem somewhat out of place when you need to step through most of Chapter 4 and into Chapter 5 just to complete a quest back in Chapter 3.
Your complaint is that Ex Nihilo is easier?First of all, I addressed the multiple-options argument in my original post. There's only one method that's viable early game. And I'm fully aware that this isn't a kitchen sink pack. However, there should still be some options available.
Also, the Ex Nihilo for skyblock analogy is flawed. The difference is that Ex Nihilo has a very low entry cost and can be easily replaced when later-game grinding is available. With Steve's Carts, even a basic woodchopping cart takes tons of iron, as well as coal to run it as well as all the cart managers necessary to support the whole operation. To "upgrade" that requires getting rid of your carts (and the resources you used to get them), tearing up track, and redoing the whole area to best fit the next form of automation. For Ex Nihilo, you can usually add bits to your set up to automate it; when you want to seriously upgrade it, all you ever really have to get rid of are a few sifters and maybe the bits you had automating them, which can then go elsewhere. Besides, the main flaw in the whole Ex Nihilo-analogy argument is that there are few other mods that would allow someone to get started in a skyblock pack. The other options aren't even there, for the most part.
The point of a modpack is to play Minecraft in a reimagined way. What other point is there?I just got online to read up on what has transgressed since my post, and I have to say, you people have digressed so far away from the complaints I had about this mod pack that it isn't even funny. Tree farm? That's not even an issue. I go out and wack a bunch of planted trees with a lumber axe and have enough wood to last me a while. I've never needed to automate it, and that wasn't even my issue. Here's my response to what people have said before:
1. "crash landing does blah blah blah" - who gives a crap what crash landing does or doesn't do? I talk about this mod and how it handles things. I don't care if you could or couldn't do it in crash landing. Is this a sequel? What does crash landing have to do with anything?
2. "this is a themed modpack" - Yeah so are most modpacks in the third party section (almost all of them are). This is the first one I've played that relies on heavily altering so many of the normal recipes. My issue isn't with the fact that there is a linear progression. My issues with the progression are: a) The linear progression is not very clearly lined out (over half of the altered recipes aren't even mentioned in quest lines). b) The linear progression is insanely slow (it should never take a full RL day of grinding to complete one quest. If it does, break that quest down into multiple quests). c) quest rewards along the way are so disappointing that it's not even worth bothering with the progression.
3. "You don't have to follow the quest book" - Then what's the point of this mod then? The appeal of a themed mod pack is to follow the story line, and the quest book IS the story line. Even if you don't follow the quest book, you still have all of the altered recipes and slow progression to deal with.
As I said, I quit playing. I'm re-playing ME^4 right now since I haven't played it since it left beta (last time was 0.7). That mod pack is an example of a quest book done right. They still manage to have a ton of progression, and longevity, without the need to make a ton of recipes harder or alter mods. It has it's own problems, as alot of mod packs do. The point is, karma should look at the weaknesses of his modpack and work on strengthening them.
Edit to respond to recent posts:
Karma, you keep bringing up automation, and automation is NOT the issue. Stop focusing on automation. You altered alot more recipes from ender IO than the easy "automation" recipes, like for instance the power cables, the alloy smelter, the sag furnace, all had their recipes changed. These are NOT automation issues, so stop hiding behind that word!
Except that was flaming...See, karmarcharger, you take anything said against you and either call it flaming, or shove blame elsewhere. You refuse to even acknowledge that you don't acknowledge the issues people have, despite pages and pages of evidence. And that's why I'm so fed up with you. You don't honestly care about bug fixes, or issues in the pack. You want to be right, and you'll do and say whatever you can to have things your way.
If you do nothing but flame, people aren't going to read what you have to say, try flaming a little less and then maybe you will be heard.You also ignored every issue I raised in my posts in favor of saying I'm flaming you.
Here's one to ignore:
You ignore the fact that you've ignored legitimate issues in favor of unrelated bandaid solutions.
Try ignoring that. Come on, that's like most of my post right there. No personal attacks, just an observation I've made. Ignore it. Go on.
You would just need to claim the spatial rewards Via the server quests....What exactly does "New world (Aesthetics changes) , the spatial drives from the quest may not be able to use in old world... If you are on old world use server quests to get reward..."
mean to someone who already has a developed world? What won't i be able to do?
screenshot pleaseI rebuilt my mob spawner with cursed earth (4 8x8 patches with a + 3 blocks wide in between), but the mobs dont seem to be falling off very often, how do I encourage them to jump? I have openblocks fans every other block around the perimeter, and trap doors around the fall hole.
From inside with the fans off and lighting on:
View attachment 14871
They seem to fight against the fans, especially near the drop hole.
The drop is 40 blocks, and ends in a smeltery
Dont make such a deep drop, you would get less blood D:From inside with the fans off and lighting on:
View attachment 14871
They seem to fight against the fans, especially near the drop hole.
The drop is 40 blocks, and ends in a smeltery
Try making Flaxbeard fans they are stronger then open block'sFrom inside with the fans off and lighting on:
View attachment 14871
They seem to fight against the fans, especially near the drop hole.
The drop is 40 blocks, and ends in a smeltery
From inside with the fans off and lighting on:
View attachment 14871
They seem to fight against the fans, especially near the drop hole.
The drop is 40 blocks, and ends in a smeltery
Thanks for the feed back :3 Will look into thisOne question i keep asking myself when i look at some of the quest requirements, is "will i ever even use all this?"
I still think that the reward at the end of Steve's carts is a load of bull, at least make the galgadorian block detection if all you are giving back is a filled soul vial.
I'm not finding a 100% sugar cane reward. and it doesn't look like the hammer/dirt chance is 100%
the gears quest that gives the blacksmith's assistant is in a bad place, you really should move, at the very least the reward to the water quest line, I'd already made one long before i got all the lava buckets farmed up.
I like the flaxbeards rewards better, but the gilded iron quest still feels useless.
In the pneumatic line, i notice that you need a pneumatic wrench to change the IO to output, but you don't have the quest to craft one until the end of the chain, and you give the option of recieving one after creating the IO bits. the wrench crafting quest should be moved earlier in the chain either just before, after, or as part of the Etching Automation quest.
Given that people are crafting the inscriber to make the circuit boards, and gathering such things so early, i wonder why the AE quests are where they are. Frankly since you basically already do the first 4 quests long before you can unlock that chain, perhaps you give AE it's own page just after Pneumatic? I imagine most people are working that entire chain well before they ever craft the infuser. I myself didn't have a serious network but I'd still crafted through 80% of the items in that chain. Particularly when people are complaining about the Advanced PCB quest not detecting autocrafted items.
And really who is going to use 64 capacitor banks? after you crafted all of 5 generators for quests? generators that create less than 1000 rf/tic combined That one seems excessive, people with big reactors hardly need that kind of storage, and nobody outside of a gregtech plasma reactor ever needs that kind of power. that's what 3.02 billion RF? about 40 hours to completely fill it? Unless you pick the high temp gen reward and run it constantly to get the just under 16k rf/tick so you fill it in 2.5 hrs. the culinary will never fill it at 80 (21 days), or the solar at an average of less than 160 over the day. And all that is if you have no power draw on the network
With SFM i still think 32 cables is a bit much even if the late game galgador recipe means you only do have to craft the 22 blocks, the question i ask is, given the cost, how many of these will i ever actually use? Even if i take the 8 cable reward, which i will since the cable quest is detect and the mats needed to get from the base cable to those upgrades are comparatively a joke. More than anything else, the MIM recipe should keep people from overusing SFM. Could you at least consider the recipe giving 2 cables? Still a huge reduction from the vanilla recipe that gives 8.
doesn't the moon buggy require a dungeon schematic? the dungeon you raid a few quest steps later? I haven't done galacticraft at all so not sure. why is the second quest to make a buggy, but the end of chain quest gives a buggy as reward? Seems a bit like the Pneumatic wrench quest to me. And 100 of each space mob? seems a touch excessive, particularly with infernal in play, not sure if it applies to them though (i do like that the original enderman quest was reduced) the reward is certainly worth it, but that's a lot, the mars kill quest is only 10.
Saturn through the Deep Dark are Perma Locked? just not done yet?