[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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So... part of my bunker has, for no reason I can figure, been taken over by a mineshaft. It's running right down the back of the bunker opposite where the small dimensional storage area is. Got lucky and had put my Sync clone beyond where it appeared, but still, suddenly mineshaft! I'm confused.
What, you've never had a mineshaft appear in your bedroom irl?
I just realized something hilarious. You can't craft a diamond pickaxe, but in 1.2.4 I found a haunted diamond pickaxe that dropped well, a diamond pickaxe. You can use this diamond pickaxe to create an open blocks block breaker. The alternative recipe costs 32805 cobblestone, 9 diamonds, and 27 redstone. I guess I really should of waited to play this pack, the version should be 0.x.x as nothing is really polished in it.
I just realized something hilarious. You can't craft a diamond pickaxe, but in 1.2.4 I found a haunted diamond pickaxe that dropped well, a diamond pickaxe. You can use this diamond pickaxe to create an open blocks block breaker. The alternative recipe costs 32805 cobblestone, 9 diamonds, and 27 redstone. I guess I really should of waited to play this pack, the version should be 0.x.x as nothing is really polished in it.
I think the old recipes are left intact for some things on purpose, like the block breaker & pump. After all, making a cobble gen with Steve's carts doesn't cost much either (some iron, some redstone, few glowstone, few gold ingots, sticks)
So... part of my bunker has, for no reason I can figure, been taken over by a mineshaft. It's running right down the back of the bunker opposite where the small dimensional storage area is. Got lucky and had put my Sync clone beyond where it appeared, but still, suddenly mineshaft! I'm confused.
same just happened to me, and i lost all of my machinery to it D:
I just realized something hilarious. You can't craft a diamond pickaxe, but in 1.2.4 I found a haunted diamond pickaxe that dropped well, a diamond pickaxe. You can use this diamond pickaxe to create an open blocks block breaker. The alternative recipe costs 32805 cobblestone, 9 diamonds, and 27 redstone. I guess I really should of waited to play this pack, the version should be 0.x.x as nothing is really polished in it.

That's intentional. For some recipes that require vanilla tools there is an alternate version added with a more expensive cost, for others there is no alternate recipe and you need to find the tools as drops.

I have been playing for 3000 minutes with 2000 mob kills, and I have not seen a single haunted diamond tool. They are not common, it's probably easier for most to grind out the cobble with another gen.
I would appreciate some suggestions :3

@MrOomi1974 has made some really nice suggestions concerning the steam quests here.

Generally speaking the quest reward should either reflect something that we can use along with the stuff that we just made to give it some value (some ores to smelt after making seared brick for the smeltery for example), or give us a headstart on the following quests by giving a part of the material needed (some brass ingots for the first steam quests).
The last quest of a line could then give a reward that points at the next line to keep the complete chain running.

Some stuff that I noticed from a non quest point of view:

1. Never change the rules of the game while its running already.
I have spent some more thoughts on the on the uproar concerning the water changes. I think what freaked people out (including myself at first) was that some fundamental mechanics got changed while some players have been several days worth of playtime into the game. Now suddenly the frame changed for no legitimate (read game breaking error) reason.
Nobody likes games where rules change in mid air (especially when you have sunken enough time into it already) ... you should try to avoid such things in the future or at least keep the old mechanics alive with lesser yield, making the new ways more attractive but keeping the old alive.

2. Long lasting motivation
I am not that deep into the pack yet (about to start some steaming or botania this week) because I restarted the map. But from what I hear here is that a lot of people are complaining about the massive grind. I think everybody sees that the idea of this pack is to keep people occupied for a longer time.
This is good since a good deal of pack give the goodies too fast too easy.
Yet I would rather go into a dangerous dungeon to get some rare ressources and fight for them, then to farm an ungodly amount of stuff just to progress. Mindless overpowered grind kills every motivation after some time.
While grinder mmos a wildly popular in asia, the model won't have the same success in a european/american community, it will cause massive frustration instead. Make us earn things ... thats ok ... but let us not do slave labour.

3. Continuity
I like the new way of using the vat for cooking food. Its an interesting idea, and makes the vat a variable and useful item.
Yet today I had my potato farm at the point where i had my first yield of surplus potatos. I threw them in the vat and to my surprise I noticed that they won't cook there, and have to be cooked in a vanilla furnace.
I don't know whether it is possible or not, but I would prefer to have one appliance to prepare food in and not having to keep several appliances from different mods for a part of the various foods.
While I see the need for special appliances (to make steamed food for example), the old regular cooking should have one item to take place in.

I hope these ideas help a little.

Little Edit on Point 2:
Check the witchery mod sometime. I think its a perfect example how it can keep people occupied without feeling grindy. It has the (in my eyes) perfect balance here.
perhaps but it still requires alot of galgador bars, and it's not like you can't make a farm with steve's carts. I really don't see that as a legitimate reason.
Because no one would even bother with steve carts if they had enderIO farmers? those farmers are kinda op
Some help in the book for finding those bunkers would be appreciated, yes. I've also constantly been experiencing a weird issue where at random I'll randomly start having little lag hits, bouncing back just a little bit while running around and having to jump in order to pick something up off the ground, as if I'm standing partially in the ground itself. I've even tried getting around the annoyance by getting step-up via Sojourner's Sash, but still had the issue. Sometimes sleeping fixes it, though I'm not sure why. Had it in I believe every iteration of the pack. Anyone else had this?
Edit: The number of mobs carrying mobs is rediculous. I just saw a Witch atop another Witch. Earlier it was a Rocket Creeper on a Creeper on a Creeper. That was just dumb.
How can help be included on getting to bunkers when they are completly randomly generated? xD
How to I store rf energy? Do I just use the ae cells or mekanism ones or..? And what's the best way to transfer power? The books gives ways to create rf via the generators, yet it doesn't tell you how to store it.. Maybe something to add @karmarcharger ?
same just happened to me, and i lost all of my machinery to it D:
So... part of my bunker has, for no reason I can figure, been taken over by a mineshaft. It's running right down the back of the bunker opposite where the small dimensional storage area is. Got lucky and had put my Sync clone beyond where it appeared, but still, suddenly mineshaft! I'm confused.
1.2.6 world downloads here...
These worlds are free of bugs :D Fixed the long standing slime leaves spire issues in them :3

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My thoughts on the flax beards steam works quest chain.

1. Move the Esteemed Innovations book from Brass Alloy quest to the Bone Tools quest. The player may have an easier time with Brass Alloy quest.

2. If possible change the layout of the Brass Alloy quest so the first detection task is the Mold, Crucible, and Carving table. The second detection task to make the ingot mold using a carving table. Make the third detection task the making of the Brass Ingots. Also change the text for the Brass Ingots detection task to the following " Brass is made up of Copper and zinc at a 3:1 ratio and can be created mixing crushed ore in a crucible. Hint: Use the Q key to drop the items into to Crucible and a empty hand to pour it into the mold."

3. Gilded Iron! I don't see the point of this quest. Weapons, Armor, tools? However the reward is nice but useless and incomplete until later down the quest chain.

4. Steam Power This quest seems to be in the right place and the rewards good. However I suggest that you move the Pipe Wrench to this quest from the steam saw or create a quest called Pressure Control and have the player make the following items, a Valve, a Rupture Disc, a Pressure Gauge and a Steam Whistle with the Pipe Wrench as a reward.

5. Steam Furnaces? Ok this quest is good were its is and it has a nice reward. You might want to toss some steamed food in as a reward to give the player a hint at its uses.

6. Brass Fans Ok I get it, is a requirement for brass suckers. But you might want to add a quest show what you want them to be used for.

7. Brass suckers! Cool Quest. As for the reward the Block of Brass is Ok. But how about giving the player an apple core to hint at what they could be used for.

8. Smash Smash! Cool Quest. Piston reward is nice, it allows you to make 4 more Rock Smashers. I do recommend that you add a cobblestone quest after this one to hint that you want the player use it for a cobblestone generator. A gravel and sand quest might also be nice.

9. Steam filler Cool Quest. The player can finally make use of the rewards in Gilded iron. That is if player wants to make the Exosuit parts and required tech. As for the reward the Block of Brass is Ok. You may want to encourage the player towards Exosuit with some more quests.

10. Steam Saw I consider this a Troll quest. The player is most likely going some other tree harvesting tool at this point to fuel the boilers. The wrench comes to late in the quest chain to be any use. Most likely the player has made the wrench already to make adjustments to, pipes, valves, fans, vacuums and rock smashers. Plus the speed of the steam axe is slow even when charged and spinning. I will keep using my lumber axe.

11. Steam Shovel I consider this a Troll quest. The speed of the steam shovel is slow even when charged and spinning. I also don't see much use for the tool. Its Cheaper to just make the spyglass if the player wants it.

12. Steam pickaxe I consider this a Troll quest. The speed of the steam pickaxe is slow even when charged and spinning. However this tool maybe necessary now since you no longer give the obsidian pickaxe head to the player in the adventuring quest. I am unsure of what has changed in tinker construct tool progression. But I hope the player can mine iron with the bronze pickaxe.
Those are all great additions to the post I made earlier. You even answered some of my questions too. (I had no clue the rocks mashers were for a cobblegen or about steamed food?) I agree with all the points you made here.

Steamcraft will be intergrated into

Basically all the recipes that ^ has would require some form of flaxbeared stuff, EG instead of using gold ingots, the recipes will require gilded irons, the kinectic tools would require to be upgraded from steamcraft tools etc :D
@MrOomi1974 has made some really nice suggestions concerning the steam quests here.

Generally speaking the quest reward should either reflect something that we can use along with the stuff that we just made to give it some value (some ores to smelt after making seared brick for the smeltery for example), or give us a headstart on the following quests by giving a part of the material needed (some brass ingots for the first steam quests).
The last quest of a line could then give a reward that points at the next line to keep the complete chain running.

Some stuff that I noticed from a non quest point of view:

1. Never change the rules of the game while its running already.
I have spent some more thoughts on the on the uproar concerning the water changes. I think what freaked people out (including myself at first) was that some fundamental mechanics got changed while some players have been several days worth of playtime into the game. Now suddenly the frame changed for no legitimate (read game breaking error) reason.
Nobody likes games where rules change in mid air (especially when you have sunken enough time into it already) ... you should try to avoid such things in the future or at least keep the old mechanics alive with lesser yield, making the new ways more attractive but keeping the old alive.

2. Long lasting motivation
I am not that deep into the pack yet (about to start some steaming or botania this week) because I restarted the map. But from what I hear here is that a lot of people are complaining about the massive grind. I think everybody sees that the idea of this pack is to keep people occupied for a longer time.
This is good since a good deal of pack give the goodies too fast too easy.
Yet I would rather go into a dangerous dungeon to get some rare ressources and fight for them, then to farm an ungodly amount of stuff just to progress. Mindless overpowered grind kills every motivation after some time.
While grinder mmos a wildly popular in asia, the model won't have the same success in a european/american community, it will cause massive frustration instead. Make us earn things ... thats ok ... but let us not do slave labour.

3. Continuity
I like the new way of using the vat for cooking food. Its an interesting idea, and makes the vat a variable and useful item.
Yet today I had my potato farm at the point where i had my first yield of surplus potatos. I threw them in the vat and to my surprise I noticed that they won't cook there, and have to be cooked in a vanilla furnace.
I don't know whether it is possible or not, but I would prefer to have one appliance to prepare food in and not having to keep several appliances from different mods for a part of the various foods.
While I see the need for special appliances (to make steamed food for example), the old regular cooking should have one item to take place in.

I hope these ideas help a little.

Little Edit on Point 2:
Check the witchery mod sometime. I think its a perfect example how it can keep people occupied without feeling grindy. It has the (in my eyes) perfect balance here.
I really didnt want to change the frying pan mechanics, however due to the developer being not too active, and almost all the cooking items can dupe stuff, i had no choice but to switch the cooking stuff to the Vat :(
I really didnt want to change the frying pan mechanics, however due to the developer being not too active, and almost all the cooking items can dupe stuff, i had no choice but to switch the cooking stuff to the Vat :(

Ouch, now thats a bummer. Nevertheless I like the solution (even though I have to pick the zombie meat from the vat with gloves now ;)). It just that I would like to cook stuff like the vanilla food there as well, not having to care where to throw them ;)
Ouch, now thats a bummer. Nevertheless I like the solution (even though I have to pick the zombie meat from the vat with gloves now ;)). It just that I would like to cook stuff like the vanilla food there as well, not having to care where to throw them ;)
That will be implemented :) thanks for the suggestion :D
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I'm saying that you are causing alot more disturbance here by trying to act like a mod and you should just drop it before "I" get a mod involved.
I'm sorry but breaking the rules is causing more of a disturbance than informing you that you are breaking the rules inadvertently, also informing you so that you don't get reported for it is not mini-modding. I spoke with Flipz about it and was assured that double posting is posting twice in a row, period. Then Flipz said what I said, "The edit button is there for a reason" and that was weird that we said the same thing. Informing was a mistake apparently and as I told Flipz I will not inform anymore I will just hit the report button.

Now, I do agree that the sugarcane choice is the obvious way to go, but I am careful about that stuff. when i get to a choice like that i check materials and ways to get things and weigh the pros and cons, not everyone does, and sugarcane is pretty important for this pack. triple compressed cobblestone isn't the easiest thing to get in a pack that makes you struggle to automate at every turn, but there are options and none of them require paper to get going. Given how important it is maybe the Dirt thing is better reserved for things like mycellium
I disagree, sugarcane was not the obvious choice, Ex Nihilo is in the pack and so anyone who has used that mod before in the new Yogscast modpack or in Agrarian Skies or wherever else would have assumed that sugarcane would have been easy to get and would have grabbed the food option since you were given a limited amount of food. It is only until later are you able to realize that a lot of Ex Nihilo is disabled. BUT I can understand limiting getting sugarcane later by forcing the player to use Kawaii seeds or automating dirt to smash compressed dirt, I am just saying that sugarcane is in no way the obvious choice.

From what I've seen, Botania doesn't do much that other mods do. IMO its main uses in this pack are for the loonium and orechid, decorative blocks, possibly the hopperhock or vinculotis, and miscellaneous baubles and non-bauble tools that aren't really OP.

You definitely can't use it to e.g. double ores, or even move items from A to B.
It is probably only in the pack because the modpack dev likes it? It doesn't seem to fit with the plot of the modpack...

I agree. There's feedback and constructive criticism, and then there's just hating on the author for no good reason. Some people are so entitled... nobody owes you a damn thing!

If you don't like the modpack, don't play it! Or do what I and other people are doing and leave constructive feedback on what you don't like instead of leaving it in the dark! It's a beta test, hence the mod author wants feedback!
True, there are a lot of modpacks out there, few are as good as this one of course but that doesn't mean you can complain about everything.

:eek: I guess veinminer + shears will do the trick :D EDIT: Also that means you can create a squid / ghast spawner without the actual spawner. :confused:
Ha, when I was playing Agrarian Skies ghasts kept spawning all the time and I was so confused as to why and when I found out why I made a giant glass cage and kept a ghast as a pet.

In 1.2.5 you can craft slimy saplings :3 Go to 0,0 shear the leaves there for saplings :"3
Ooooh cool!

I saw Generikb is using torches with cages over them but I can't find that in NEI, what are they? Do they prevent fire spread?

Also I can't seem to generate pearls, do they need sunlight or something like that?

Soooo mana cookies are ever so slightly broken :I
I think that is purposeful.

This happens to me when they are next to chests
TiC workbenches don't notice the inventory of a chest next to it for NEI autofills.
Steamcraft will be intergrated into

Basically all the recipes that ^ has would require some form of flaxbeared stuff, EG instead of using gold ingots, the recipes will require gilded irons, the kinectic tools would require to be upgraded from steamcraft tools etc :D
So what you are saying is that once again you are making the "not iron" ores even less valuable. I'm sitting on over a thousand each of osmium, tin, aluminum, zinc, and copper, but I'm out of iron again (and a quarter to a third of my iron comes from mob drops). Why are those ores even in the pack? You use a handful of aluminum on alumite, there is more zinc than copper in the spires (and equal probability from meteors) but you need 3 copper for each zinc in brass. and now you are going to take some of the few recipes that use something other than iron and switch them to iron? Why not just make it galgadorian metal? or better yet, bedrockium blocks. It's not like your approach is based on any form of balance or actual progression.

And you are right, who would ever voluntarily use a mod as clunky as steve's carts when other mods have better functionality and are easier to figure out. (and less laggy, and don't have carts that break and despawn when the trees catch fire) The ender io farmer is less op than MFR, at least it requires tools that have to be replaced. (and in your version the upgrades are very costly)

Instead of impossible, unbalanced recipes this pack needs a gregtech like Tiered tech system. I need this mod to craft an Item I need for that mod, but once i'm in the mod i can make that thing with that mod. Who would ever play greg tech if they were still forced to use hand tools in the nuclear age? Every tech mod in the pack requires the same level of tech to use all you are doing is making it grindy, there is no progression. And this "you must upgrade the steam tools" thing isn't forcing me to use flaxbeard, it's just making the recipe more grindy. Nobody is going to use those steam tools except for as a novelty when TiC is in the pack, as they don't do anything special.

The only progression I've seen in this pack was Pneumatic PCB->SAG Mill for AE silicon->Logic processor + blacksmith anvil (automate-able) into PCB, a progression that took me most of the way through one mod into a second and then a third, and I finally had something that was cheaper and easier, thanks to the tech progression.

How about this, instead of making botania recipes as grindy as everything else, you make it a starting mod. You need manasteel to make your first compressed iron with the tnt (only magic metal survives the explosion), but you can use the pressure chamber on regular iron. Mana armor is op because zombie's can't one shot you? just disable it, or make the recipe require a top tier Ender IO component or a mekanism alloy.

So now i have Ender IO, I need some Ender IO alloy to get into the Mekanism Machines (but I have an alternate mekanism component/recipe once i'm into the mod. I appreciate a forced progression but the grind is starting to get out of control.

You also eventually need an alternate way to get to drinkable water through one of the later mods that doesn't still require beginning of game mechanics. I would eventually like to be able to stop using the blacksmith (key word "Progression")
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