So what you are saying is that once again you are making the "not iron" ores even less valuable. I'm sitting on over a thousand each of osmium, tin, aluminum, zinc, and copper, but I'm out of iron again (and a quarter to a third of my iron comes from mob drops). Why are those ores even in the pack? You use a handful of aluminum on alumite, there is more zinc than copper in the spires (and equal probability from meteors) but you need 3 copper for each zinc in brass. and now you are going to take some of the few recipes that use something other than iron and switch them to iron? Why not just make it galgadorian metal? or better yet, bedrockium blocks. It's not like your approach is based on any form of balance or actual progression.
And you are right, who would ever voluntarily use a mod as clunky as steve's carts when other mods have better functionality and are easier to figure out. (and less laggy, and don't have carts that break and despawn when the trees catch fire) The ender io farmer is less op than MFR, at least it requires tools that have to be replaced. (and in your version the upgrades are very costly)
Instead of impossible, unbalanced recipes this pack needs a gregtech like Tiered tech system. I need this mod to craft an Item I need for that mod, but once i'm in the mod i can make that thing with that mod. Who would ever play greg tech if they were still forced to use hand tools in the nuclear age? Every tech mod in the pack requires the same level of tech to use all you are doing is making it grindy, there is no progression. And this "you must upgrade the steam tools" thing isn't forcing me to use flaxbeard, it's just making the recipe more grindy. Nobody is going to use those steam tools except for as a novelty when TiC is in the pack, as they don't do anything special.
The only progression I've seen in this pack was Pneumatic PCB->SAG Mill for AE silicon->Logic processor + blacksmith anvil (automate-able) into PCB, a progression that took me most of the way through one mod into a second and then a third, and I finally had something that was cheaper and easier, thanks to the tech progression.
How about this, instead of making botania recipes as grindy as everything else, you make it a starting mod. You need manasteel to make your first compressed iron with the tnt (only magic metal survives the explosion), but you can use the pressure chamber on regular iron. Mana armor is op because zombie's can't one shot you? just disable it, or make the recipe require a top tier Ender IO component or a mekanism alloy.
So now i have Ender IO, I need some Ender IO alloy to get into the Mekanism Machines (but I have an alternate mekanism component/recipe once i'm into the mod. I appreciate a forced progression but the grind is starting to get out of control.
You also eventually need an alternate way to get to drinkable water through one of the later mods that doesn't still require beginning of game mechanics. I would eventually like to be able to stop using the blacksmith (key word "Progression")
When i said EG i meant for example... I was trying to hint perhaps some uses of brass incoming... :3