[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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So what you are saying is that once again you are making the "not iron" ores even less valuable. I'm sitting on over a thousand each of osmium, tin, aluminum, zinc, and copper, but I'm out of iron again (and a quarter to a third of my iron comes from mob drops). Why are those ores even in the pack? You use a handful of aluminum on alumite, there is more zinc than copper in the spires (and equal probability from meteors) but you need 3 copper for each zinc in brass. and now you are going to take some of the few recipes that use something other than iron and switch them to iron? Why not just make it galgadorian metal? or better yet, bedrockium blocks. It's not like your approach is based on any form of balance or actual progression.

And you are right, who would ever voluntarily use a mod as clunky as steve's carts when other mods have better functionality and are easier to figure out. (and less laggy, and don't have carts that break and despawn when the trees catch fire) The ender io farmer is less op than MFR, at least it requires tools that have to be replaced. (and in your version the upgrades are very costly)

Instead of impossible, unbalanced recipes this pack needs a gregtech like Tiered tech system. I need this mod to craft an Item I need for that mod, but once i'm in the mod i can make that thing with that mod. Who would ever play greg tech if they were still forced to use hand tools in the nuclear age? Every tech mod in the pack requires the same level of tech to use all you are doing is making it grindy, there is no progression. And this "you must upgrade the steam tools" thing isn't forcing me to use flaxbeard, it's just making the recipe more grindy. Nobody is going to use those steam tools except for as a novelty when TiC is in the pack, as they don't do anything special.

The only progression I've seen in this pack was Pneumatic PCB->SAG Mill for AE silicon->Logic processor + blacksmith anvil (automate-able) into PCB, a progression that took me most of the way through one mod into a second and then a third, and I finally had something that was cheaper and easier, thanks to the tech progression.

How about this, instead of making botania recipes as grindy as everything else, you make it a starting mod. You need manasteel to make your first compressed iron with the tnt (only magic metal survives the explosion), but you can use the pressure chamber on regular iron. Mana armor is op because zombie's can't one shot you? just disable it, or make the recipe require a top tier Ender IO component or a mekanism alloy.

So now i have Ender IO, I need some Ender IO alloy to get into the Mekanism Machines (but I have an alternate mekanism component/recipe once i'm into the mod. I appreciate a forced progression but the grind is starting to get out of control.

You also eventually need an alternate way to get to drinkable water through one of the later mods that doesn't still require beginning of game mechanics. I would eventually like to be able to stop using the blacksmith (key word "Progression")

When i said EG i meant for example... I was trying to hint perhaps some uses of brass incoming... :3
will there be any big changes in 1.2.6?
No, Just addition of a new mod and a new map with some "decorative" changes to the Map ( No need restart, its just decorative features that are different!)

The 1.2.6 map download is available on the previous page and will work fine on 1.2.5
The chiseled torches look to be disabled. With the new infinite water sources, is the Archimedes screw supposed to work now? I have yet to use the steam stuff yet.
i just tried playing this pack for the first time and when i entered the world it said: type /hqm quest. however when i attempt to do this it says i dont have permissions. how do i fix this?
Go to 8:00 for a visual explanation.

Something that i wanted to add but never made it into the pack
... xD
That song.

Anyone had issues with squids spawning like mad? I have a 5x5x5 "fishing pond" and the squids are spawning so often that there are piles of squid drops in minutes. It's like an infinite source of squid drops, since they end up dying from suffocating on their own. This happened after the 1.2.5 update.
OMFG the amount of squid drops scattered around ALL OVER my base x.x

I just realized I can get snow from dungeons lol
and then grow some pumpkins for snow golems for an infinite source of snow.

actually tones of them in the nether,now my base is just filled with them
But the Nether isn't Earth. =b

I just realized something hilarious. You can't craft a diamond pickaxe, but in 1.2.4 I found a haunted diamond pickaxe. You can use this diamond pickaxe to create an open blocks block breaker. The alternative recipe costs 32805 cobblestone, 9 diamonds, and 27 redstone. I guess I really should of waited to play this pack, the version should be 0.x.x as nothing is really polished in it.
The old recipe is there BECAUSE of haunted tools.

When i said EG i meant for example... I was trying to hint perhaps some uses of brass incoming...

The chiseled torches look to be disabled
Boo, guess I will just use glowstone torches?
I really don't want to use nooks, they seem too cheaty...
The nooks work, but the glowstone torches have a smaller light range than torches. I've been using redstone since it has the same at the normal torches and it's fairly common.
Whenever I update the modpack all of my settings and such gets reset, where are the settings stored? Can I take where the settings are stored on my backed up map from before I updated and copy it over to my current version?

This is especially annoying because all of my waypoints vanish...
The chiseled torches look to be disabled. With the new infinite water sources, is the Archimedes screw supposed to work now? I have yet to use the steam stuff yet.

The Archimedes screw works but it is a little counter intuitive on where the water should be and its powered by steam so you need to put a steam pipe to it.
I will be starting a Whitelist server to test the packs for issues, those who are interested, please PM me with a simple screenshot of your base :)
Limited slots available :P
I just had an idea but do not know if it is applicable. People have mentioned a progression system. It might be neat to have to start with botania entirely before being able to get any kind of metals or machinery. I don't know much about the spacial io or whatever it is called but if it has a larger area available to start and have like a grassy area in a drive with a few of the magical flowers there to get it kick started that would be kind of cool I think but that would probably require quite a bit of recipe reworking to make it a balanced start. My idea behind this is that starting on a barren planet maybe you would want to start atleast a small ecosystem and nature area before jumping straight into just you have food and water and the ability to get wood and have an environment starting with trees. Don't know exactly how it'd work but it's an idea to toss around. Maybe the progression could go something like this Botania -> Mariculture -> Flaxbeard -> Tinker's -> Buildcraft -> Pnuematiccraft and so on. And instead of the galgaglor metals what about using some other metals and have a wider tier system of metals to use in recipes. like silver and platinum and add in a few more and tier each chapter to a new metal and maybe have the really expensive metal as the last tier. Don't know if any of this is actually even decent ideas but if you like them then cool :)
I've tried glowstone nooks. Then one day, I see a bunch of mobs in some rooms because they became obsidian nooks. (Single Player)

Whenever I update the modpack all of my settings and such gets reset, where are the settings stored? Can I take where the settings are stored on my backed up map from before I updated and copy it over to my current version?

This is especially annoying because all of my waypoints vanish...

In the minecraft folder, there should be the xaerominimap.txt. It holds the waypoints and settings for that map. For controls and other, options.txt
I guess it falls under the limited eating of the same foods over and over again.
Errr... That's exactly what DR is. Diminishing Returns.

Dried apple, after eating it 6 times within last 12 foods, will restore no hunger/saturation at all.

Mana cookie, no matter how many you eat, will always restore you to full.
I just had an idea but do not know if it is applicable. People have mentioned a progression system. It might be neat to have to start with botania entirely before being able to get any kind of metals or machinery. I don't know much about the spacial io or whatever it is called but if it has a larger area available to start and have like a grassy area in a drive with a few of the magical flowers there to get it kick started that would be kind of cool I think but that would probably require quite a bit of recipe reworking to make it a balanced start. My idea behind this is that starting on a barren planet maybe you would want to start atleast a small ecosystem and nature area before jumping straight into just you have food and water and the ability to get wood and have an environment starting with trees. Don't know exactly how it'd work but it's an idea to toss around. Maybe the progression could go something like this Botania -> Mariculture -> Flaxbeard -> Tinker's -> Buildcraft -> Pnuematiccraft and so on. And instead of the galgaglor metals what about using some other metals and have a wider tier system of metals to use in recipes. like silver and platinum and add in a few more and tier each chapter to a new metal and maybe have the really expensive metal as the last tier. Don't know if any of this is actually even decent ideas but if you like them then cool :)
As much as i love to use botania, i find the mod more like EE2 something with lots of randomness and OPness, its also not a full tech mod and hence i have decided to put it on par with mekanism...
In the minecraft folder, there should be the xaerominimap.txt. It holds the waypoints and settings for that map. For controls and other, options.txt
AWESOME thanks! Will try it out when I get home!

Errr... That's exactly what DR is. Diminishing Returns. Dried apple, after eating it 6 times within last 12 foods, will restore no hunger/saturation at all. Mana cookie, no matter how many you eat, will always restore you to full.
My mistake, that sounds like a bug.