[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no, I do. I put two workbenches side by side, a regular one and a TC one, and the regular one filled, but the TC one didnt. Also, for some reason I can't seem to make stone gears by hammering double compressed cobblestone.
Try typing /mt reload, Make sure you have EXP, Try updating to 1.2.5 see if you still have the issue


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
not sure if this is a TC bug or what, but for some reason the tinker's construct versions of the crafting station don't auto-fill ingredients when you shift-click the ? in NEI recipe mode.
This happens to me when they are next to chests


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can you get liquids out of the crucible furnace? Seems like people use fluiducts but that mod isn't installed.
Thought about trying the liquid transfer pipes, but I need slime trees and I do not know how to get those either.

The TiC seared faucets will move liquids out of most objects and put them into pretty much anything that accepts liquids. They are very handy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try typing /mt reload, Make sure you have EXP, Try updating to 1.2.5 see if you still have the issue
Updating to 1.2.5 fixed the blacksmith recipe.
This happens to me when they are next to chests
Yes, this is the cause. Any fixes?

So far here are my feelings on this pack. My playtime on myfit is listed at 2484 minutes, so about 41 hours. Not all of that is dedicated playtime, but alot of it is. So with that in mind, I'm starting to get frustrated with this pack. It's starting to feel like you are going down the same path as the gregtech mod, which is "grind for the sake of grind". I agree that there should be a progression, but right now it's dragging on. I can't even make a simple automated cobblegen without going REAL deep into tech. (why you chose to lock down a cobblegen is beyond me). Here's the main problems I'm seeing:

1. Recipe changes force interdependence. Alot of the modified recipes need parts from all the other mods. This has several effects. First, the cost to create these are being increased dramatically just for the sake of slowing down the grind (the newest one, manasteel, is WAY too expensive) Second, if you don't like a particular mod in the pack, you are literally forced to use it for the sake of using the other mods. You should trust your players more and give them choices. If we like a mod, we will explore it without being forced into it. Likewise, give us the option to skip a mod if we don't like it. Making everything interdependent just feels like a grind to get anywhere, especially if we are forced into mods we don't like. An example, I despise pneumaticCraft (and I'm not alone). It's clunky and annoying, and you force me to use it by making machinery from other mods require parts made in it. I've even put off messing with it, which is holding me back from most automation.

2. The mods put into the beginning of the pack are heavy resource wasters, especially with the quests set up. I have a flaxbeard steam system that cost me a ton of resources to move through the quest chain, and it does nothing more than fuel my furnaces, saving me a few charcoal here and there. Steve's carts cost SO much iron, diamonds, obsidian, and gold, just do to what? A watering can pretty much negates the need for a farm or tree automation, and since there is no ore generation aside from spires, mining is pointless. The mob train might be useful, but there are far cheaper methods.

3. Rewards feel anti-climatic. The flaxbeard questline for example takes alot of brass to complete the first few quests, and then it gives you a bunch of brass back as a reward. The problem is, once you finish the questline, the brass is really no longer useful. That's just an example, because there are a few quests here and there that do the same thing. Also, I have a bunch of engines/generators I either made for a quest or got in a quest reward, but I can't use them yet because I can't build any machinery that they hook up to. Eventually I will use them if I could ever craft a machine, but until then they take up space.

4. Mod progression in the quest book seems all over the place, and isn't clear which mods should come first in the quest book or really what the purpose is. Botania is smashed into a corner on the first page, but with the current changes, it can't even be used much until after you do steve's carts. Buildcraft gets relegated to a footnote in the polluted seas section (it doesn't even relate to fishing) instead of a page of it's own, but doesn't have alot of uses until you get machinery. PneumaticCraft looks like it gets it's own page, and then everything else tech gets smashed into another page.

5. The Quest lines don't feel finished or inter-connected. even with the interdependence created by the recipes, there's a lack of cohesion and completion between the quest lines built into this pack, at least at the point I'm in now. The first page started out with a decent progression, especially the flaxbeard quest line where it effectively got you started with a steam system setup, but the rest just feels like random quest tasks thrown into a book with no relation to each other, and by no means do you really have a working build at the end of the quests. In addition to this, alot of these mods have in-game manuals built in, which should probably be given to the player at the beginning of each quest line. For 4 and 5, it would be nice to split the major mods into their own pages, and create a quest line that follows the progression built into each of these mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Updating to 1.2.5 fixed the blacksmith recipe.

Yes, this is the cause. Any fixes?

So far here are my feelings on this pack. My playtime on myfit is listed at 2484 minutes, so about 41 hours. Not all of that is dedicated playtime, but alot of it is. So with that in mind, I'm starting to get frustrated with this pack. It's starting to feel like you are going down the same path as the gregtech mod, which is "grind for the sake of grind". I agree that there should be a progression, but right now it's dragging on. I can't even make a simple automated cobblegen without going REAL deep into tech. (why you chose to lock down a cobblegen is beyond me). Here's the main problems I'm seeing:

1. Recipe changes force interdependence. Alot of the modified recipes need parts from all the other mods. This has several effects. First, the cost to create these are being increased dramatically just for the sake of slowing down the grind (the newest one, manasteel, is WAY too expensive) Second, if you don't like a particular mod in the pack, you are literally forced to use it for the sake of using the other mods. You should trust your players more and give them choices. If we like a mod, we will explore it without being forced into it. Likewise, give us the option to skip a mod if we don't like it. Making everything interdependent just feels like a grind to get anywhere, especially if we are forced into mods we don't like. An example, I despise pneumaticCraft (and I'm not alone). It's clunky and annoying, and you force me to use it by making machinery from other mods require parts made in it. I've even put off messing with it, which is holding me back from most automation.

2. The mods put into the beginning of the pack are heavy resource wasters, especially with the quests set up. I have a flaxbeard steam system that cost me a ton of resources to move through the quest chain, and it does nothing more than fuel my furnaces, saving me a few charcoal here and there. Steve's carts cost SO much iron, diamonds, obsidian, and gold, just do to what? A watering can pretty much negates the need for a farm or tree automation, and since there is no ore generation aside from spires, mining is pointless. The mob train might be useful, but there are far cheaper methods.

3. Rewards feel anti-climatic. The flaxbeard questline for example takes alot of brass to complete the first few quests, and then it gives you a bunch of brass back as a reward. The problem is, once you finish the questline, the brass is really no longer useful. That's just an example, because there are a few quests here and there that do the same thing. Also, I have a bunch of engines/generators I either made for a quest or got in a quest reward, but I can't use them yet because I can't build any machinery that they hook up to. Eventually I will use them if I could ever craft a machine, but until then they take up space.

4. Mod progression in the quest book seems all over the place, and isn't clear which mods should come first in the quest book or really what the purpose is. Botania is smashed into a corner on the first page, but with the current changes, it can't even be used much until after you do steve's carts. Buildcraft gets relegated to a footnote in the polluted seas section (it doesn't even relate to fishing) instead of a page of it's own, but doesn't have alot of uses until you get machinery. PneumaticCraft looks like it gets it's own page, and then everything else tech gets smashed into another page.

5. The Quest lines don't feel finished or inter-connected. even with the interdependence created by the recipes, there's a lack of cohesion and completion between the quest lines built into this pack, at least at the point I'm in now. The first page started out with a decent progression, especially the flaxbeard quest line where it effectively got you started with a steam system setup, but the rest just feels like random quest tasks thrown into a book with no relation to each other, and by no means do you really have a working build at the end of the quests. In addition to this, alot of these mods have in-game manuals built in, which should probably be given to the player at the beginning of each quest line. For 4 and 5, it would be nice to split the major mods into their own pages, and create a quest line that follows the progression built into each of these mods.

The flaxbeard quests does give you a book in 1.2.5 XD

I will find a use for brass soon.... >:)

I dont hate botania, its just causing unbalance within the pack with the opness of some of its later game items... so it got it's due changes since the utility it provides is on Par with mekanism etc....


Jul 29, 2019
So far here are my feelings on this pack. My playtime on myfit is listed at 2484 minutes, so about 41 hours. Not all of that is dedicated playtime, but alot of it is. So with that in mind, I'm starting to get frustrated with this pack. It's starting to feel like you are going down the same path as the gregtech mod, which is "grind for the sake of grind". I agree that there should be a progression, but right now it's dragging on. I can't even make a simple automated cobblegen without going REAL deep into tech. (why you chose to lock down a cobblegen is beyond me). Here's the main problems I'm seeing:

1. Recipe changes force interdependence. Alot of the modified recipes need parts from all the other mods. This has several effects. First, the cost to create these are being increased dramatically just for the sake of slowing down the grind (the newest one, manasteel, is WAY too expensive) Second, if you don't like a particular mod in the pack, you are literally forced to use it for the sake of using the other mods. You should trust your players more and give them choices. If we like a mod, we will explore it without being forced into it. Likewise, give us the option to skip a mod if we don't like it. Making everything interdependent just feels like a grind to get anywhere, especially if we are forced into mods we don't like. An example, I despise pneumaticCraft (and I'm not alone). It's clunky and annoying, and you force me to use it by making machinery from other mods require parts made in it. I've even put off messing with it, which is holding me back from most automation.

2. The mods put into the beginning of the pack are heavy resource wasters, especially with the quests set up. I have a flaxbeard steam system that cost me a ton of resources to move through the quest chain, and it does nothing more than fuel my furnaces, saving me a few charcoal here and there. Steve's carts cost SO much iron, diamonds, obsidian, and gold, just do to what? A watering can pretty much negates the need for a farm or tree automation, and since there is no ore generation aside from spires, mining is pointless. The mob train might be useful, but there are far cheaper methods.

3. Rewards feel anti-climatic. The flaxbeard questline for example takes alot of brass to complete the first few quests, and then it gives you a bunch of brass back as a reward. The problem is, once you finish the questline, the brass is really no longer useful. That's just an example, because there are a few quests here and there that do the same thing. Also, I have a bunch of engines/generators I either made for a quest or got in a quest reward, but I can't use them yet because I can't build any machinery that they hook up to. Eventually I will use them if I could ever craft a machine, but until then they take up space.

4. Mod progression in the quest book seems all over the place, and isn't clear which mods should come first in the quest book or really what the purpose is. Botania is smashed into a corner on the first page, but with the current changes, it can't even be used much until after you do steve's carts. Buildcraft gets relegated to a footnote in the polluted seas section (it doesn't even relate to fishing) instead of a page of it's own, but doesn't have alot of uses until you get machinery. PneumaticCraft looks like it gets it's own page, and then everything else tech gets smashed into another page.

5. The Quest lines don't feel finished or inter-connected. even with the interdependence created by the recipes, there's a lack of cohesion and completion between the quest lines built into this pack, at least at the point I'm in now. The first page started out with a decent progression, especially the flaxbeard quest line where it effectively got you started with a steam system setup, but the rest just feels like random quest tasks thrown into a book with no relation to each other, and by no means do you really have a working build at the end of the quests. In addition to this, alot of these mods have in-game manuals built in, which should probably be given to the player at the beginning of each quest line. For 4 and 5, it would be nice to split the major mods into their own pages, and create a quest line that follows the progression built into each of these mods.

While I was still playing, I kind of got a sense for that. I knew that there were some pretty big mods in the pack, but I was wondering why they didn't have their own page guiding someone through how to set up a system with them. And the interdependency was mind-boggling in that I was never sure what quest was even remotely appropriate to take next, and I could never get enough of a foothold in one mod before having to use another one to progress in the first one. In short, I have to agree, quests feel all over the place and often tacked on.

I was going to snark about how Karmarcharger would likely say that you can sometimes choose a quest reward for certain quests (or just say "fortune three hammer") instead of actually replying to most/any of the basic points you've brought up, but he's already responded with half of what I was planning on saying he would, so he beat me to it. :\


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While I was still playing, I kind of got a sense for that. I knew that there were some pretty big mods in the pack, but I was wondering why they didn't have their own page guiding someone through how to set up a system with them. And the interdependency was mind-boggling in that I was never sure what quest was even remotely appropriate to take next, and I could never get enough of a foothold in one mod before having to use another one to progress in the first one. In short, I have to agree, quests feel all over the place and often tacked on.

I was going to snark about how Karmarcharger would likely say that you can sometimes choose a quest reward for certain quests (or just say "fortune three hammer") instead of actually replying to most/any of the basic points you've brought up, but he's already responded with half of what I was planning on saying he would, so he beat me to it. :\
I would appreciate some suggestions :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else that uses optifine with Blast Off have their ability to check light levels stop working in 1.2.5?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where am I supposed to find zinc? I figured I would of found it before gaining large amounts of diamond and emerald, what am I missing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Along with hammering meteors, it's found inside the spiked towers on the surface so far as I've seen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Along with hammering meteors, it's found inside the spiked towers on the surface so far as I've seen.
So far I've found everything except zinc in the spires, and I've even leveled a few of them to the ground so its not like I'm not checking the inside. Are they only in particular spire types? I know some of them have quartz and other things on them but I run into tin aluminium and copper in pretty much all of them so I'm a little confused.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far I've found everything except zinc in the spires, and I've even leveled a few of them to the ground so its not like I'm not checking the inside. Are they only in particular spire types? I know some of them have quartz and other things on them but I run into tin aluminium and copper in pretty much all of them so I'm a little confused.
Its the center ofspires, similar to the area you find copper and tin inside spires, Diamond and Quartz spires


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have over 3 stacks of zinc and have no clue what to do with it... it's really not that hard to find lol