That sounds so tedious... Enchanting stuff is the worst...
By the way why are Filing Cabinets used for storage? JABBA barrels are a lot more feature rich and IMO do a better job. I know that previously you said that they were too 'easy' and 'common'. They're no 'easier' than filing cabinets, just a lot less annoying to deal with. And as for common, it's common for a reason. It's good at what it does. I get wanting to distinguish your pack from others by not using all of the same mods but seriously filing cabinets are just a huge unnecessary hassle...
PS - Early progression is strange... You go Tinkerer's Tools to Flax's tools but the problem is that Tinkerer's Tools are FAR, FAR superior to Flax's in every way. A better way to do this IMO would be to make the smelter blocks reward come later and make Flax's tools first. You could rejig the mining levels of blocks so that making a basic pick could get coal, copper and zinc which would make Flax's possible to craft straight away. It's weird moving from an automated smelter (Tinkerer's) to a manual crucible (Flax's) and grabbing steam tools after having a Alumite pickaxe that can mine Ardite in like 0.2 seconds.
I think your pack is extremely good but it suffers from some weird progression throughout where half the time you're doing grindy quests for rewards that aren't even useful to you so you can get to the useful quests. The other half the time it's not clear where to progress to or how to achieve that.
The quest book could use a bit of rewriting and rejigging.