[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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I tried logging on to my server today running 1.3.0 and it said microblocks tile.whiteStone is not installed client side. I thought ok no big deal so i updated my server and client...still got the same thing. I tried copying the mods and configs folder from the server to the client no luck. Tried redownloading the client still received the same error. Any ideas?

Still needing a fix for this.....
im not sure if this is gunna work but from what i did (vers. 1.2.8?/1.3.0 - downloaded 1.3.0 says 1.2.8 in game) u can make 4 enchanted books with flim flam lv 1 with 1 emerald ea. and make 17 enchanted wood. per recipe dunno what the problem is if u have a fortune hammer seeing as i hard ever use emeralds :3, also automation is easy but just confusing if u dont know what your doing main how all steve's mods are imo once u get fortune 3 on a hammer u can start automation easily with steve's cart, 3 things u can mostly get after your hammer is a auto cobble gen with steve's cart, auto tree farm / charcoal gen farm, and a automatic endoflame farm which is everything you should need to start off early game just play around with the carts and make it your priority and you should be set
Oh hey you can still make flim flams? Cool.
Still needing a fix for this.....

OK, so my friend tells me that last night he lost his MyFit. As the quest is repeatable he did re-did the quest. The server apparently had an issue with that and kicked him. When he tried to log back in he got the error that the tile.whiteStone was missing. Could the two be related?

EDIT: So I did a search for "microblocks tile.whiteStone" in Google and came across this little tidbit:

Microblocks not installed on client: tile.whiteStone
ModPack Verion:
Java Version: All
Links to logs: N/A
Operating System: Windows 8.1
I thought it might be useful to leave this here as a solution.

This error may start appearing on packs with Hardcore Ender Expansion installed when the client system date is April 1. The cause seems to be an incompatibility between Hardcore Ender Expansion's April Fools joke (ender bacon) and the way Forge Multipart registers blocks.

The solution is to edit config/HardcoreEnderExpansion.cfg and set I:hardcoreEnderbacon=2. This disables the April Fools joke and the client should no longer get the microblock error.

EDIT 2: So I applied the fix and it works. I'll say this about mod devs who put crap this like into their mods: Go fuck yourself. Keep this stupid bullshit out of your fucking mods. All this does is ruin someone's day.
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I am not sure if this is a bug related to this mod pack or the mods involved themselves, but I found a problem. If you craft a camelpack with an adventurer's backpack, it correctly applies the water counter. You can equip and refill it as usual. However, if you open the bad, the water counter disappears. I saw earlier in the thread this is just a render issue, but I couldn't get the counter to come back like the last poster did.

Related to this, I assume the "clean water" isn't a registered fluid and is just an item that you drink and/or craft with the camel pack to refill it. How hard would it be to register it so you could fill your backpack's tank and hose-drink it?
Tried with the 4 flim flams... Only 1 enchanted wood.


Screw enchanted wood...

I hate enchanting crap.
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Tried with the 4 flim flams... Only 1 enchanted wood.


Screw enchanted wood...

I hate enchanting crap.

ahh guess it was changed then *just updated to 1.3.1 and my 1.2.8/1.3.0 world wont load just stops at "intergrading server - loading dimension 1" and just stops loading was trying to see if flim flams worked, why dont u try setting up a mob farm someway u do get enchanted items from infernal mobs then using i forget what mod it is but u basiclly take the enchant off the items and put them onto books at the cost of dmg to the item namly pickaxes and armour , or using botania flower that generates dungeon loot?
ahh guess it was changed then *just updated to 1.3.1 and my 1.2.8/1.3.0 world wont load just stops at "intergrading server - loading dimension 1" and just stops loading was trying to see if flim flams worked, why dont u try setting up a mob farm someway u do get enchanted items from infernal mobs then using i forget what mod it is but u basiclly take the enchant off the items and put them onto books at the cost of dmg to the item namly pickaxes and armour , or using botania flower that generates dungeon loot?

That sounds so tedious... Enchanting stuff is the worst...

By the way why are Filing Cabinets used for storage? JABBA barrels are a lot more feature rich and IMO do a better job. I know that previously you said that they were too 'easy' and 'common'. They're no 'easier' than filing cabinets, just a lot less annoying to deal with. And as for common, it's common for a reason. It's good at what it does. I get wanting to distinguish your pack from others by not using all of the same mods but seriously filing cabinets are just a huge unnecessary hassle...

PS - Early progression is strange... You go Tinkerer's Tools to Flax's tools but the problem is that Tinkerer's Tools are FAR, FAR superior to Flax's in every way. A better way to do this IMO would be to make the smelter blocks reward come later and make Flax's tools first. You could rejig the mining levels of blocks so that making a basic pick could get coal, copper and zinc which would make Flax's possible to craft straight away. It's weird moving from an automated smelter (Tinkerer's) to a manual crucible (Flax's) and grabbing steam tools after having a Alumite pickaxe that can mine Ardite in like 0.2 seconds.

I think your pack is extremely good but it suffers from some weird progression throughout where half the time you're doing grindy quests for rewards that aren't even useful to you so you can get to the useful quests. The other half the time it's not clear where to progress to or how to achieve that.

The quest book could use a bit of rewriting and rejigging.
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That sounds so tedious... Enchanting stuff is the worst...

By the way why are Filing Cabinets used for storage? JABBA barrels are a lot more feature rich and IMO do a better job. I know that previously you said that they were too 'easy' and 'common'. They're no 'easier' than filing cabinets, just a lot less annoying to deal with. And as for common, it's common for a reason. It's good at what it does. I get wanting to distinguish your pack from others by not using all of the same mods but seriously filing cabinets are just a huge unnecessary hassle...

PS - Early progression is strange... You go Tinkerer's Tools to Flax's tools but the problem is that Tinkerer's Tools are FAR, FAR superior to Flax's in every way. A better way to do this IMO would be to make the smelter blocks reward come later and make Flax's tools first. You could rejig the mining levels of blocks so that making a basic pick could get coal, copper and zinc which would make Flax's possible to craft straight away. It's weird moving from an automated smelter (Tinkerer's) to a manual crucible (Flax's) and grabbing steam tools after having a Alumite pickaxe that can mine Ardite in like 0.2 seconds.

I think your pack is extremely good but it suffers from some weird progression throughout where half the time you're doing grindy quests for rewards that aren't even useful to you so you can get to the useful quests. The other half the time it's not clear where to progress to or how to achieve that.

The quest book could use a bit of rewriting and rejigging.

Extra utilities filling cabinets can be used to store one type of item.
The item CAN be UNSTACKABLE, great for armor weapons and other junk from mob farms :-)
ahh guess it was changed then *just updated to 1.3.1 and my 1.2.8/1.3.0 world wont load just stops at "intergrading server - loading dimension 1" and just stops loading was trying to see if flim flams worked, why dont u try setting up a mob farm someway u do get enchanted items from infernal mobs then using i forget what mod it is but u basiclly take the enchant off the items and put them onto books at the cost of dmg to the item namly pickaxes and armour , or using botania flower that generates dungeon loot?

The only way I found to fix this is to delete this: FTBLauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\YOUR WORLD\HardcoreQuesting
This will reset all the quests you have completed so far, but you will be able to play your world again, just type /hqm edit and use it to get all the quests back, BUT throw the rewards away, dont cheat!
I'm trying to set up a tree farm outside... Problem is that if I set it up within my walls I can't use torches to keep it lit because they set fire to the trees... Solutions?
I'm trying to set up a tree farm outside... Problem is that if I set it up within my walls I can't use torches to keep it lit because they set fire to the trees... Solutions?

Glowstone, glowstone glass the only solution I know about, make covers or nooks, whichever you prefer.
I'm trying to set up a tree farm outside... Problem is that if I set it up within my walls I can't use torches to keep it lit because they set fire to the trees... Solutions?

Go for glowstone (I would make a saw and cut them into strips ... don't use nooks, they can turn into obsidian), glowstone torches or megatorches.

Something (in my eyes) weird happened to me this morning. I went into the Pneumaticraft questline and did the first quest. I chose the seed storage as optional reward, since I thought it might actually contain some of the seeds I might still be missing. I have stored a good hand full already in my exploits, but I am pretty sure some are still missing.
I threw the I/O drive into its slot and was utterly surprised when the seed storage only yielded only 2 pieces of wood, a drying rack and a golden lasso .... and that was it ... not a single seed ... guess I have to leave Robit out alone in the dark.
Is that a bug? Is it intended? The name of the module would a really evil confusion if the second option applies. Or am I missing something here?
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Do I need to start the new 1.3.3 map or can I continue with my old 1.3.1 save?

What has changed?

Do I miss out if I play my old save?

Err... Update broke my save? I'm getting a CTD, ticking memory connection in the crash report. Halp?
By the way why are Filing Cabinets used for storage? JABBA barrels are a lot more feature rich and IMO do a better job. I know that previously you said that they were too 'easy' and 'common'. They're no 'easier' than filing cabinets, just a lot less annoying to deal with. And as for common, it's common for a reason.

And just because it is common it means that everyone has to use them? That would basicly make modpacks all the same. Yeah I am missing TE and MFR. They would make things a lot easier ... yet this pack forces me out of my comfort zone (sometimes too far for my taste, but I am still with it *G*) and forces me to think in different ways.
I am with you that some quests seem to grindy for the result you get, but so far I always had the option to put the quest aside and do something else. At first I wanted to progress in a linear fashion through the pack, but thats something you should try to forget. It won't work that way.
And just because it is common it means that everyone has to use them?

And as for common, it's common for a reason.

Not everybody has to drive to work in a car.

But if you leave your car in the garage to take a horse and carriage to work most people would raise an eyebrow.

... Unless you're an Amish that is :p.

I'm definitely loading JABBA onto my version of the modpack. It does everything storage drawers do in a cleaner way and accepts pipes.
That sounds so tedious... Enchanting stuff is the worst...

By the way why are Filing Cabinets used for storage? JABBA barrels are a lot more feature rich and IMO do a better job. I know that previously you said that they were too 'easy' and 'common'. They're no 'easier' than filing cabinets, just a lot less annoying to deal with. And as for common, it's common for a reason. It's good at what it does. I get wanting to distinguish your pack from others by not using all of the same mods but seriously filing cabinets are just a huge unnecessary hassle...

PS - Early progression is strange... You go Tinkerer's Tools to Flax's tools but the problem is that Tinkerer's Tools are FAR, FAR superior to Flax's in every way. A better way to do this IMO would be to make the smelter blocks reward come later and make Flax's tools first. You could rejig the mining levels of blocks so that making a basic pick could get coal, copper and zinc which would make Flax's possible to craft straight away. It's weird moving from an automated smelter (Tinkerer's) to a manual crucible (Flax's) and grabbing steam tools after having a Alumite pickaxe that can mine Ardite in like 0.2 seconds.

I think your pack is extremely good but it suffers from some weird progression throughout where half the time you're doing grindy quests for rewards that aren't even useful to you so you can get to the useful quests. The other half the time it's not clear where to progress to or how to achieve that.

The quest book could use a bit of rewriting and rejigging.
Do level 1 enchanted books.... JABBA is overused, i dont want to make the pack like just every other pack with the same mods... I do agree early progression is awkard...
I'm definitely loading JABBA onto my version of the modpack. It does everything storage drawers do in a cleaner way and accepts pipes.

That of course is a valid choice. I would just be bored after some time when I would constantly repeat the same mods over and over. While I like certain mods as a foundation for every modpack, I embrace diversity there. Apart from that I didn't have a demand for a higly sophisticated storage system yet. The drawer I made for the quests (along with some more I made after that) now make excellent kitchen cupboards and store my food. The rest is in vanilla chests, and I am fine with that ;)
Do I need to start the new 1.3.3 map or can I continue with my old 1.3.1 save?

What has changed?

Do I miss out if I play my old save?

Err... Update broke my save? I'm getting a CTD, ticking memory connection in the crash report. Halp?
From what I can tell it is just some mod updates.

There is a mod that automatically backups the game, use a backup if you did not save a copy before updating.