[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now you made mekanism's power requirements unbearable to maintain power for. I have to ask you once again, what is your goal here with this pack? if this pack is going to turn into nothing but grind, I'll leave now before I get too frustrated. Every single change you make seems to be to this end. "make the player complete more and more boring tasks to do 1/8th of the things they can do in other mod packs". I can assure you that players in most of the world do not enjoy this type of play style. Tone down the grind. It doesn't make things harder, just longer and more boring.

Here's the comparison:
name = original value to changed value % increase
ChemicalCrystallizerUsage=400.0 to 2000.0 500% increase
ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage=400.0 to 2000.0 500%
ChemicalInfuserUsage=200.0 to 2000.0 1000%
ChemicalInjectionChamberUsage=400.0 to 2000.0 500%
ChemicalWasherUsage=200.0 to 2000.0 1000%
CombinerUsage=50.0 to 2000.0 4000% !!!!!
CrusherUsage=50.0 to 2000.0 4000% !!!!!
DigitalMinerUsage=100.0 to 100.0 ----
ElectricPumpUsage=100.0 to 1000.0 1000%
EnergizedSmelterUsage=50.0 to 1000.0 2000%
EnrichmentChamberUsage=50.0 to 1000.0 2000%
FactoryUsage=50.0 3000.0 6000%
FluidicPlenisherUsage=100.0 to 1000.0 1000%
MetallurgicInfuserUsage=50.0 to 2000.0 4000%
OsmiumCompressorUsage=100.0 to 2000.0 2000%
OxidationChamberUsage=200.0 to 2000.0 1000%
PrecisionSawmillUsage=50.0 to 1000.0 2000%
PressurizedReactionBaseUsage=5.0 to 1000.0 20,000% !?!?!??!?!
PurificationChamberUsage=200.0 to 2000.0 1000%
RotaryCondensentratorUsage=50.0 to 1000.0 2000%
SeismicVibratorUsage=50.0 to 1000.0 2000%

Once again, I say, did you just randomly go through and change these values to whatever sounded good, or did you actually do any math to calculate what these values will cost in terms of time and fuel? I'm changing my config back to the original one, and any more changes like this will pretty much keep me from updating my game or following the changes anymore. I'm tired of fighting through this.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now you made mekanism's power requirements unbearable to maintain power for. I have to ask you once again, what is your goal here with this pack? if this pack is going to turn into nothing but grind, I'll leave now before I get too frustrated. Every single change you make seems to be to this end. "make the player complete more and more boring tasks to do 1/8th of the things they can do in other mod packs". I can assure you that players in most of the world do not enjoy this type of play style. Tone down the grind. It doesn't make things harder, just longer and more boring.
Ehhh... I am experimenting with that hence the experimental in the change log >_<


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, and now what is the definition of professional?

No, that would be making a mistake. People make mistakes, and they don't always admit to them or realize they've made one. I think we have a few examples of this recently if you know what I mean. Regardless, it's their work, their blood, sweat and tears, that you've done absolutely nothing to earn.

I'm not on a high horse, I was defending myself, you flat out accused me of being blind to the pack's issues. Yet there's page after page of me reporting said issues. I am not the blind one.

There's no ore gen, the chasms are "structures" and the ore is part of them. There are natural pockets of like oil or something all over the world underground, I believe that's the only naturally generating resource.

The world is practically infinite though, so technically you can always head out in a direction and make more spawn. Using netherportals you can travel extremely long distance on the overworld very quickly. Hop into the nether, run a few hundred blocks, create another portal and go through it, bam you are way off in a new untouched area of the overworld.

Well, I see you're convinced that karmarcharger is handling the pack perfectly well and there's no possible way he could ever do any wrong and that if anyone ever says anything bad about the modpack then they're a bad person, so I'm going to stop trying to show you my point of view since you seem hell-bent on dismissing it as fallacy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So found something wierd, in v1.2.5 my friends and I are dying by nothing, we lose a life and it says u died, but there is no chat message for why and no reason it should have happened.
Its happened in both the nether and the overworld


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So found something wierd, in v1.2.5 my friends and I are dying by nothing, we lose a life and it says u died, but there is no chat message for why and no reason it should have happened.
Its happened in both the nether and the overworld
did you read the last few pages? Alot of people have mentioned the same thing and the solution and reason why has been clearly stated. no excuse for being lazy, go read.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So found something wierd, in v1.2.5 my friends and I are dying by nothing, we lose a life and it says u died, but there is no chat message for why and no reason it should have happened.
Its happened in both the nether and the overworld
Its a Friday the 13 easter egg from environmine... just have a torch in ur hotbar and ur safe


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GOD I HATE IT! I cant get out of my base......I dont have admin so I cant change my computer's time, and for some reason, Im dying in creative when I try to /gamemode c. /me resorts to having copy-paste /give RojoM minecraft:torch 1 XD. Oh, and for you guys....have Valentines day :3
AKA. Singles Awareness Day XD, please tell me if that is considered offensive, Im pretty sure it isnt but Ill delete it if needed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was increasing the solars generators to be on Par with its crafting recipes.... then i saw the other configs so.... :3
Ok, well the problem is that you didn't consider that you quested us generators from ender IO without any increase in power generation, thus unbalancing energy through all the mods. In order to effectively make these changes work you would have to go through all of the configs and increase the power generation for every single generator, which would be a nightmare to keep balanced.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, well the problem is that you didn't consider that you quested us generators from ender IO without any increase in power generation, thus unbalancing energy through all the mods. In order to effectively make these changes work you would have to go through all of the configs and increase the power generation for every single generator, which would be a nightmare to keep balanced.
Thanks for the info, I will make the revert most of the mekanism machines power level ::)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so I watched the galgadorian revolution....maybe nerf enhanced production a little bit. An ultimate circut seems like overkill but they are easy to get once you got redstone and iron. What Im concerned about is the eyes of galgador. Maybe instead you could make us use the refined hardeners? Just a thought :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so I watched the galgadorian revolution....maybe nerf enhanced production a little bit. An ultimate circut seems like overkill but they are easy to get once you got redstone and iron. What Im concerned about is the eyes of galgador. Maybe instead you could make us use the refined hardeners? Just a thought :)
Wont that make eyes of galgador useless? XDD