[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might be wrong about this, but weren't the bunkers added in 1.2.5? When @Elysium is still playing in 1.2.4 (like I do as well since I haven't updated yet) then it wouldn't be a big surprise if no bunkers show up. Have to check the patchnotes again.

Cannot confirm nor deny. The patchnotes are missing in the startpost. I will fly out in a copy map in creative later and see whether I can find a bunker in 1.2.4

I spent most of my time on 1.2.2 where I found plenty of bunkers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've been looking at the Elysium/karmarcharger bunker issue, and I've got to side with Elysium, personally. Even if he went about it rudely, he did still point out an issue he was having. Karmarchager's (the modpack maker and person who should care) response was pretty much "Screw off, it's your fault." And I've been on this thread for awhile, and I've noticed that karmarcharger's responses to bug issues are either that it's someone else's fault or he completely ignores the issue. That Elysium is so upset over this shows that there IS some issue in the pack, and karmarchager pretty much blew him off about it.

In my full, honest opinion, karmarcharger doesn't quite know what he's doing. From ignoring bug reports to not knowing what's going on in his own pack to not knowing anything about how it balances to having an unstable pack that ought to be labeled a full beta listed as stable, I just don't see much, if any, professionalism. And it's a shame that I feel there's evidence to say that. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I see, this pack is suffering due to karmarcharger's inexperience, and that absolutely sucks, because this is a really great idea for a pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


I think you are lost, or somebody scammed you into paying for this free mod pack that karma has likely spent a ridiculous amount of their free time working on and has graciously shared with us. You really have no right to complain or judge, and doing so says a lot more about you than the pack.

Hey, please help me, thank you !

so I want to know where mobs can spawn and where they can't realy easy, in version 1.2.0 I could use F7 (The NEI feature that shows yellow X's and red X's) but since I updated to 1.2.5 I can't use that feature anymore, how can I use it? is it another button? is it disabled ? can I enable it via the config files ? Please please help me, thank you very much !

Remove the "JustAnotherSpawner" mod, it breaks normal mob spawns and causes those Xs to go away.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After seeing two of these "chasm" in the world and that they have ore/coal inside of them I'm wondering:
Anyone knows if there is actual ore-generation in the lower ground of the hardened clay or is that just something you find in these chasms?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I think you are lost, or somebody scammed you into paying for this free mod pack that karma has likely spent a ridiculous amount of their free time working on and has graciously shared with us. You really have no right to complain or judge, and doing so says a lot more about you than the pack.

Professionalism does not require anything to be paid for, so I'm not quite sure why you think I'm lost and such.

Karmarcharger has handled this modpack rather poorly (in my opinion, to be fair), and in a way that is likely not how one would handle a business matter. That's what I was trying to say with the one single word you quoted out of my entire post, @Astasia

Also, one purpose of this forum is to report bugs, imbalances, and so on and so forth, which means that there will be times where someone points out something that they feel to be wrong with the modpack, and which can be interpreted as judging or complaining. That you're trying to take someone's clearly labeled opinion and dismiss it as judgmental and complaining comes off as you rabidly defending the modpack whilst being blind to any and all flaws it may have. Once again, this is only my perception, and it may well be wrong (this being something I always try to point out, given that I'm not some all-knowing oracle of knowledge), but this is what it seems to be from my point of view.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Professionalism does not require anything to be paid for, so I'm not quite sure why you think I'm lost and such.

Karmarcharger has handled this modpack rather poorly (in my opinion, to be fair), and in a way that is likely not how one would handle a business matter. That's what I was trying to say with the one single word you quoted out of my entire post, @Astasia

Also, one purpose of this forum is to report bugs, imbalances, and so on and so forth, which means that there will be times where someone points out something that they feel to be wrong with the modpack, and which can be interpreted as judging or complaining. That you're trying to take someone's clearly labeled opinion and dismiss it as judgmental and complaining comes off as you rabidly defending the modpack whilst being blind to any and all flaws it may have. Once again, this is only my perception, and it may well be wrong (this being something I always try to point out, given that I'm not some all-knowing oracle of knowledge), but this is what it seems to be from my point of view.

Professionalism explicitly implies a profession is involved, as in a job, something somebody is paid to do. Making mods and sharing them with people is a hobby, and a generous gift to the players who play them. It's not something that can be "handled poorly." It's like somebody giving you a gift and you complaining that the gift did not arrive in a timely fashion and was not wrapped with an adequate number of ribbons.

Reporting bugs and giving opinions on mechanics and balance issues is not even remotely close to the kind of childish whining on display in this thread from several posters. I have likely reported more bugs and made more balance suggestions in the last 100 pages than anyone else, but I do so in as polite a way as I can, and I do it because it's a brilliant pack and I would love to see it with a little more polish. Mod authors deserve nothing but respect from us, and if you can't be respectful you really shouldn't be allowed here IMO and you certainly shouldn't expect them to be respectful to you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've been looking at the Elysium/karmarcharger bunker issue, and I've got to side with Elysium, personally. Even if he went about it rudely, he did still point out an issue he was having. Karmarchager's (the modpack maker and person who should care) response was pretty much "Screw off, it's your fault." And I've been on this thread for awhile, and I've noticed that karmarcharger's responses to bug issues are either that it's someone else's fault or he completely ignores the issue. That Elysium is so upset over this shows that there IS some issue in the pack, and karmarchager pretty much blew him off about it.

In my full, honest opinion, karmarcharger doesn't quite know what he's doing. From ignoring bug reports to not knowing what's going on in his own pack to not knowing anything about how it balances to having an unstable pack that ought to be labeled a full beta listed as stable, I just don't see much, if any, professionalism. And it's a shame that I feel there's evidence to say that. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I see, this pack is suffering due to karmarcharger's inexperience, and that absolutely sucks, because this is a really great idea for a pack.
No... karma's response was that Elly was unlucky.
Random generation is all about luck.

Also I'm not sure where you get ignoring bug reports from...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think we could all do with being more courteous and giving each other the benefit of the doubt. You are all raising valid points. Things with this pack are in disorder now, people are frustrated and upset. Also, Karma is just a human being and after reading two days worth of unnecessarily adversarial whining, I'd get a little catty with the person too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Professionalism explicitly implies a profession is involved, as in a job, something somebody is paid to do. Making mods and sharing them with people is a hobby, and a generous gift to the players who play them. It's not something that can be "handled poorly." It's like somebody giving you a gift and you complaining that the gift did not arrive in a timely fashion and was not wrapped with an adequate number of ribbons.

Reporting bugs and giving opinions on mechanics and balance issues is not even remotely close to the kind of childish whining on display in this thread from several posters. I have likely reported more bugs and made more balance suggestions in the last 100 pages than anyone else, but I do so in as polite a way as I can, and I do it because it's a brilliant pack and I would love to see it with a little more polish. Mod authors deserve nothing but respect from us, and if you can't be respectful you really shouldn't be allowed here IMO and you certainly shouldn't expect them to be respectful to you.

Professionalism is doing something in a professional manner. I can create an email with professionalism in mind despite the fact that creating emails is not my profession. And yes, creating a modpack can easily be handled poorly. What if (and yes, this is a worst-case hypothetical to prove the possibility of handling poorly) karmarcharger released an update that permanently corrupted every world it was run on and told everyone it was their fault while completely refusing to do anything about it or acknowledge the problem? That'd be handling his modpack poorly. (For the record, I very much doubt anything like that would happen, but it's at least possible, and as such, can be handled poorly, however unlikely such a situation may be)

I have likely reported more bugs and made more balance suggestions in the last 100 pages than anyone else

Get off yer high horse, lass. (Well, I'm assuming lass, given that Astasia sounds rather feminine. If not, then substitute with lad.)

Also I'm not sure where you get ignoring bug reports from...

Remember when there were multiple pages about the entry cost of dirt to make triple compressed dirt, and karmarcharger just kept repeating "fortune 3 hammer" while completely ignoring that that wasn't the issue at all? That. Granted, he did eventually address it, and that's good, but that that happened still rubs me wrong.

No... karma's response was that Elly was unlucky.

It means you are not trying hard enough? Or you are not lucky.... no one else have that problem, so the problem is YOU, not the pack....

Yeah, karmarcharger did indeed say it may just be terrible luck, but before that, he said that Elysium wasn't trying hard enough, and after that, said that Elysium was the problem and not the pack. I'd have been offended if I'd not found any bunkers over a large distance, and was told that I'm not trying hard enough and that I'm the problem, not the pack. That was flat out mean. Karmarcharger then went on to say to ignore Elysium because he was flaming and whatnot, when, in my opinion at least, he was frustrated about the whole ordeal, and I don't blame him for that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Remember when there were multiple pages about the entry cost of dirt to make triple compressed dirt, and karmarcharger just kept repeating "fortune 3 hammer" while completely ignoring that that wasn't the issue at all? That. Granted, he did eventually address it, and that's good, but that that happened still rubs me wrong.

Yeah, karmarcharger did indeed say it may just be terrible luck, but before that, he said that Elysium wasn't trying hard enough, and after that, said that Elysium was the problem and not the pack. I'd have been offended if I'd not found any bunkers over a large distance, and was told that I'm not trying hard enough and that I'm the problem, not the pack. That was flat out mean. Karmarcharger then went on to say to ignore Elysium because he was flaming and whatnot, when, in my opinion at least, he was frustrated about the whole ordeal, and I don't blame him for that.
Again though, the problem is that new bunkers don't pop up over time and to be fair to karma as you just said Elly was flaming.
I don't care what happens there is never a reason to flame.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So all in all karma should remove the stable out of the title and everyone will be happy right?
I would like to have a new thread which is actually related to the modpack and not 10 pages personal vendettas per 1 useful post. Honestly if I would moderate this thread I would just straight up delete half the posts in here.

Most complaints I read here were total bullshit. Take the sugar cane for example. Sure sugar cane is hard to come by if you didn't pick the reward in your third quest but did anyone ever considered that a HARDCORE modpack expects you to DIE EARLY MULTIPLE TIMES so you LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. Then people made a point that you need sugar cane to make paper for the books and bookshelves so you can make a fortune 3 hammer. That's just not true. The rougelike dungeons have so many books and bookshelves in them that you don't need a single piece of sugar cane to get a fortune 3 enchantment. I feel like most people that complain sit in their base trying to get all the ressources while not moving one block away from the base. Please explore multiple options before you say something is hard or impossible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So all in all karma should remove the stable out of the title and everyone will be happy right?

That definitely wouldn't fix everything, but that is definitely a good idea. The modpack is still undergoing too many changes to really be called stable, and people going in ought to be aware that, while the modpack does run without spontaneously dying, it's not completely stable either.

EDIT: I definitely overused definitely, right? Definitely within the definitely first sentence or so? Definitely. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then people made a point that you need sugar cane to make paper for the books and bookshelves so you can make a fortune 3 hammer. That's just not true. The rougelike dungeons have so many books and bookshelves in them that you don't need a single piece of sugar cane to get a fortune 3 enchantment. I feel like most people that complain sit in their base trying to get all the ressources while not moving one block away from the base. Please explore multiple options before you say something is hard or impossible.

I agree completely, in fact I would argue that the abundance of rare materials in the dungeons makes more than a few of the normal progression methods pretty pointless. People who are used to linear progression will find this pretty confusing and will attribute it to a design flaw or oversight rather than an intentional mechanic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) description states clearly "Hardcore"
2) open to lan, and type "/gamemode 0" if it's too rough for you, and get the items that are too challenging for you.
3) contribute to the developer if you want special attention
4) myfit is obtained extremely easy, and allows for long distance travel with easy
5) there's a new update in beta with a completely different map, try and wait for that if needed.

Lastly, thank you for a fun challenging modpack, that makes you think about what you do.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Professionalism is doing something in a professional manner.

Ok, and now what is the definition of professional?

And yes, creating a modpack can easily be handled poorly. What if (and yes, this is a worst-case hypothetical to prove the possibility of handling poorly) karmarcharger released an update that permanently corrupted every world it was run on and told everyone it was their fault while completely refusing to do anything about it or acknowledge the problem? That'd be handling his modpack poorly. (For the record, I very much doubt anything like that would happen, but it's at least possible, and as such, can be handled poorly, however unlikely such a situation may be)

No, that would be making a mistake. People make mistakes, and they don't always admit to them or realize they've made one. I think we have a few examples of this recently if you know what I mean. Regardless, it's their work, their blood, sweat and tears, that you've done absolutely nothing to earn.

Get off yer high horse, lass.

I'm not on a high horse, I was defending myself, you flat out accused me of being blind to the pack's issues. Yet there's page after page of me reporting said issues. I am not the blind one.

After seeing two of these "chasm" in the world and that they have ore/coal inside of them I'm wondering:
Anyone knows if there is actual ore-generation in the lower ground of the hardened clay or is that just something you find in these chasms?

There's no ore gen, the chasms are "structures" and the ore is part of them. There are natural pockets of like oil or something all over the world underground, I believe that's the only naturally generating resource.

Again though, the problem is that new bunkers don't pop up over time

The world is practically infinite though, so technically you can always head out in a direction and make more spawn. Using netherportals you can travel extremely long distance on the overworld very quickly. Hop into the nether, run a few hundred blocks, create another portal and go through it, bam you are way off in a new untouched area of the overworld.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am having problems starting the game. I followed the instructions of going to the file where you game is and deleting it so it can be replaced with the other one from the first post. I tried to start it and the launcher closed but no game appeared so i opened task manager to see that it hadn't even started java.exe either. I then tried again and the launcher stayed open with the error log here>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VEvuLIYM0EY91pm9ox7BsYGjTl2FEQTtdt9bEHPwJ3s/edit


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i lost my old Ezcore world but i created a new Hardcore one and used and NBT editor to change it to survival
Is this gonna work?