Here's the start of my base, nothing amazing yet. Love the location (redrock mountain ridge, local village, 2 oil spouts, dungeon almost underneath my house), just having bad luck with finding mineral resources, plus, living up high means further to travel to get the good stuff underground!
Plus, unfortunately the only wildlife to spawn near here were 4 sheep, and a load of wolves. I, err, killed 3 sheep (lack of shears), and saved the 4th, until a wolf got in and killed it.
No pigs, chickens or cows anywhere local, and the jungle makes travel difficult. May have to raid the local villages for books and try my luck with mystcraft ages.
Start of my sorting room:
My amazing power room:
The outside (cobble just placeholders for now):

My farm:
Plans include a refinery system where the oil spouts are; improving the local village - one of their farms has "fallen" (spawned) in a deep natural crater; thaumcraft/magic tower on the spit of land to overlook all the jungle; automated farms; and a rail system to get between the mountain village and another one just the other side of the jungle.
But first I want to get a peat farm setup to provide a constant base of energy, eating through my coal too fast at the moment.