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Jm built a fully automated sheep farm
Out of curiosity, since I've been thinking about something similar myself: How did he do it?
My current solution:
1x1 pen with a sheep in it, on one side a shearing turtle with a chest above, running the following code (the whole thing 16 times, once per color)
while true do
  if turtle.getItemCount(1) == 0 then
First check to see, if the inventory is currently empty (should only happen if the chest above is full). Then try to empty the inventory and go to sleep for a minute.
Out of curiosity, since I've been thinking about something similar myself: How did he do it?
My current solution:
1x1 pen with a sheep in it, on one side a shearing turtle with a chest above, running the following code (the whole thing 16 times, once per color)
a checkerboard of redpower deployers / grass is also effective.
Basically, it's a 1x2 pen for each sheep. You need to separate them with something that doesn't kill grass when it's over it, because the sheep will easily clear out the grass in a 1x2 pen. On the skinny side, use an rp2 deployed with sheers- we have a barrel with several hundred extras that automatically refills the deployers. Finally, you need something to collect the dropped wool, like a golem or one of those sucking machines.
I will try and post some pictures of my base when i get done. It is going to be a fully automated base that is biuld out of redpower frames so the whole thing can move. i will also have some sort of auto tnt maker and have a huge bomb bay area i have also thought about makeing a nuke cannon and putting it on the bottom. oh, and it will have 8 fully automated quarries so i can place them with a button and pick them up with a button and move my whole base to the next location and start digging again.
What if you had a set of sheep enclosed in a pen, and below them was a rectangle split in the middle; grass on one half, and a grid of deployers/transposers on the other. on a one-minute cycle, the floor of the pen is shifted from one section to the other via frames, at which point the deployers/transposers harvest the sheep and collect the wool, before shifting the grass back underneath the sheep for another one-minute rotation?


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Ok remember back when I said I do not foresee a need for six+ barrels of cobble? Well I lied.

So I need to get a farm and stuff setup under the ocean. Perfect job for the filler. 64x64 would be nice... Oh wait I need something to fill that with. Glass! yeah even setting filler to box mode I still ended up using like 3 barrels of cobble that I pulverized into sand and then cooked into glass.

The the real issues hit me.

You ever try and just pump out a 64 by 64 by 8 volume of water with the Redpower pump? Yeah after about an hour and completely stripping my pile and bats of power I only removed one layer from this. (this is the before)

2013-01-10_17.49.38 by Saice, on Flickr

So its time to upgrade my Pile. It will never be as good as wind or solar but I just need it to be good enough. I do not mind taking a break from a large project to do something else while it charges up some batteries but I don't want to wait hours. So down we go. That glass here because I like looking down on the pile from up top. Purely for looks.

2013-01-10_18.17.11 by Saice, on Flickr

Mmmm look at all them piles. I added 32 to my existing 16.

2013-01-10_18.22.17 by Saice, on Flickr

Sorry I just think this looks nice.

2013-01-10_18.28.03 by Saice, on Flickr

I did some power testing with diffrent loads after I got it all up and running.

One dead battery attached

2013-01-10_18.41.21 by Saice, on Flickr

9 batteries and my one furnace running.

2013-01-10_18.42.41 by Saice, on Flickr

18 dead batteries attached LOL look at that wattage. (add your over 9k joke here)

2013-01-10_18.32.51 by Saice, on Flickr

Small update

The after shot of my glass box under the sea and it 1 box of air that mocks my old pile's output.

2013-01-10_19.31.28 by Saice, on Flickr

And after letting the upgraded pile settle in it rock steady at 91 volts 12 amps and 1100 watts.

2013-01-10_19.31.53 by Saice, on Flickr
Just started on a new base. All I have 'done' at the moment is an enchanting + brewing room:

In the door.png
from the back.png

the screen shots didn't get them, but there's 3 brew stands; one centered on each wall

My base has more upgrades now. I spent the last two days building a 64x64x10 box of glass underwater connected to my volcano base. Then pumped out all the water, filled in a layer of dirt, added grass (thanks to my new silk touch shovel) and started my farm and thaum areas. Check out the new stuff.

This might not look like much but it was like two days of work just to have this big plot of dirt under the ocean.

2013-01-11_23.13.40 by Saice, on Flickr

But now look at it. I got the cows and sheep via tier one soul shards. I have them stashed away should I need to reseed my animal pens again sometime.

2013-01-12_06.39.33 by Saice, on Flickr

This is my inhumane chicken pen plus Bob the egg stealer.

2013-01-12_06.40.46 by Saice, on Flickr

Over here is my fully automatic farm. I need to go get some diamonds so I can make dark iron and upgrade these barrels before they max out. I plan on added melons once I find some seeds.

2013-01-12_06.38.44 by Saice, on Flickr

My Thaum lab

2013-01-12_06.42.02 by Saice, on Flickr

This is the work area I had to make the area by the crucible stone for obvious reasons. You can't really see it by there is two golems over there minding the thing. Where are the warded jars you ask?

2013-01-12_06.42.10 by Saice, on Flickr

Upstairs of course. All are in range of the alter below and once I get some glasses made for the tallow that minds them he should be able to reach that far corner. But I want to wait for my flux to go down before I do any more damage. Making all this stuff really created a lot of flux I was at high at one point.

2013-01-12_06.42.17 by Saice, on Flickr

I also added elevators to my main entrance and my sub floor of my main base.
Come on guys, don't stop posting pics now. :P I really love looking through the different approaches everyone takes.
Ive been posting to much so I stoped doing it here as I felt I might have been taking over the thread a bit.
Don't feel that way. :p I love looking at your progress and I'm sure everyone else does also.

LOL my spouse was all. You should just do a LP already.

Sadly no idea how to do such and when I watch people like Etho I know I got nothing to offer better then that.
Hey if you got the equipment the time and the desire to do a lets play then go for it. With the things I have seen you post so far I'm sure people would enjoy watching.
Hey if you got the equipment the time and the desire to do a lets play then go for it. With the things I have seen you post so far I'm sure people would enjoy watching.

That goes back to no idea how. I know I would need a mic and some sort of recording software. beyond that the finer details. No clue not even sure my rig could handle vid cap well at all. but I got the time. Gaming is pretty much my hobby so I get about 4-6 hours on a work day and 8-12 on a day off.
Well, its really not a hard process. Direwolf20 himself only uses a mic for audio recording, fraps for video recording, and Windows movie maker to make cuts and edits. Really no need to get all complicated unless you want to learn how to do those types of things. If you have the desire to put up a Lets play then it'll turn out good no matter how many people watch the videos. I have always thought that doing a LP would be fun, but i'm just not the kind of guy who puts himself out there like that.
Ten days in the making...

Just an overview of my small town in the making. I decided to go with oak wood so I can abuse fences. Things always get out of hand if I try and make anything out of micro-blocks. So I wanted to keep the structures simple. Yes, the nearest rubber tree I could find was 200m away from my original hole in the mountain house.

I started by building the barn, and powering it with milk! I have since added significantly more engines. I started with 4 and worked my way up to the 44 I have now. I have refit the barn with conduits, and plan to add a few more Redstone Energy Cells to the stack in the middle in the near future.

Next I build a building to house my pulverizer and furnace (I already had them running on a magmatic engine in the hole in the wall before, but I wanted something at least halfway serious). The magma crucible and transposer are for redstone. The power all comes in the barn and is split among the machines using the conduits. I still craft bronze and electrum bars by hand, as I couldn't get the diamond pipe to do a ratio of sorts and just kind of did whatever it wanted.

I set up a really ghetto sorting systems using barrels and tubes to handle the sheer quantity of stuff my turtles were pumping into my ender chest. Yes, I sleep in the basement and I still move the ores to be handled by hand.


After setting that up, I was tired of chopping trees for all those barrels. I looked into tree farm designs and one used gates from buildcraft, so I set up an assembly table for the first time. This is around the point where I upgraded to 22 engines in the barn. I left it open for expansion in the future, using some black xychorium to fill the gaps in the meantime. I've finalized a design using redpower managers instead of buildcraft gates that I will be implementing in the near future. This table might see some use later.

I knew that I wanted to move into IC2 and Gregtech, now that I had my self situated, but I am still to this day scared shitless in the nether. I first entered when it was bugged on our SMP server when the nether first came out (like 2 years ago) and we had like 80 ghasts all around the nether spawn. So, to this day I still cobblestone tunnel everything in the nether. I opted for the casual friendly lazy mode lava generation, through Thermal Expansion! I'm storing it all in a railcraft tank. You don't need near that many Igneous Extruders, but hell they are pretty much free to make.


I read about Redpower frame quarry's being the most overpowered method of destroying the terrain, I mean mining. So I decided I better get an electric furnace sometime in the near future. Although this project is way down on my list of things to do.

A quick and dirty map of my village so far. Future goals include a RedPower Manager/Forestry tree farm that I've mapped out in creative to put in the northeast of my village and an IC2 production line in the southwest to process items by hand as I build up into the higher tiers of IC2.I wan't to get the sewers under the road a little more finished and with a sense of unity, but first I need to get some IC2 power lines. A real source of street/building lighting is in order, as well as some more variety, perhaps I will use some of those Thaumcraft trees instead of the oaks in my village.
Here's the castle I'm working on, I like the way it's turned out so far, but I'm still trying to figure out what to put in the courtyard and I also don't like having grass there so I'm probably going to switch it for something else. Also I still need to setup my door, right now it's just 2 levers that I have to click back and forth a bunch of times, I'm planing to add some wireless redstone with a timer and counter, i'm not that experienced with red power so that's why I've been putting it off.



This is my main building, the Ender chest is my sorting chest the middle chest is for tools and such and the right chest is for requests.

Here's my sorting system, I don't know how I could ever live without logistics pipes <3


My power room is pretty straight forward, it's just powered by a bunch of solar panels.

Her's my gunpowder farm, just a big square of quick sand 2 deep with a bunch of obsidian pipes under it, Creepers suffocate right before they reach the pipes and the gunpowder slowly falls through and gets picked up by the pipes. It's only a tier 2 spawner since I was to lazy to kill 1k+ creepers. It gives me about half a diamond chest of gunpowder over a few hours which is plenty.

And finally here's the inside of all those four towers, I'm still deciding what to put in them.
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Ten days in the making...

Just wanted to say that I really like the way you created a 'natural' looking village. I tend to just build a multi-story 21x21 build where I stuff everything in but your village setup with different buildings for different tasks look really nice.