Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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That's an awesome house, pretty impressive upgrade from a 9x9. Btw, if you don't like the dripping lava from thaumcraft, I believe there is an option to disable dripping liquid particles in video settings. But that may be Optifine.

Yeah, building in Creative mode definitely made it easier. And I borrowed heavily from a house I saw in a YouTube video a while ago. The reason why I rarely build anything but 9x9s in Survival is not because I can't be creative, but because they're so easy and not very resource-intensive, and can be built fairly quickly.

I finally built this house in my Survival world though. It took a long time to finish, especially since I kept running out of resources, but it's done now and it looks awesome. I had to demolish a big chunk of a Nether fortress to build the roof, search far and wide for clay (and transmute half of my iron into clay once I got impatient) to smelt into bricks for the walls, and cut down countless trees for the house's log frame, but it was totally worth it. I'll probably add a basement for my Magic-related stuff (like Enchanting, Thaumcraft, and eventually EE3), with my machines and power generation on the first floor, and item storage on the second.

I probably won't disable dripping lava. I tend to stupidly dig up and down without taking precautions, and the dripping effect has saved me from digging up into a lava pool more than once. Besides, I like the idea of having my magic laboratory in a basement of some kind.

I'll post more pictures when I get situated, maybe after I advance a little further (I hardly have any machines beyond basic TE ore processing at this point, and basically no automation yet, because I've hardly had any time to play and I tend to advance so slowly).
This is what I plan on making my top floor/roof look like once I get around to building the whole system:

It might look a bit wonky due to some of the blocks being placed a level higher than the rest - these were mostly used as guides until I realized "Hey, Thaumcraft has a wand for this!" The purple blocks that were placed were to check if each side had the proper spacing, since earlier I screwed up the whole thing by placing 3 sides of one of the rectangles one block off -_-

Also, if I can get it to look closer to how it's supposed to (an n/3 star) then I sure as heck plan on it, it's just a fairly large task to do with minecraft's limitations.
Upgrades... My base has them.

So after learning about the dirt portal to twilight I spent most of my day there collecting bugs, hunting for spawner, and stealing liches books. Below is the results.

So them temporary torches are gone replaced by fireflies. I like the look much better.

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

Also I moved my temp storage to its correct place but still don't have its sorting system in yet. Lack of mats for that. That freed up space for murder bot and the xp machine.

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

Storage now. The wood is just a test not sure what I will end up using but it will be covering the tubes from the sorting system later.

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

This here is Murder Bot (labeled HK-47) and the XP Machine. Its simple HK runs a loop to kill anything in front of himself. All the loot shots out the back into a obsidian pipe and feeds the barrels and the chest one iron pipe and diamond pipe keep everything were it should be.

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

Down below are my two tier 5 spawners took a few hours and many many deaths to get them but Twilight forest has an oddly large number of spawners ended up raiding a castle for most of them. I'm using a RP red wire to control it from upstairs.

2013-01-09_05.55.23 by Saice, on Flickr
Can't tell from the picture, but no brain in a jar next to the murder bot? Those things eat up any exp that drops near them, all you have to do is punch the jar and it'll give you some.
Can't tell from the picture, but no brain in a jar next to the murder bot? Those things eat up any exp that drops near them, all you have to do is punch the jar and it'll give you some.

I don't have my thaum lab up yet. I have to research everything again since my last world save corrupted. But I plan on doing just that it will sit on top of the book shelf in front.
Yeah, building in Creative mode definitely made it easier. And I borrowed heavily from a house I saw in a YouTube video a while ago. The reason why I rarely build anything but 9x9s in Survival is not because I can't be creative, but because they're so easy and not very resource-intensive, and can be built fairly quickly.

I finally built this house in my Survival world though. It took a long time to finish, especially since I kept running out of resources, but it's done now and it looks awesome. I had to demolish a big chunk of a Nether fortress to build the roof, search far and wide for clay (and transmute half of my iron into clay once I got impatient) to smelt into bricks for the walls, and cut down countless trees for the house's log frame, but it was totally worth it. I'll probably add a basement for my Magic-related stuff (like Enchanting, Thaumcraft, and eventually EE3), with my machines and power generation on the first floor, and item storage on the second.

I probably won't disable dripping lava. I tend to stupidly dig up and down without taking precautions, and the dripping effect has saved me from digging up into a lava pool more than once. Besides, I like the idea of having my magic laboratory in a basement of some kind.

I'll post more pictures when I get situated, maybe after I advance a little further (I hardly have any machines beyond basic TE ore processing at this point, and basically no automation yet, because I've hardly had any time to play and I tend to advance so slowly).
I don't know if you use IndustrialCraft, but you can compress three netherrack into one netherbrick in a compressor. For future reference in case you build more with the netherbrick.
Whereas i, on the other hand, apply a mining operation best described as "raping the earth", and an animal enclosure best described as "a concentration camp for animals".
Do you mind if I make this quote my signature? :D
Ok, redid my roof design so it should look at lot better:

It won't be too hard to move this from the 8x8 it was built inside of to a 7x7 chunk grid, since all I'd have to do is change the positions of the points by half a chunk in either direction. The small yellow dots are where the lines cross each other.
Ok, redid my roof design so it should look at lot better:

It won't be too hard to move this from the 8x8 it was built inside of to a 7x7 chunk grid, since all I'd have to do is change the positions of the points by half a chunk in either direction. The small yellow dots are where the lines cross each other.

If you really want to blow minds stager your floors so that each one only has two of the three squares as it's walls then rotate each floor so that it flows into a spiraling tower.
Well before I get too intricate on the design I still need to pump out a large area of water and then build a 7x7 chunk quarry under where I'll put my floating fortress. I plan on the area underneath it to have my farms and a village, and at its center I'll use arcane levitators to get to my castle in the sky. For the underground parts I'll be either placing more farms or create a TC3 crystal farm using the Crystal Clusters and some smooth stone. Basically, lots of plans to go with first before I even get to the building phase. Heck, I still need to get my Gravisuit so I can build the thing :X.

What I'll probably do is draw the star using netherbrick and then fill in the area with some patches of dirt and water. I'll use the center and the 12 points to grow silverwood saplings and probably have it looks like a magic spring, and off of each point I'll have waterfalls, so yea...lots of stuff planned.
I don't have a base (or a house really) on my current server, but here are some pics of my old house, before I added more stuff. It's a template, if you will, for a classy-as-hell house. :) http://imgur.com/a/3qSrp

edit: wrong link, fixed
I don't have a base (or a house really) on my current server, but here are some pics of my old house, before I added more stuff. It's a template, if you will, for a classy-as-hell house. :) http://imgur.com/a/3qSrp

edit: wrong link, fixed

With the texture pack that is a nice looking place. My stuff always goes one of two ways. Either vary vary random build and add space as needed. Or Very um "business looking?" Large blocked areas with everything in its own place.
It looks good in vanilla textures too. :) I'm actually carving out a mountain this time, but I'll be building skybridges, (probably with EATS roads) to other parts of my base.
It looks good in vanilla textures too. :) I'm actually carving out a mountain this time, but I'll be building skybridges, (probably with EATS roads) to other parts of my base.

I think the base I liked the most was a vanilla world were I did surviver island thing. Only I said screw the island took the tree made some signs got a sapling and some seeds and just build everything under the ocean. It was fun and I really liked how it looked in the end.
So, an update on the bases I've been working on. Here is an album! http://imgur.com/a/9qT6s#0

We've hugely expand the base, extended the basement to the same perimeter as the topside base (tons of water got displaced). I grinded the End to build my max strength enderman spawner, which, once automated, allowed us to finish collecting the necessary berylium to finish the Fusion Reactor. We have most everything set up to be processed, and all but a few rare overflow scenarios result in ore skipping steps and ending up in the unsorted bin. Jm built a fully automated sheep farm and has been learning thaumcraft while I built an automated farm/food canning process for our q-suits.

My current project is finding enough creepers to kill to build a creeper spawner, and start a gun powder farm so that iridium plate production can be streamlined. Tin is still a rare commodity in the quantities we require. I'm thinking about adding several more quarries to the server load, and crossing my fingers that it doesn't slow things to a crawl.
Updates. So I posted a bit back in my own thread looking for help sliming down a prototype sorting system that would also keep three stone tools in my ender bag at all time. Sadly no one replayed. I have how ever refined that system removed BC piping almost completely from them (has 3 woods 1 Obsidian and 1 Void as well as three gates that are required to make it work) and I finally got all the mats needed to install in it my base. So here we go my Storage and supply system.

Feel free to pass on any advice to make this better.

This which you might have seen earlier is my storage area.

base Upgrades by Saice, on Flickr

Down stairs is my kit bashed supply system and ender chest

Here is the crafting part of it. Three Autocrafters each set to one tool (pickax, shovel, ax) they share a common chest between them full of sticks and cobble. Each has a wooden pipe with a basic Autocratic Gate set to pulse when the chest above them is empty. This crafts one sometimes two of the tool in question.

Autocrafting zone by Saice, on Flickr

This is the other side of that. Each chest is hooked to a filter set to the tool in question and into the ender chest. That pipe on the ceiling its connected upstairs it is my cobble overflow filter I'll get to that later.

The ender chest to hooked to a manager that is set to dump everything but one of each tool. On it side is a redstone torch that lights up when it does not have one or more of the tools. This fires off the Pulse former that in turn fires off the filters sending one of each tool into the ender chest. Extra tools and any loot gets spit out of the manger and into a sorter that send the tools one way and everything else goes up.

Ender Supply and Sorting Zone by Saice, on Flickr

Over here is Cobble over flow control. I like smooth stone (yeah just look at my base) so I like to have cobble on hand. While I do not think I will ever need 6 barrels of cobble you never no. This gets fed as the very end of my sorting system up stairs. Cobble comes down once it fills all these barrels it goes to the end there were an ejector is hooked to a timer to spit out the cobble to a obsidian pipe and void pipe below.

Overflow and Trash by Saice, on Flickr

Up stairs and behind my storage area is the sorting nightmare. I have four sorting machines linked up and chained together. each one sorts a few items and anything it does not sort gets passed to the next machine in line. Its a bit mucky but it works and I can expanded it if need.

Uplink and Main sorting cluster by Saice, on Flickr

The sorters push into this tube network each color goes to two chests. I have covers over chest that currently are not auto sorted. the whole mess is set up so I can change things around simply by removing/adding covers and changing things around in the sorters.

The rainbowwall of doom by Saice, on Flickr

Anything that gets through all the sorting machines with no home goes down white to the wall of barrels and then finally to the unsorted chest at the end of the line.

Overflow Barrels and Unsortable Item chest by Saice, on Flickr

As noted earlier the chest has a cobblestone filter on it. Simple with a slow timer this feeds into that cobble stone over flow below.

Cobble Filter by Saice, on Flickr

Hoped you liked it. I've actually sort of enjoyed showing of my base not something I normally do but it has been fun might post stuff when I get my farms and bees up and running.

Edit : 7 am typo hell corrected. I am a derp.
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