Nice sorting system. Its always a great feeling to get your first RP sorting system done for each world.
Here is where our modest but very functional processing plant and sorting system starts.
This time around me and a friend set up our first sorting system not unlike yours, but we soon decided that we wanted to expand with a barrel room for all of our excess stuff. Well after this we figured why build a small barrel room just for extra stuff, why not build a barrel room that could hold just about everything. So then I was trying to figure out a good way to sort everything into the barrels without having to have tubes going into every single barrel.
This is what we came up with.
If you notice a barrel or 2 filled with sponge those are just used as cheated in place holders so the router doesn't fill those barrels up.
Down stairs in the basement of the barrel room we have this set up
The chest is a just a buffer so that if we run out of room for something it doesn't overflow our other systems instantly, the sorting machine is there just because I didn't want to use a timer and filter. And I used 4 routers because the sorter can pull things faster then just 1 or 2 fully upgraded routers can sort them so I went ahead and added 4 there.
Now because I wanted to have 1 barrel for each thing and no more (except for a few things like cobble) and I wanted each barrel to be set in order I couldn't just send everything to the routers or it would clog the second something it doesn't know what to do with gets sent there. So I ended up with this
I ended up setting a chain of sorting machines that has 1 of everything that goes into the barrel room, the rest (Stuff like Xycraft crystals that have like 6 different meta data values, and a few other things) Get sent to a few chests in our crafting room, and things it doesn't know what to do with get sent to a unsorted chest so I can see if there is anything that I've missed.
Thats the evolution of our sorting system so far. Of course the input chest for this whole thing is an enderchest, so down in our farms and any where else we need things sorted back into the system, like my tunnel bore, we just pop an enderchest of the correct color down.
Looks awesome but I am wondering about one thing though...I thought barrels could only accept items in them when the tubes connect to the top? How did you go around that?
Well, barrels can fill from any side, but to get it to store beyond a single stack, you've got to insert from the top. Learned that myself, when my impromptu sorting system (read: fuckton of barrels) wasn't storing more than a stack of some things. Put some tubes along the top, covers on the bottom, and boom; problem solved.I imagine he has another pipe above that is hidden because of the ceiling placement.
Well, barrels can fill from any side, but to get it to store beyond a single stack, you've got to insert from the top. Learned that myself, when my impromptu sorting system (read: fuckton of barrels) wasn't storing more than a stack of some things. Put some tubes along the top, covers on the bottom, and boom; problem solved.
They are using Routers. 3rd picture, hidden in the dirt ceiling, being feed by various tubes are some routers.I understand what you're saying here but judging from the pictures it would seem as if he has 3 rows of barrels right on top of each other w/o covers, panels, and thus also w/o pipes/tubes between them...hence why I asked.
Looks awesome but I am wondering about one thing though...I thought barrels could only accept items in them when the tubes connect to the top? How did you go around that?
A good, fairly simple and compact sorting system would use RedPower for the sorting and distributing - placing into chests and feeding the routers - while the common and mass items are put into barrels from the router.
Oh My dude, that is pretty amazin. Probably a dumb question, but is that built in survival or creative ?
It was built entirely in survival, although it did hit a slight snag recently, I was offline for a week and when I came back the excess items that had dropped from my sorting / processing system managed to crash 3 or 4 chunks at my base, anyone going near it would crash out immediately and the only way we were able to fix it was for the server admin to go in via MCEdit and regen the affected chunks. I lost pretty much all my storage and processing areas
Luckily after some kind donations from the rest of the players on my server and the fact that my main power system was "just" outside the affected area I have managed to rebuild it and better this time![]()
I agree totally. A fuelled world anchor would have saved us a lot of hassle. I didn't plan to be off so long and when running 4 simultaneous quarries at high speed for a week it can fill even diamond chests up quickly.This is why, love CB chunk loaders though I do, fueled world anchors are probably a good idea for most servers.