Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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One quick picture and and a note on how I, personally, worked around a limited inventory building such a large structure. I hated... no HATED getting into a groove and having to take a portal back to the over world to load back up on mats. What I did was build two continuous feeds, one of base material ( what-ever I was using at the time, either the fantasy blocks or marble ) and decorative blocks which included lab blocks, glass, lapis and gold.

I made 4 obsidian chests each with a hopper one above the other and fed them into an ender chest. I used an ender pouch to access the mats in the ender chest when my personal inventory ran out. Saved a lot of bouncing back and forth.

The green was base mats, blue was decorative. I used the chisel to modify them as needed of course :)
I would recommend a quarry if you have access to one, would help you gather resources, and/or a sludge boiler if you have any from your harvesters, good source of renewable mats and it sure beats mining :p

EDIT: forgot to say, impressive build keep up the good work!
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heh, I really need to learn how to make and set up a quarry. I've either done it with Ars magica ( dig ) or my trusty turtles.

Dig is great for building though as it pops things off with one go, where as a pick or axe take a bit of time.
tutles work, but a quarry is just a block you place down and give power and a place to put items, its almost completely self relient otherwise. only reason I stopped using them is because it left huge ugly holes in the ground. besides you'd have to watch for when its done and replace it. not fun
Ouch, yeah having big gaping holes sounds bad. I do have the mining realm ( I don't know what it is really called :oops: ) but even there I'd be hesitant to scar it.
well if there is a mining world that is the perfect part to scar it. though quarries are still a pain it gets you crazy amounts of building mats. if you have quarry plus in your pack you could have more resources then you would know what to do with. and since you're looking for marble(or gold, whatever) you can have mystcraft make a whole world made out of it, leaving you with plenty of resources
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well if there is a mining world that is the perfect part to scar it. though quarries are still a pain it gets you crazy amounts of building mats. if you have quarry plus in your pack you could have more resources then you would know what to do with. and since you're looking for marble(or gold, whatever) you can have mystcraft make a whole world made out of it, leaving you with plenty of resources
I would generally recommend against that as you could easily burn your self out if materials are too easily available. Known a lot of people who just stop playing when that happens. I generally let the accumulation of materials be a continuous part of the journey.

But I do recommend setting up a mining world(if you dont have one already) that you don't care about and in which setting up and running quarries is easy. I generally go with a flat desert mystcraft world with no caves(no lava and water in the ground).
So I found a cool place via Mystcraft to build a more advanced structure than my original 9x9. I decided to go with a slightly fantasy-ish St. Petersburgh Russia architechture. Ambitious for a newb like me but go big or go home! It's not done as you will see, but I'm fleshing it out. I really REALLY like the vista. I am not happy with the entry staircase after having built it. I think it needs to be grander and maybe have a view pool in front as well as bushes. So much to do! :D
So the base of operations is here. can you see it? Ignore that bit to the left ;)

Hmm what's that?




This took me forever to learn how to do correctly. It's all redstone run, as my brother said, "old school". I wasn't playing back then I just knew I wanted a hidden door so googled it, I'm not gonna lie! :D Still it was a major undertaking for me as I understood little of it at first. The stairs at the top moving up/down in time with the walls pushing/pulling was a trial. It was so rewarding when I managed to get it right!

Ok so on to the newest structure. Inside this hidden base is little more than a workshop not unlike my 9x9 on the overworld.

This thing is huge! It's taken a bit more than 2 months real time for me to gather materials and construct. It's still not done as you will see!


I desperately wanted that fantasy glass Direwolf20 used in his letsplay season..7? I could not for the life of me figure out how to make it. The idea of being able to pass through it as well as how it looks has me Jonesing (sic) badly.

This is the base of the tower. I'm not at all certain what I'm putting in here :) It's a sort of grand entry way with it's massive windows and towering ceiling.

The main part of the building where all the pods are joined. The glowstone glass in the doorways is there to keep blazes ( cold? Frost?) from spawning. They are a temporary solution. My bed is just about the only thing in here at the moment.

Outside looking in.

A bit of a vanity thing here... Still, it doesn't take anything away.... does it? :D

Inside the royal penthouse :p I originally had a glass ceiling but didn't like the look at all. It really needed to match the outside pods imo. Breaking all that glass after spending all that time was a heart breaker. Still, it had to be right. I'm glad I did it now. It looks "correct".

A pod ceiling.


The unfinished bits. I need to gather more resources. I can't imagine there being much more gold and marble in the world after what I've done.

Well that's it. My first 6 months playing minecraft encapsulated.
Beautiful work dude!!! Wow! :)
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Thank you :) It pales compared to a lot of the great things in here.

My planning wasn't the best. I have a large building and I'm not too sure what I'm gonna put in it or how I'm going to have my machines laid out. I was so fixated on the outside the inside was secondary :) The cool thing will be learning new ways to make that all work.
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So I made a new realm via Mystcraft to set up a quarry. I didn't get as far as getting the actual quarry up and running, I just built an outlying base using a new power source ( to me ) and then just upgraded them. That took a long time :) 2 x64 lava generators and my brother mentioned we had ex nihlo and that I could set up a lava gen system relatively easy. He said he didn't tell me before because it's pretty OP and it's better to learn the other systems. :) He's right. Aside from getting it to not burn my base down ( you'll see why that is a concern ) it was pretty stinkin' easy. Personally I don't think I would use it again. It seems cheaty but for this base that will see limited use I feel ok with it.

When I dropped in I was on a 5x5 stone floor... in the trees.


Tree house it is then. Nothing fancy, aside from the hellbark I gathered from the nether for an interesting contrast. I just traded the stone for mossy stone and then built a standard starter base, as near as I can tell :)

From the bottom
From above
Side view
A peek of the power supply. I used glass to keep the lava "pops" from setting fire to my base. Seems to have worked. I haven't had to get rid of any fires in a while now.

My brother said if I used an ender quarry that it replaces the blocks it mines with dirt or sand ( I forget which ) so I'm going to try to build and set up one of those.

All told I spent about 4 hours last night making the lava generators and all the machines plus the structure. I'm not a very fast builder :D My brother gave me the barrel. He said that it would never need to be replaced. It took some insane amount of cobble ( I forget how much he said but it was just nuts. He has a factory that makes only cobble just to build items from it I guess. That's beyond me atm. Someday. )
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A slightly modified Direwolf20 1.7xx pack. Added a bunch of RPG-ish things as well as a couple space oriented things if memory serves. We have a dedicated server it runs on with a dedicated TS server as well. It's up 24/7 so runs pretty well. When it gets sluggish ( or one of the other players *ahem ROBBERBARON* does something to crash the server ) then we reboot. I seem to recall Funky Locomotion being in there. I'll look tonight and let you know. I haven't done anything with the trains, carts or whatever else. I'm looking forward to it though! I've started a single player Infinity game as of last night to explore what else is out there, and to give me a break from constraints I've applied to myself on the MP server.
Go with Trains. FOR THE FUN! Seriously, until you've gone eight hundred blocks dragging 10 carts full of quarry goodies, you've not experienced fun. (Fun mileage may vary.)
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Yeah, as long as you only added things, it shouldn't be an issue. I'm not a fan of HS rail personally, though only because I don't fully understand how not to explode.
Yeah, as long as you only added things, it shouldn't be an issue. I'm not a fan of HS rail personally, though only because I don't fully understand how not to explode.
Deal with HS tracks is that you cannot corner or have shift tracks etc. You can purely go straight. You need to use transition tracks to to from HS to normal tracks and reverse every time you need to take a corner or use switch/wye/whatever tracks.
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