So the base of operations is here. can you see it? Ignore that bit to the left
Hmm what's that?
This took me forever to learn how to do correctly. It's all redstone run, as my brother said, "old school". I wasn't playing back then I just knew I wanted a hidden door so googled it, I'm not gonna lie!

Still it was a major undertaking for me as I understood little of it at first. The stairs at the top moving up/down in time with the walls pushing/pulling was a trial. It was so rewarding when I managed to get it right!
Ok so on to the newest structure. Inside this hidden base is little more than a workshop not unlike my 9x9 on the overworld.
This thing is huge! It's taken a bit more than 2 months real time for me to gather materials and construct. It's still not done as you will see!
I desperately wanted that fantasy glass Direwolf20 used in his letsplay season..7? I could not for the life of me figure out how to make it. The idea of being able to pass through it as well as how it looks has me Jonesing (sic) badly.
This is the base of the tower. I'm not at all certain what I'm putting in here

It's a sort of grand entry way with it's massive windows and towering ceiling.
The main part of the building where all the pods are joined. The glowstone glass in the doorways is there to keep blazes ( cold? Frost?) from spawning. They are a temporary solution. My bed is just about the only thing in here at the moment.
Outside looking in.
A bit of a vanity thing here... Still, it doesn't take anything away.... does it?
Inside the royal penthouse

I originally had a glass ceiling but didn't like the look at all. It really needed to match the outside pods imo. Breaking all that glass after spending all that time was a heart breaker. Still, it had to be right. I'm glad I did it now. It looks "correct".
A pod ceiling.
The unfinished bits. I need to gather more resources. I can't imagine there being much more gold and marble in the world after what I've done.