Learn Gregtech Hardcore Questing Mode Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Queue CarbonBasedGhost I ran into a issue with the quest "Making A Wrench" in the Bronze Age. There isn't a Wrench on the right side of the book in that quest.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Queue CarbonBasedGhost I ran into a issue with the quest "Making A Wrench" in the Bronze Age. There isn't a Wrench on the right side of the book in that quest.
That is fixed in the update that should be tomorrow. Here is a fix posted by @MigukNamja (Thanks)
I forget the command, but here's what I did:

/hqm help <enter>

At this point, on my GUI at least, I only see the bottom-most commands. I have to enter the console *again* by typing just:


..and not pressing the enter key yet. I can then see the HQM commands at the top. One of the top ones will give you the full quest book. The name of the command escapes me and it's not obvious, but it's near the top of the list. I *think* the command is:

/hqm edit

You then get sparkly-looking HQM quest book in your inventory. Right-click while holding it, find the wrench quest, then SHIFT+click it. You can then verify progress in your normal HQM quest book.

Here's a reference:

http://hqm.wikispaces.com/Debug Mode
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The tesseract terminal is the secondary block which frequency must be adjusted to match the generator. Every terminal linked to the generator will make the generator consume 8 (32 if interdimensional) EU/t.

Wow, you learn something about GT every day. Didn't know about this increased EU usage for interdimensional transport. :) I like GT tesseracts, really convenient and simple in use.

About IC2 Adv Miner - it's very weird for me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Couldn't get it, just seemed random to me, so I went back to BC quarry.

Anyway, looks like I nice pack. GT is one of the best mods out there, but it's really daunting at the start. I was swearing left, right and center for the first 2 weeks of playing GT, but now I couldn't imagine playing without it :)

I have only one problem - the more people play this pack, the less will play our great InfiniTech modpack :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For (inter)dimensional transporting, no. It is a more techy-expensive alternative to them.

However you can still use the tesseract generator (without any terminals, thus no to little power usage) to extend the inventory attached, allowing more faces for automation. You can even use a generator on a generator that is extending a block (and chain that for as much automation faces you need for whatever block).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sense a bit of elitism with a few players, people who love being dicks to newcomers, but those people are few and far between, and mostly very nice people- once you get to know them.

As for forum accounts, I don't see an issue, I mean who is going to hack into the IC2 forum, by design it doesn't make money or collect important data... I hate the IC2 forum design wise, but content wise it is great. There was a period around the MDiyo sillyness (which sadly people still talk bullshit about here) where a lot of people got defensive for stupid reasons on the IC2 forum. Generally, now it is a nice community, just read the last pages.

I also understand the issue with the user unfriendlyness. As a designer it pisses me off, but is something that the wiki team is working hard to fix. Honestly, I think they can do it, they just need time. Resource packs (pyro's) help too, making things more clear.

EDIT: @Pyure I disagree. Greg for the longest time was a huge dick about the FAQ, but for the most part people don't care anymore and answer your questions. As for greg's coldness, I honestly believe it is the fact that he is German and prefers to converse very tersely in english on the forum. He does call people stupid, but only people who are trolls or his own friends, all of whom understand he isn't being mean. The FAQ, btw, is only there because of idiots posting WAILA crash logs and stupid shit like that. People demanding stupid shit.

Thank you for meeting me half-way on my points. It's appreciated.

Forum account: It's not a hassle for me for security reasons, but for maintenance overhead reasons... Another password to track, and a psychological feeling of being a moocher if I am not also helping out from time to time (placing more demands on my very limited time and stressing me out!)... and so on. Also, as you rightly nailed it, the forum's look-and-feel resembles an abandoned colliery, and I feel like I should shower after visiting it :p (I shouldn't be too unkind. It was probably cool looking a few years ago, and just got dated too quickly)

Actually, I totally disagree with this "English is not my native language" crutch for people to be absolute jackasses to others. Language is not a barrier for civility. Attitude is. Steve Jobs is a high profile example that comes to mind on this topic. Why, on these very forums, there are a few regulars who are clearly, native English speakers, but whose interactions and approach are downright vomit-and-ulcer inducing!! Agreed that there is this other confusion that comes from misinformed people frequently mixing up "terse" for "rude". Greg's a "terse" communicator, which is typical of most Germans (I worked with them, I would know). I can live with terseness, and terse is okay even if you are native/non-native and also pressed for time. I mean, I'm mostly a "Hail fellow, well met", but I am allowed to have quiet and off-days too, you know. So, I'm fine with terseness. But being a jackass is not the same as being terse. Also, even if he's doing the flaming to just friends as you said, if he were occasionally civil and cordial to those same persons, one could identify the "banter" pattern from it. But since it's just insult after insult that follows more insult, the only pattern that emerges is "jackass" :( But I also suspect that might be a prickly/abrasive person irl, and mostly that is what spills over the interactions as well, and that is what most of us are reading in gregT. Anyway, like @Pyure said, it was perhaps bad luck that I only caught the rude and off-days interactions of greg and the other sourpuss forum members and made my mind up on the whole forum as such. I hear this "greg doesn't give a f**k to/about all of you nancies" all the time, but this bravado is already stretched beyond stretching by now :)

The FAQ, btw, is only there because of idiots posting WAILA crash logs and stupid shit like that. People demanding stupid shit.
^^ This sort of thing gets old after a while. So, I feel your frustration there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He does not make his mod to please others, just that.
If you want something from him you will have to use logic and concise words to convince him. OvermindDL is a good example of this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He does not make his mod to please others, just that.

I have heard ^^ this one being thrown around too often. I am totally not buying it. He wants his audience as much as any other person out there. There will be no public release of the mod in the first place if this was "really" true. Maybe it would have circulated as a private mod amongst his private coterie of friends and that's that.

If you want something from him you will have to use logic and concise words to convince him. OvermindDL is a good example of this.
Before I tackle this, let me drop this timely snippet from our dear friend, as this is a snapshot of the general GT newcomer sentiment.
<snip> GT is one of the best mods out there, but it's really daunting at the start. I was swearing left, right and centre for the first 2 weeks of playing GT, <snip>

Most people that drop by with questions are usually in ^^ this frame of mind. Stressed out, uncertain, slight drop in confidence levels because they couldn't figure it out in the first place.... So, they're bound to be defensive, emotional, and are likely looking for some reassurance to begin with. Logic? They are not going to be in the frame of mind to solve quadratic equations and discuss Occam's Razor and Smullyan's syllogism with the rest of us -- at least not from the start. Of all the people, you as PR should empathise with this point and lay it out to all the demi-gods out there in the forums, like so:
New addendum to the rules to all members:
"Be gentle with the newbies, or just don't bother yourself with the newbies and let someone else who is more patient and has a relatively higher EQ handle them, until the newbies get to grips with the forum's clique, then the mod and its complexity".

I think that if they felt welcome to begin with, they're more likely to stick around and pass this "karma" forward (at least 1 out of every 250 people?). It's the only way to break any vicious cycle and move on to a better plane (cf. Toyota management vs GM workers in California plant).

EDIT: Au contraire to @Pyure I tend to read it as "Spawn-Ex". So, is that how you intended the nick to be read in the first place?

EDIT 2: I totally get the intent behind what you said about logic and brevity in approaching a technical issue, but you've heard of the saying "Even mules and elephants stumble occasionally"? If we accept that it is possible for everyone to have off-days, it makes dealing with people easier (most of the time)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Note: I totally cant use this quote system, so will answer questions separately.

I could partly agree with you, but i at least say that he care way less about what other thinks or wants from his mod than other modders.

I don't mind many of the questions, its only when really stupid people come to the thread and ask for something that is either not understandable or not direct enough (i dont want to ask that person what the heck they want me to help them with). Happily, these cases are rare now.

You're right with the "Spawn-Ex" pronunciation there.

I didnt hear about that saying, but i have the patience to tolerate any reasonable question, like the ones asked here.
Regarding IC2 forum, why just not use the same password and e-mail as you do here on the FTB forum?
If you drop by there and ask any question i will be glad to answer you.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
For (inter)dimensional transporting, no. It is a more techy-expensive alternative to them.

However you can still use the tesseract generator (without any terminals, thus no to little power usage) to extend the inventory attached, allowing more faces for automation. You can even use a generator on a generator that is extending a block (and chain that for as much automation faces you need for whatever block).

Hrm that's really interesting. Bronze blast furnaces with their one face could be automated properly then.

He does not make his mod to please others, just that.
I have heard ^^ this one being thrown around too often. I am totally not buying it. He wants his audience as much as any other person out there. There will be no public release of the mod in the first place if this was "really" true. Maybe it would have circulated as a private mod amongst his private coterie of friends and that's that.
While I can't speak for this specific situation, I can tell you definitively that I've released game code to the public "just cuz". It was stuff totally for my amusement, and any feedback I got that I didn't like, didn't happen. If that meant that 100% of my audience didn't like my product...who cares? I built it for me and let others in essentially as charity.

I was pretty sure it was spawn-x btw, but it still amuses me to mentally misinterpret it :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hrm that's really interesting. Bronze blast furnaces with their one face could be automated properly then.

While I can't speak for this specific situation, I can tell you definitively that I've released game code to the public "just cuz". It was stuff totally for my amusement, and any feedback I got that I didn't like, didn't happen. If that meant that 100% of my audience didn't like my product...who cares? I built it for me and let others in essentially as charity.

I was pretty sure it was spawn-x btw, but it still amuses me to mentally misinterpret it :)

Since you brought this one up, I'll have to go deeper(TM).

Essentially, I am also saying the same, but I am approaching it from another angle. But (and it's a big one), in your case as well in his, there's always some feedback that's taken on board, and acted upon (even if it is a single person called OvermindDL in his case). Sure, everyone reserves their right on what feedback is filtered out. BUT, all this is moot in this discussion to begin with.

My issue with that remark is this: Whenever "greg the person" and the issue of greg being generally rude or unkind to people comes up somewhere, then at some point in the back-and-forth, that remark of "he doesn't make that mod for pleasing you peasants" comes up as some sort of catch-all defence. It's a fallacious argument to begin with. In the first place, I am not saying that he needs to add a podzol-todiamond(s) crusher that yields stainless steel and manganese dust as byproducts, am I? :)

Indeed it's the same argument laid at the door of someone like Steve Jobs as well. Your being a "genius, visionary, turtlenecker" does not exempt you from being a total jackass to many others (and anecdotes to his being a Size-15 jackass abound). Similarly, your (greg) making a clever mod (notwithstanding the fact that you made it purely for your own playing) does not exempt you from being generally civil to others who didn't make a (similar) mod or don't know how to go about using it, and all those other shenanigans that he's (in)famous for. Similarly, he (greg) shouldn't misuse the "legendary" status (acquired unwittingly through the mod that he made for his own playing) and be a mean such-and-such to others (cf. Steve Jobs (mac, iPhone, etc.) again).

That's all there is to it really.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Can't argue against any of that (and in fact I've already suggested the same.)

At least if release my stuff to the public with the strong indication that its mine all mine, I don't be an ass about it :)

If something makes someone upset (and they don't get all up in my face about it), I'll at least sympathize and/or apologize that its not to their liking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pack Update:
Version 1.0.1. :

  • Added, Waila; Waila Harvestability; Antique Atlas; Inventory Tweaks
  • Implemented the bug fixes which included in the "Important Fix"
  • Fixed wrench and water tank quest


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pack Update:
Version 1.0.1. :

  • Added, Waila; Waila Harvestability; Antique Atlas; Inventory Tweaks
  • Implemented the bug fixes which included in the "Important Fix"
  • Fixed wrench and water tank quest
Making A Wrench is still broken in the new update.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm *almost* through the Bronze Age and made the pliers to start the Early Electrical Age. HQM smooth so far through the Bronze Age, though I didn't bother making the bronze armor. I wanted to save my bronze for machines and the very expense Blast Furnace to make Steel.

I think I'm *finally* getting the hang of PFAA. It has a totally different worldgen that any other worldgen I'm used to. Frustrating at first, but after I "get it", it does indeed seem to make more sense.