Learn Gregtech Hardcore Questing Mode Pack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That'd be fun - I am playing Beyond Reality on ATL and even though it's centered around GT 1.7, a lot of the recipes for other mods haven't been GT'ified like on Infinity (InfiTech or whatever it's called now - the 1.6 GT pack I play mostly). Either way, I think more GT packs would be nice in general.

I'd like to see LearnGT updated to 1.7 - seems like a lot has changed in GT with the move to 1.7. I know some people hate the new ore distribution (and added ores), but being a big fan of TFC, I think it's similar to that and I really like it.
1.7.10 HQM came out as I have heard so you can expect it soon.
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Jul 29, 2019
So I guess this next GT based pack will be for 1.7 and it will be like Resonant Rise with every fricking mod, but instead of it being that simple you must progress through my said tech line which will be highly based around mods like GT, IC2, Mekanism, RoC, and some others. This modpack should also include magic mods but they will be specially formatted for me to fit into the pack. If anyone who plays GT or is good a MineTweaker script would like to help please PM me.

*Glances at @Queue and others who are playing my modpack right now
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Jul 29, 2019
Sorry haven't been on the forum much lately, because of stupid Tapatalk. I would personally prefer very few mods, a very minimalistic GT And Thaumcraft modpack. However I realize a lot of people like to experiment with other mods too, so many would love an InfiTech/TPPI or whatever pack based around Gregtech but made much easier and more expansive with other mods. I say you do a vote. Also, sorry I cannot help with minetweaker as I have never used it. Ask invultri, probably. Also when I get back to my PC I can show you my other ideas.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry haven't been on the forum much lately, because of stupid Tapatalk. I would personally prefer very few mods, a very minimalistic GT And Thaumcraft modpack. However I realize a lot of people like to experiment with other mods too, so many would love an InfiTech/TPPI or whatever pack based around Gregtech but made much easier and more expansive with other mods. I say you do a vote. Also, sorry I cannot help with minetweaker as I have never used it. Ask invultri, probably. Also when I get back to my PC I can show you my other ideas.
Nothing will change me from having all the mods based around Gregtech.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nothing will change me from having all the mods based around Gregtech.
Ik that, I just prefer less mods total. Even Kirara could use some trimming imo, and there are like 15 mods on there.

That being said, I think most people want huge mod packs, so you could do the big one and I could try a small one and call it lite


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ik that, I just prefer less mods total. Even Kirara could use some trimming imo, and there are like 15 mods on there.

That being said, I think most people want huge mod packs, so you could do the big one and I could try a small one and call it lite
Ya, I will say I don't think Kirara needed IHL.


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Jul 29, 2019
qCraft was a try to solve server overpopulation (no server multithreading with forge only) and the TPS problems that are happening because of that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
qCraft was a try to solve server overpopulation (no server multithreading with forge only) and the TPS problems that are happening because of that.
I can't find any info on it, how and what exactly does it do?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I guess this next GT based pack will be for 1.7 and it will be like Resonant Rise with every fricking mod, but instead of it being that simple you must progress through my said tech line which will be highly based around mods like GT, IC2, Mekanism, RoC, and some others. This modpack should also include magic mods but they will be specially formatted for me to fit into the pack. If anyone who plays GT or is good a MineTweaker script would like to help please PM me.
*Glances at @Queue and others who are playing my modpack right now
<snip>. I would personally prefer very few mods, a very minimalistic GT And Thaumcraft modpack. However I realize a lot of people like to experiment with other mods too, so many would love an InfiTech/TPPI or whatever pack based around Gregtech but made much easier and more expansive with other mods. I say you do a vote. Also, sorry I cannot help with minetweaker as I have never used it. Ask invultri, probably. Also when I get back to my PC I can show you my other ideas.

I too have started leaning towards minimalism when it involves our dear friend, greg. Thaumcraft seems to be everywhere to the point where even Greg has resigned himself to provide support for it. OTOH, having seen your approach towards pack composition, I would reserve further opinion and judgement and see what pans out with your vision. Just another FYI, the elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss, is Reika and his mods. He goes out of his way to ensure no other mod can alter his recipes (and no exhaustive configs like Greg to alter the way his mod and recipes works either). He is also distinctly non-amenable to discussion in this matter. And it's bizarre how much dirt gets piled at greg's door, considering greg is infinitely more flexible as a modder, in how he allows his mod to be tweaked. If you want to configure the hell out of your pack based on your GT theme, adding Reika will disrupt your progression idea, as there is no way to go about it.
Similarly Mekanism (and a few other mods) uses the Vanilla crafting API instead of using the FML GameRegistry handler (as it should, good coding practice, people!), so it is slightly difficult for other mods to pull its recipe data in-game (XACT, easy crafting, etc). So far, Minetweaker has been good at capturing all recipes from all mods, as it uses reflection (I think). All in all, fingers crossed for your venture.

Just an FYI to Queue, InfiTech is actually under 80 mods or so, and a fairly lean pack (play with it, I think it is a lovely pack as well). On FTB launcher, TPPI and AMP are the "monster" packs with GT in them, designed to overwhelm you with mod choices. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, at present, Minetweaker 3 has some way to go before it can be used in a way that minetweaker 2 is being used in 1.6.4 now. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just an FYI to Queue, InfiTech is actually under 80 mods or so, and a fairly lean pack (play with it, I think it is a lovely pack as well). On FTB launcher, TPPI and AMP are the "monster" packs with GT in them, designed to overwhelm you with mod choices. :p

Yes, InfiTech is a lovingly-crafted modpack. It's not just a collection of mods around GT. In my playtime with it, it seems balanced to the point of offering alternatives to pure GT, but the alternatives don't replace or overwhelm GT. There was (is) considerable config and MineTweaker work done with this pack.
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Jul 29, 2019
Whew... finally got to Stainless Steel Era... I'm curious if anyone else has made it this far and is wondering the same thing I am about the quest progression order in Electro Industrial.

Avoiding spoilers, I'm of the opinion that two of the quests need to be swapped for each other in the progression due to the crafting involved. Basically you have to craft an ingredient for a quest item that completes a later quest and leaves you without that item but able to complete the later quest once you get there, and another quest item would be impossible to craft while following the progression without finding a fairly rare geologica ore. By swapping the two quests in question, you craft a machine that then becomes an ingredient for the next quest item, and then after that you can use the machine to much more easily craft the swapped item with non-geologica materials that fit entirely with how GT normally progresses for that material.

I can kinda understand if it was just the crafting ingredient in question since you would have to make two of them anyway, but the other item would be impossible to craft without this particular machine, and someone learning GT wouldn't necessarily get that and know to jump ahead in the progression. Plus the item in question really isn't a requirement for anything at that point, it's just a nice thing to have but the functionality can be duplicated in other ways. I don't think an optional item should hold up the quest progression. Maybe make this item more like the armor build from the previous chapters... a diversion from the main path.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have just started, but I have a small problem. Seems certain tooltips are too large and the actual item name goes out of screen...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have just started, but I have a small problem. Seems certain tooltips are too large and the actual item name goes out of screen...
That should no cause you a problem as the materials that have those tooltips are either obvious to what they are or very endgame.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whew... finally got to Stainless Steel Era...

I didn't make it that far, sir. One of my OCD pet peeves these days is lava power : I refuse to do it (for now). Without lava power, I was manually chopping trees with no relief until nuclear. Trying to cook up stainless steel ingots on manual charcoal power....ouch.

I'm now on InfiTech, mainly because of Forestry and BigReactors, among other mods. Yes, lots of manual tree chopping without lava, but at least I could look forward to a tree farm and Yellorium to bridge the gap to fission and ultimately fusion power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't make it that far, sir. One of my OCD pet peeves these days is lava power : I refuse to do it (for now). Without lava power, I was manually chopping trees with no relief until nuclear. Trying to cook up stainless steel ingots on manual charcoal power....ouch.

I'm now on InfiTech, mainly because of Forestry and BigReactors, among other mods. Yes, lots of manual tree chopping without lava, but at least I could look forward to a tree farm and Yellorium to bridge the gap to fission and ultimately fusion power.
10eu/t generators for 128eu/t machines makes me cringe... :cool:

Lava is better but not being able to pump it has been causing me grief. Even without chunkloading, just being able to use something like the canning machine with a buildcraft pump to fill the cells, let them go to a vanilla ender chest, and then swap back and allow them to transport pipe to the generators seems more in line with a high-tech mod. All these multiblock processing machines but we're scooping lava by hand. And lava power realistically doesn't scale into mid to late game given the number of generators required and the amount of raw fuel available without constantly relocating multiple pumps in the nether. I remember trying to do UU on lava power back in FTB Ultimate (v1.4.7) and it just isn't feasible. People will migrate to better power sources when they become available.

I also have TONS of AE materials but I can't really make an AE storage system due to not having even a small constant power source. Hoping that nuclear will help there.

I jumped off the quest line and built a miner/pump/ov scanner/diamond drill combo and my plan now is to cruise around the map and see how that works since I've never really tried the IC2 miner before. My first attempt brought a lot of material I have no use for yet along with more and more of the multitude of rock types. I'm really hoping this will help since I've depleted the nearby caves and my ore supplies are almost completely gone from all the quests to get to stainless. The interesting thing is I have a ton of gold ore, but the lower ore types are pretty much constantly spent. Once I finally get to building AE storage and autocrafting that gold will go away too.

I feel like I'm complaining a lot and I don't want to come off that way. I really like the idea of using HQM as a learning tool for mods, especially one as insanely complex as GT. I just wonder if having an extremely minimal amount of mods will eventually make the grind aspect overpower the learning aspect. Comparing to something like Agrarian Skies which could be viewed as a crash-course in a couple dozen mods, that pack starts off completely grindy but in a couple IRL days of gameplay you move beyond the grind and into the mods, albeit with insane amounts of items to produce to match the automated "mining" in place at that point in the pack. I get the feeling from the posts here that the resource grind is starting to hold people back from progressing. I've had some extraordinary luck with dungeon and mineshaft chests and a couple nearby cave systems that had what I thought would be enough materials to last for days and then blew through it all and had to travel 1000 blocks in each direction to find more stuff. Even with mining coal with a fortune 3 pickaxe I've chewed it all up making all the required steel, and with the requirements for stainless steel being more rare I'm hoping things don't slow down even more.
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