laser or wiffington could you create a Wiphand channel from herochat for me cause i wanna chat with my friends without having to send /msgs non stop. (Hint: /ch create wiphand) would appreciate it greatly thanks) and also it would be a good idea to create a only mod channel for the mods that you will have. Can't wait for the host change
p.s. also what i have noticed is that the world gen is rly broken i don't know if it is because the server is lagging or for some other reason but if its possible to fix pls do because it is rly bad in some places (a biome on one chunk and a completely different one in the chunk right next to it.)

p.s. also what i have noticed is that the world gen is rly broken i don't know if it is because the server is lagging or for some other reason but if its possible to fix pls do because it is rly bad in some places (a biome on one chunk and a completely different one in the chunk right next to it.)
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