is the server offline for the past days, or is it only me??
i'm looking for a server to play with a friend of mine, he dose not spikes English all that well, and i did not know if you will white list him if i said something, so i was looking for a serve to play with him, and i wold play on this server by my self
- IGN: zagubioy100
- Age: 24
- Location: Poland
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) 7
- Why are you interested in joining server: I want to play with my firend Numair91, nave fun, and lear more about the mods
- What do you consider yourself good at: I know how to build big and goos looking buildings
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Probably
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:
If you have any questions concerning server, please contact me on Skype: TheKingGorillawhat version of bioms o planty are we running at, i cant connect to the server because i don't have the correct version of the mod, and i have a massage that i need a @version@ of the mod.
- IGN: Shundax
- Age: 22
- Location: Belgium +1
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) : I'd consider myself a 6. I quit playing a few months back due to new job, but now with the new update I couldn't resist to try and find another server to call home.
- Why are you interested in joining server: Looks like an awesome place to learn and experiment the new additions and versions of the mod. I'm interested in this one because of how serious you take your applications, which means only the good ones get through. I hope I could be a part of this and expand my knowledge of FTB. I'm also a very friendly guy, so I won't be spamming people with questions either.
- What do you consider yourself good at: i LOVE playing around with TC3 and bees.
- Do you have a microphone: Yes I do.
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes, but mostly in the evenings though.
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: Unfortunatly, I don't have one as I never really bothered to take one, but I can tell you I always try to do my builds as aesthetically pleasing as possible, if I'm not content, destroy and try again! I mostly make my bases in a circle form, or huge floatings islands.
I hope this won't be too much problem, else I can call up a friend which used to host my last server to put it back online so I can take a screenshot.
Additional info: Figured I'd make this question because I don't have a screenshot. I can play about 4-5 hrs a day most of the time, in the weekends it's more. I tend to go out a lot though so might not be seeing me in the evenings as much. I'm currently working but going back to study next year. I'm a very friendly guy with a lot of respect for other people, their build, and their items. I have had no previous bans or problems ever. The last server I was on promoted me to admin because I helped a lot of the new (and older) people.
Thank you for reading my application, and I'm looking forward to your reply.
Greetings Shun
Whitelisted- IGN: infizl
- Age: 16
- Location: fl
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) 10
- Why are you interested in joining server: looking for a good server
- What do you consider yourself good at: automation
- Do you have a microphone: yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: i dont have one because my last build crashed but i have a video of a computer craft program i made
Thanks, WhitelistedPost updated, hope to hear from you soon !
Greetings Shun
- IGN: Swillis57
- Age: 18
- Location: New Jersey, USA
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): Anywhere from 5-9/10, depending on the mod.
- Why are you interested in joining server: I'm looking for a small-community server to play Unleashed on. I like being able to chat with others and collaborate on larger (usually giant) builds, otherwise on SSP I get so bored that I stop playing.
- What do you consider yourself good at: I have the most experience with ComputerCraft + Thaumcraft, as well as basic knowledge of BuildCraft and IC2.
- Do you have a microphone: Yep
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Sure will.
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: I wasn't sure what to post, as the 3 builds I've done aren't that complex, so I tossed them into an album (You don't want to know how long that ESB took):
- IGN: Kyuriu
- Age: 18
- Location: USA, MD
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) 5
- Why are you interested in joining server: I want to join a good unleashed server that has good people who don't grief.
- What do you consider yourself good at: I'm good at building stuff...
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes, I've also used Ventrilo and Raidcall before too
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: This is from a vanilla server, before I became a moderator there. (That server is dead to me now)