Whitelist Server KalosZ | Unleashed 1.1.3 | Whitelist | 16GB RAM | Builders | Cool Community! | TS3 | 16+

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: - UnsungCesspool
- Age: 25+
- Location: Midwest, US
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) - I would say around 6-7. I know alot, but as with everyone else I am still learning.
- Why are you interested in joining server: - I want to explore the 1.5.2 beta, mainly cause I am a little bored with 1.4.7 Ultimate, but I want to find a group of people to play the game with and have a grand ol' time.
- What do you consider yourself good at: At this moment, I would say my experience mostly revolves around playing with the tech mods of the game.
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:

Dope, whitelisted man


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: - UnsungCesspool
- Age: 25+
- Location: Midwest, US
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) - I would say around 6-7. I know alot, but as with everyone else I am still learning.
- Why are you interested in joining server: - I want to explore the 1.5.2 beta, mainly cause I am a little bored with 1.4.7 Ultimate, but I want to find a group of people to play the game with and have a grand ol' time.
- What do you consider yourself good at: At this moment, I would say my experience mostly revolves around playing with the tech mods of the game.
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:

Seeing that your having trouble joining, go to the ftb launcher and go to edit modpack and enable the reliquary and biomes o plenty those a turned off by default


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Age:20
- Location:USA, Illinois
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) 4/10
- Why are you interested in joining server: I want to join in on the fun.
- What do you consider yourself good at: Thaumcraft - and basic ic2
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: I prefer talking then typing.
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: I honestly don't have anything, My friend hosted his own server that I played on and he took it down without notice so I wasn't able to take pictures.
EDIT!!!: Made a rough draft of the mansion on creative


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: TattyD
- Age: 26
- Location: London, UK
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10) 7/10
- Why are you interested in joining server: I want to join a close-kit server with builders....too many servers may well just be playing single player.
- What do you consider yourself good at: Building anything on the side of a mountain :D IC2, Thaumcraft
- Do you have a microphone: Yeah, built into comp, could do with better
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yeah especially if get a better mic
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: Dont have a photo of my best or most recent, servers got shut before i could, however heres an old mountain base i was working on, Im a big fan of a mountain base haha!


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having trouble getting on. Using 0.7 152wgt. Enabled the disabled mods (Biomes O' Plenty was the only one)

Do I need to go and download all these mods or has something gone wrong?

Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: xKemisix​
- Age: 26​
- Location: South Carolina, USA​
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): 6-8 Depending on the Mod​
- Why are you interested in joining server: I want a build-oriented server that has a decently supportive community.​
- What do you consider yourself good at: Other than building, mostly forestry builds like multifarms, bee breeding, tree breeding, etc...​
- Do you have a microphone: Yes​
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes​
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN:noa12390
- Age:32
- Location:idaho usa
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10)8
- Why are you interested in joining server:looking to get back into FTB after being out for 2 months do bad ram
- What do you consider yourself good at:lets see redpower 2 IDC and a few others mind you i am a bit rusty
- Do you have a microphone:yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?:yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:don't have any do to having to reinstall windows


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: Tolini​
- Age: 18​
- Location: Denmark​
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): A rough 8-9, i'm still getting used to some of the new mods in the 1.5.2 pack​
- Why are you interested in joining server: I enjoy playing multiplayer more than i do playing singleplayer, so why pass up this great opportunity to join what seems like a nice growing community​
- What do you consider yourself good at: Automating and decent looking builds​
- Do you have a microphone: Yes​
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes​
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:​
These are some old screens of an old world of mine​
These are not my best creations but the only screenshots i have​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: Kaisenn
- Age: 27
- Location: South Carolina, USA
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): 8 ish
- Why are you interested in joining server: To play on a community FTB server with new folks along with already whitelisted girlfriend xKemisix
- What do you consider yourself good at: IC/BC type devices, automation, redstone/redpower
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build:
Skydrive link: http://sdrv.ms/16CV7ii




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: GtarZel
- Age: 19
- Location: Ukraine
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): 7-8
- Why are you interested in joining server: whant to play some FTB with nice mature people, find new friends, and just have some fun =)
- What do you consider yourself good at: Ic/Bc, landscape decoration, and many more
- Do you have a microphone: Yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: dont have any photos, cuz was playing alot FTB in singleplayer, never finished an project cuz of playing with myself on the map


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: Wenzel23​
- Age: 18​
- Location: Canada​
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): 8​
- Why are you interested in joining server: Been looking for a new server to join and was referred to this one by my friend holt80.​
- What do you consider yourself good at: Building, Creativity.​
- Do you have a microphone: Yes​
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes​
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: The picture is not of the complete build, as I just started it today to post on here as I have no saved screenshots of previous builds. Anyway this build only consists of about an hour and a half of work. If you would like I can eventually make future posts to show progress at your request.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: Wenzel23​
- Age: 18​
- Location: Canada​
- FTB Experience Lever (1-10): 8​
- Why are you interested in joining server: Been looking for a new server to join and was referred to this one by my friend holt80.​
- What do you consider yourself good at: Building, Creativity.​
- Do you have a microphone: Yes​
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: Yes​
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: The picture is not of the complete build, as I just started it today to post on here as I have no saved screenshots of previous builds. Anyway this build only consists of about an hour and a half of work. If you would like I can eventually make future posts to show progress at your request.​
I can use a guy like you on my team;D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: Evilek​
- Age: 21​
- Location: Poland​
- FTB Experience Level (1-10): 7-8. Everything I know about MC mods comes from Direwolf20 videos, I am still improving myself though.​
- Why are you interested in joining server: I would like to be a part of kind community. I used to play FTB but only alone but I realised the real fun comes with other people.​
- What do you consider yourself good at: BC, IC2, redstone, mainly technical stuff​
- Do you have a microphone: of course​
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: yes​
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: Sadly I lost all my saves and screenshots with HDD failure. Besides, I am more of an engineer rather than a builder :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- IGN: Hookamenace
- Age: 28
- Location: New York
- FTB Experience Level (1-10): 4 or 5, just started in April and have been learning bit by bit
- Why are you interested in joining server: I had a small private server that me and my friend used. They stopped playing, but I continued. I enjoy building castles/villages and it was no longer fun without anyone in the server.
- What do you consider yourself good at: grinding, building, and a little bit creative
- Do you have a microphone: yes
- Will you talk in the TeamSpeak 3 Server?: yes
- Please Attach A Photo of your best build: I dont have alot of my stuff as the server is no longer present, but I do have something that I submitted