Is the Block Breaker OP?

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how is it OP? you have to break it and replace it in a different place, then set up in the right direction, then apply a redstone signal. If you're using it to get obsidian, unless you have some frame machine then a regular diamond pickaxe would be far faster.
OP? Not even in the slightest.
"I think this is too powerful so nobody should use it / it should get nerfed" is a flawed reasoning for a sandbox game. If you're playing alone you can just not use it, if you're on a server you can talk to the admins about it but as long as it's not a competition I don't really understand what the big deal is.
"I think this is too powerful so nobody should use it / it should get nerfed" is a flawed reasoning for a sandbox game. If you're playing alone you can just not use it, if you're on a server you can talk to the admins about it but as long as it's not a competition I don't really understand what the big deal is.
I don't agree with this reasoning. It's like playing GTA San Andreas, that's a sandbox game, and it may be fun to cheat in all the weapons right at the start of the game, but that gets boring after a while, the most enjoyment you'll get is from progressing normally. Things being balanced is pretty essential to any game, sandbox or not. Blockbreakers IMO are balanced. The "If you think it's OP don't use it" is a lazy argument against balance.
I don't agree with this reasoning. It's like playing GTA San Andreas, that's a sandbox game, and it may be fun to cheat in all the weapons right at the start of the game, but that gets boring after a while, the most enjoyment you'll get is from progressing normally. Things being balanced is pretty essential to any game, sandbox or not. Blockbreakers IMO are balanced. The "If you think it's OP don't use it" is a lazy argument against balance.

The game becoming boring after that point is purely an opinion. Some may enjoy it to ad infinitum. Being balanced is different in a sanebox game, like minecraft(GTA is nothing even close to GTA from what I can tell), because it's not something that should be balanced around some arbitrary level of balance some insignificant person feels it should be balanced. The difference of balance in a sandbox game is it's up to you to decide what balance means to you in it. That's what makes "if you think it's OP don't use it" a valid argument; how the game is balanced is up to you. To come to the conclusion that there is a universal standard of balance for such a game is that of a man of insanity.
The game becoming boring after that point is purely an opinion. Some may enjoy it to ad infinitum. Being balanced is different in a sanebox game, like minecraft(GTA is nothing even close to GTA from what I can tell), because it's not something that should be balanced around some arbitrary level of balance some insignificant person feels it should be balanced. The difference of balance in a sandbox game is it's up to you to decide what balance means to you in it. That's what makes "if you think it's OP don't use it" a valid argument; how the game is balanced is up to you. To come to the conclusion that there is a universal standard of balance for such a game is that of a man of insanity.
yeah it may be an opinion, but I'd rather things attempted to be balanced as much as possible than play a modpack that lacked all balance at all, I may as well play creative mode at that point.
I agree that it gets stale after a bit if you cheat or take the easy road. It doesn't get boring for everyone though. I've known people who didn't touch any GTA game without cheats and they still had hundreds of hours of fun. If you get bored without challenge.. then go for it.

I play Dwarf Fortress with mods that make it even harder to survive, my SSP minecraft world has all the non-wasteland non-ice biomes disabled. I had to breed all my trees out of one sapling I got from a tree in a tundra, I have to get leather from boiling rotten meat because cows won't spawn anywhere and I had to carry the oil manually to my refineries to power my first quarry because my nether sucks and I can't easily get blaze rods for ender tanks. No capability for tesseracts yet either.

Most of this is my choice and it's pretty challenging since I also limit myself to pretend I'm living in an Ice World like Hoth so I have to have furnaces burning in every room to keep warm for example.

But that still doesn't give me any rights to call people out because they have it easy. As long as they don't ruin my fun,why should I care? I can only tell them it might get boring after a while if they never face some challenge. Because that's what we humans thrive on.
There's a mod for that, yeah. Here you go:

Since none of the biomes that cows can spawn in is allowed in my world thanks to the magic of editing configs, I found that I need that sort of interaction. Besides, it gives a purpose to the useless things.

Only non-modded use I found for zombie flesh was to feed it to dogs since it doesn't seem to bother them. Or unless I'm starving and don't have any other food, huh kinda like dog food. I stand by this statement Zombies are made of dog food.
yeah it may be an opinion, but I'd rather things attempted to be balanced as much as possible than play a modpack that lacked all balance at all, I may as well play creative mode at that point.
It is true there should be some basic level of balance but it comes to issue when there is no way to change it or it is too difficult to change it. Anyone whose played a multiplayer first person shooter knows this. There is always a single or handful of guns that trump everything else so hard there's no point to use anything other than to boost your e-peen. The thing is those guns were balanced in the eyes of the game developers but when put into mass practice it was obvious not everyone saw it that way. In games such as that people learn to find ways around it to beat it to do whatever.
The problem with that in a game like minecraft is it leaves something out to dry. Minecraft as well as all the mods are constantly updating making it a much more difficult process to do and maintain. Not to mention it is not a mod devs job to find the balance that each individual feels appropriate; especially when coupled with other mods. For example cpw recently tweeted out somewhat condescendingly that he fixed the bug of enchanting electric tools. Do I care? Nope I use E-plus and as you probably know you can make it so you can enchant any item in the game. Is it his job to fix that? Nope, I choose to use the mods together in such a way that it circumvents how he felt the balance should be. It shouldn't need to be that difficult but it's hard to avoid. Mod devs already have a huge load on their plate and saying "Now make everything you're doing a config option, oh and make it easier to change the config", is like telling someone that's working 12 hours a day they'll now be working 20. Not even people like Gregorious are able to do such and not all the devs have the time to do it either. It also comes down to if the modder even wants to allow you to change anything they've done. Is it a bad thing? Really it's up to each person because some people will understand the beauty of their vision and others will only see how to exploit it. This leads to things being called OP and the author won't change it because you're asking him to compromise his vision of his mod. Then again it begs the question should they allow the end user to change what they see as beauty because it's not beauty to the end user but they could make it beautiful to them.
These are very difficult questions to answer in a broad sense because not everyone feels the same way. I personally lean toward allowing the end user to change the mods because that shows, in my opinion, a dev who understands that their vision can't be seen from everyone's perspective the exact same way they see it- it must be changed, slightly. I would think this might achieve their goal much better than leaving behind anyone who can't see it from the locked perspective the dev has.
I think we are sorta agreeing with each other but I'm just struggling to get my point across :P
I'll reply again after I've thought about how exactly I can best do that
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Well, I was answering based on "Block Breaker+Enderchest+Lever. Oh, and Ender Pouch"
Meaning 3 slots just for the block breaker, plus the pouch, but the pouch is something that you keep even when you don't take your block breakers to get fresh air (if you do have one).
Being a sandbox game you can play the game any way you like. On a server if as a group you come to consensus on how to use certain exploitable blocks/items you might then adjust your play, otherwise do what you enjoy. Without a consensus people may talk crap about your block breakers, but just about everyone exploits some powerful aspect of some mod relative to other similar mods.

My personal opinion, any number of Block breakers are ok without frames. Little cheaty that they take iron, but can mine materials that require diamond tools. I would prefer that balanced to either limit what they break or require diamond/upgrade to break all blocks.

Add frames and make a bore or quarry out of them that runs on redstone and just a little bit of blulectric power and you get a mining system that is 'better' than most other mining methods. Better to me being doing the same job cheaper and faster. This makes them a very powerful block relative to other automated mining options. If block breakers also required blulectric they would probably be well balanced -- if you could power them without changing the overall bore shape.

Make both those changes (diamond cost for diamond tool type functionality) and require blulectric power to operate, then i would consider them equivalent/balanced well with to the other mining systems. Since it is not like that in my personal play i don't use block breakers for bores/quarry type rigs, but still use them for other tasks.