Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Responding to the OP, this is why I think packs like Unleashed are killing modded minecraft.
Survival is a joke once you can make Nano
Not if you play in the style of "Oh, I have this, I'm going to go use it". The amount of times I have died wearing nano is countless.
You don't need quarries, you can mine out the same space in just a little longer than a quarry would take using a TC hammer and without all the supporting infrastructure.
The point of the quarry is that it automines so you can do more fun things, like building. KirinDave has a post somewhere about this exact thing, but I don't have the time (or patience) to find it.
Some of the more interesting parts of the game are tedious and require a lot of patience, which most folks don't have (including myself), so things like Bees, Crops, Trees, Thaum, Ars all get ignored for the most part unless you are magically-inclined.
Ars isn't actually tedious at all, it just requires a low amount of grinding, which can be avoided by just playing the game. I leveled up like 10 times just when I was getting ink sacs...
Some of the mods appear to be in a race to see who can make things the easiest to do things... Steve's Carts used to be something used by a lot of people for tree farms and such, or even villager things and other creative things. Why bother when you can hook up a cheap MFR planter/harvester, or use a safari net to corral your villagers? TC makes things ridiculously easy to mine...why bother with a quarry or turtles if you can just grab a hammer. DartCraft has already been expounded upon at length on how cheap that is to do things.
The general purpose of mods is simplifying vanilla tasks to allow you to do more fun things. This includes (gasp) tree farms! People make Steves Carts farms for 2 reasons; 1) they look WAY cooler than a turtle farm, mfr farm, or a forestry farm, and 2) they are way more efficient than any of those farms. I already told you why the hammer is no where near as good as the Quarry. DC was actually nerfed a lot in 1.6.4.
And then there is the supportability of these mods in a server environment. I am convinced that they are all built for single player. Most server operators use some form of bukkit plugins for grief prevention. When you have server issues with an FTB pack, one of the first responses I regularly see is "sorry, we don't support bukkit, that's your problem".
Mods are made as-is, and generally when developing a mod you should be thinking of people who will be playing that mod, and that mod only, on singleplayer. And a lot of servers don't actually use Bukkit or grief prevention because many servers are private, and everyone is friends; they don't need grief prevention.
Server load and permissions are another issue. If you run an open server, or even if you're closed but with a healthy user base, things like quarries, or elaborate machine builds where pipes are all over the place - like the OP has mentioned - just kill a server because most users can't police their builds. Having one user with an overflowing quarry spitting stuff out is one thing, but having the same with 5 or 10? All with chunk loaders? All with spawners? Our server has disabled several things like quarries, MPS, MFFS because they are OP, have nerved others for same reason, and disabled others because of stability issues (wireless redstone, etc), which in itself ends up limiting folks who are using a pack like Unleashed.
Quarries don't use chunk loaders, because they are chunk loaders. If you are worried about limiting users, don't nerf things more them. Generally if a player is worried about things being OP and they actually care, they won't make it (or they will exploit it, but the things you listed can't be exploited). And, by you saying that Quarries are OP, how does that not contradict your other message of "why bother with a quarry or turtles if you can just grab a hammer." Have you nerfed hammers as well? Quarries seem a bit less OP since they require power. Just because an item exists, doesn't mean you have to make it. And if a server is good enough, it won't lag with a few users making massive setups, generally it's the clients that lag. (Of course, GregTech absolutely demolishes TPS).
Compared to Ultimate, I created a relatively compact and efficient (on paper) base in Unleashed and regularly had worse frames (under 15FPS) on a pretty good computer. Problems like these force people to do less creative things with these mods so end up with a pulverizer, hopper, and large chest. Perfect example...that same setup, I built a nice tower with two multifarms, one to harvest wood and saplings, one to harvest papaya for efficient ethanol production. This was all going into my AE system to get processed as coal, etc. to fuel four railcraft high-pressure boilers, two of them liquid, two on charcoal. I did this so I wouldn't just go straight to ultimate hybrid solar panels or suck the Nether dry of lava. After two or three months of nightmarish problems with the boilers exploding for no reason whenever I re-entered an unloaded chunk, I ended up converting that entire setup and abandoning the farms and ethanol production and just went with 10 hybrids going into a bunch of electric engines. That is hardly a creative build, but there are tons of examples of bugs and problems that either limit your options, or suck the creativity out of people and they end up going with the easiest solution. I should point out, to encourage people not to go directly to hybrids, since they are so cheap to make, on our server they only output 128 EU instead of 512. I get much better frame rates now without that system, and nothing blows up.
I had the same problem, I had decent frames, until I built my treefarm. Turns out if you place a sound muffler or six, you'll frames will increase drastically.

Packs like Unleashed are not designed around balance, at least that's how they feel to me. It's like a bunch of mods were chucked together that people wanted, without thought to actual gameplay, which, agree or not, is where I think GT had the most impact. It made you consider progression. Things like Twilight are a cakewalk because people can go there with Nano or Quantum suits and fly everywhere. There's no challenge...just another thing to check off the list. Removing armour like Nano and Quantum and MPS would help... And I'll admit, that's a playstyle choice, but when playtime in a given week is limited, that goes out the window and it becomes whatever is easiest to do the job.

When it comes down to it, things have gotten too easy to do with the 1.5 packs, so pick the easiest way (there's tons of tutorials) and play for a couple of weeks, then get bored. Or go with a private pack and try and balance things on your own or add different mods to keep things interesting.
Packs like Unleashed are designed around having fun*
TF is actually extremely hard, even with Nanosuit. Quantum, okay, that makes it a cakewalk, I'll give you that. But I died about 6 times on staffcraft just trying to get to the Ur Ghast in full nano. On an old 1.4.7 server I died a few times (mostly due to trying to reach my items) fighting the Lich with full Nano.[DOUBLEPOST=1389281997][/DOUBLEPOST]
I was providing perspective and a point of view to the OP whose players are apparently bored. I am merely relating my experience and my opinion on it. If I did not challenge myself to find things to do, I would have stopped playing in August.

I enjoy it, though I do think a lot of it is too easy, and so I try and find alternate ways to do things, but invariably in a server environment, the alternate ways are not always optimal for the server. Or are buggy and frustrating, so the easiest path is sometimes the only one left, which is not creative.

I should point out, I do not run the server, so have no control over how it's setup. I do, however, enjoy playing with the folks on it.
Keep in touch with them and play a pack you all agree on. I have done this and it's made for some great friendships.

What isn't creative is nerfing things into oblivion by using difficulty as a mask for tedium.[DOUBLEPOST=1389282133][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why would hard mode make life miserable for my friends and I? Maybe that's the kind of mode that we enjoy? Just because you can't handle it doesn't mean other players can't handle it.

But if all mod developers start going about their developing in a nerf-nerf-nerf-nerf-tedium fashion, many players will find other mods to use. Most people don't like crafting for 6 hours just to get one item.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder if cicadas will ever be included as a microblock, so you can put a cover over them and have them INSIDE the walls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ore Processing? I admit I haven't gone through the whole thread, but that would basically be taking ores from my chests/pockets and then maximizing the amount of usable stuff I get out of them? That isn't going away by any stretch, I mean, RotaryCraft has a way of getting about 5 times what you would normally get from your stuff, so I would say it isn't going anywhere. Maybe Ore Doubling is going somewhere, and that would be Early Game. *shrug* I have AE for Ore Doubling via the grindstone.

Sorting, uh, well, no, I doubt it'll go anywhere anytime soon. It's a very good thing. I even try to use it now and then.

Now, on the whole actual discussion here...

YES! Mircoblock Cicadas please. Not because of how evil it would be, but because at least then one can place a torch next to them as well. Or a Lever. Or another Cicada.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you want to disagree with my opinion, that's fine, but do you need to resort to personal attacks to try and make a point?

As has been suggested, you have missed my point. The fat kid that sues McDonalds is a metaphor. The individual who lacks self control/disciplin and then proceeds to blame the company (In this case, the mod pack).

As a somone who belives that "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones", I wouldn't have a leg to stand on with personal comments of that ilk.



Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Hmm... I wonder if there's a whitelist for sound mufflers? :D

I see people complaining about this being OP, and that being OP, and then I wonder why people play modded. You don't want to play with things that are too strong, yet by their nature, mods are going to go above and beyond the vanilla game, because they have that as a base. So any mod you play is going to be OP compared to vanilla.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not going to respond to this whole opinion, but just a few select parts.

You don't need quarries, you can mine out the same space in just a little longer than a quarry would take using a TC hammer and without all the supporting infrastructure.

I submit:
  1. You are devaluing the benefits of automation. By your very admissions, someone with a hammer and a quarry can do twice as much work in the same time!
  2. I do not believe what you're saying is actually true. :)
  3. The supporting infrastructure is itself, fun to build and provides other value (power and power transport and item management and processing).

Some of the more interesting parts of the game are tedious and require a lot of patience, which most folks don't have (including myself), so things like Bees, Crops, Trees, Thaum, Ars all get ignored for the most part unless you are magically-inclined.

Well, Trees and Ars are actually really easy to progress. On my next playthrough, I'll get to a good spot in Ars2 in 2 episodes. I know how now; and Mithion made it much easier.

Some of the mods appear to be in a race to see who can make things the easiest to do things... Steve's Carts used to be something used by a lot of people for tree farms and such, or even villager things and other creative things. Why bother when you can hook up a cheap MFR planter/harvester, or use a safari net to corral your villagers?

MFR is the classic tradeoff, complexity and efficiency vs. energy consumption. SC2 tree farms are not in any ways disadvantaged in the current meta. People get super hurt over the mere implication that a machine is not infinite, but as both DW20 and I showed, it's easy to make a very very good treefarm in the early game, and it will perform just as well as the MFR farm. It will yield you over 1000 stacks of wood and hundreds of stacks of saplings before requiring any outside input of reinforced metal, and cheaply produce fuel, to boot.

TC makes things ridiculously easy to mine...why bother with a quarry or turtles if you can just grab a hammer. DartCraft has already been expounded upon at length on how cheap that is to do things.

You need to stop playing 1.5.2. Dartcraft is so nerfed that the only real hook it has left is that you get early, reliable access to the haste enchant at the tradeoff of having worse armor values and resistances overall. It has some great IC2 tools, but they are tied to IC2.

And then there is the supportability of these mods in a server environment. I am convinced that they are all built for single player. Most server operators use some form of bukkit plugins for grief prevention. When you have server issues with an FTB pack, one of the first responses I regularly see is "sorry, we don't support bukkit, that's your problem".

Hi. I know what I'm talking about here and my accomplishments there verify this. You are wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. That's okay, but please don't act like you do in the future. If you have specific questions, let me know.

My advice if you run a public server is to add MCPC+. Resonant Rise supports it directly, and it adds in cleanly to all FTB instances I've tested.

Server load and permissions are another issue. If you run an open server, or even if you're closed but with a healthy user base, things like quarries, or elaborate machine builds where pipes are all over the place - like the OP has mentioned - just kill a server because most users can't police their builds.

A good release of a modpack should easily tolerate at least 10 players with complex automation in their bases. The only really laggy thing players should be able to do is make new chunks. This is why FTB Monster (and RR stable) both do not always use the newest mod versions available, they use the ones that test the best. Monster can behave well and I know RR does. So again, please update your expectations to modern minecraft. Most of your complaints might hold water for 1.5.2, but that's months old and very few people care about it or its meta anymore. Most of your complaints were addressed months ago.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Identify what is making it easy and remove those as well. Add in those mods that does nothing but makes life miserable for you and your friends, and you will get the hard mode you want.

For TiCo, there's a config to disable vanilla tools except for wooden tools. You can install IguanaTweaks (sp?) to make it even harder. Do not install mods that gives your resource doubling or more. Do not install mods that gives your better weapons/armors than enchanted diamond equipments. Do not install mods that makes enchanting easier. Install mods that make mobs more aggressive, hits harder. Kind of like Infernal Mobs. Mods like Hunger Overhaul to make it so hunger is something to be considered.

There's a lot of ways to make a game harder, I'm not one for such gameplay but for people complaining about the modded gameplay experience for being too easy, they can always tweak the experience for themselves instead of blaming the modpack makes for "killing" modded minecraft.

I once complained about certain mods trying too hard to be harsh on the player but once I discovered that the modded MineCraft experience is all up to myself, everything changed for the better.

And now you have basically thrown FTB out the window and relegated those players to doing a lot more screwing around. Not everyone wants to muck around with ID conflicts and such. I thought the point of FTB was to make it simple and easy for non techy people to play modded minecraft?

Minecraft itself has 4 levels of difficulty. I understand this is a free launcher, but it woudl be great if FTB released 'DW20 hard' "dw20 normal'. etc. Because some configs are a pain to understand, and then it takes a lot of time and experience to really know how to balance out one mod vs another. If I turn forestry up to Normal, how do I increase the energy usage for MFR to match it?

I understand the mods are free but this is why conversations like this are important, and the community should not shout down people for using the word 'harder'. Most of the changes I wanted to make are right in magic farm2, and in this thread people told me that minecraft just might not even be able to provide the experience I was looking for. And then I find out.. .theres a pack that almsot does exactly what I wanted. (Unfortunately im not big on Magic so the MagicFarm tagline made me never look into it)

The reason I get frustrated is that I often see people say 'its inevitable that things improve'. Power creep is not required or necessary, or even good for the game. But IMO power creep is really what we are seeing here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Popular modpacks, no matter the focus, are still broad in focus. If you seem to have an extremely niche play style, then custom packs are your only option. Perhaps effort in creating your own vision of a mod pack can lead to a larger user base.

KirinDave's Resonant Rise pack has roots in an older version of a DW20 pack and has properly secured its own considerable user base. @zorn you obviously have a unique vision of modded Minecraft. You can't blame FTB for not fulfilling your personal vision when you have the tools to create your own.

You need a zorn modpack Sir. For zorn, by zorn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not going to respond to this whole opinion, but just a few select parts.

I submit:
  1. You are devaluing the benefits of automation. By your very admissions, someone with a hammer and a quarry can do twice as much work in the same time!
  2. I do not believe what you're saying is actually true. :)
  3. The supporting infrastructure is itself, fun to build and provides other value (power and power transport and item management and processing).

The OP asked what is happening to ore processing and sorting and I'm giving my opinion based on what I've seen. In my particular case, we cannot use quarries on our server because they have been disabled, but even if they were available, I don't see any reason to use them if you have a TC hammer. I understand that the theory of having a quarry is to do "fun things" while it mines for you, but I honestly don't believe it buys you that much (sorry, in Unleashed). I personally enjoy building infrastructure for fun stuff. Not sure where people are assuming that I'm the one who builds a hopper and pulverizer as my playstyle...perhaps my wording could have been clearer.

You need to stop playing 1.5.2. Dartcraft is so nerfed that the only real hook it has left is that you get early, reliable access to the haste enchant at the tradeoff of having worse armor values and resistances overall. It has some great IC2 tools, but they are tied to IC2.

Last I checked there are still 1.5.2 versions on the launcher? Our server is running 1.5.2. We jumped to 1.5.2 early and had a lot of problems, so we are waiting for 1.6 to shake down. As it is, I am still unable to get any of the 1.6.4 modpacks to even launch for me after following all of the instructions from the support folks. The 1.6.4 packs were just released for public beta recently, as such I can expect them to have their own problems. So you're telling me to stop playing something we've gotten to be relatively stable and switch over to something in beta? Either way, since I can't get 1.6.4 packs to launch, I'm stuck with 1.5.2.[/quote]

Hi. I know what I'm talking about here and my accomplishments there verify this. You are wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. That's okay, but please don't act like you do in the future. If you have specific questions, let me know.

Everything I've said is based on my experiences and observations, and in the case of server stuff is what I've been told in replies on posts I've made in the past on problems we've had. I don't believe I have ever accused you of not knowing what you're talking about or that you've been wrong in anything? Again, I don't run the server, and I don't claim to know everything, so it's possible (apparently likely) that some of my conclusions may be inaccurate. Having said that, I'm quite sure you know more about most of these things than I do, but basically telling me I'm an idiot (oh, but it's ok) isn't constructive.

Tough crowd...I guess what I've seen I didn't see, and that my opinions are incorrect?

So again, please update your expectations to modern minecraft. Most of your complaints might hold water for 1.5.2, but that's months old and very few people care about it or its meta anymore. Most of your complaints were addressed months ago.

Apologies for living in the past, even if our server is still on 1.5.2 and there are still people out there (myself included) who can't get any 1.6.4 to launch. I guess if nobody cares about it though, I'll just mosey on...