In your next Direwolf20 build, will you bother with IC2?

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The IC2 eco-system still has the most server-friendly infinite-loop power generation in the form of HV Solar Arrays. I use that to power my AE system, tools, Mass Fabricator, and Overclocked IC2 machines integrated into my AE system for on-demand recipes.

But, I do indeed use 36HP-based MJ power for everything else and could indeed do without EU entirely as the original poster has stated.

But, I would also not want to see the IC2 ecosystem be taken out of DW20 or Unleashed. It's a good set of mods for what they do.
I agree with this.

I also wouldn't want to lose my precious reactors... even if they do explode every now and then.
Which discludes it from GregTech as you need an energy storage upgrade past ten overclockers I believe to give your machines enough power to be able to activate.

On the bright side, twelve overclockers, two energy storage upgrades, and a dedicated MFSU makes for some still-extremely-fast machines.

But for automatic processing, speed is not really a requirement in most situations.

Agreed. I have a mining and farm processing plant in the deep recesses of my base built with purely TE machines. The configurable input/output faces make for very clean builds. The energy efficiency is nice, too.

In the main part of my base, however, are souped-up IC2 machines for on-demand processing where burst speed trumps long-tail throughput. They are on their own power branch.[DOUBLEPOST=1376685173][/DOUBLEPOST]
But you need IC2 for the compressor and extractor, and tons of other awesome machines!

Also every machine can be sped up to like 1 second so yeah.. :p

^^^ This

Turning a stack of coal into a diamond in no-time flat and getting 3x rubber per sticky resin is very nice.
My current game Im using TC (tinkers) mostly right now.. I was on the fence about adding some IC stuff to help.. Then I built a TC hammer.. And that was that. ;)

I will add buildcraft quarry though, after im done playing around with the hammer... Its just so dam fun.
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I'd just like a way to charge my modular power suits on MJ.. (as of yet I've not found it if someone knows that'd be helpful 8) ) but my gal loves IC2 since she's been playing with it since it pretty much came out. I've been playing with it but I always head to other mods, I love Magmatic engines and thermal expansion, I usually rush there asap as it just works for me. I feel tethered to IC2 tho as my MPS requires a TON of power just to charge it.

With IC2 I find myself being restricted on what I can do, needing upgrades to get the same speed of a basic pulverizer or even a powered furnace. It's not as modular as far as the interface ports which I love for compact builds. I would be okay, my signifigant other wouldn't so I just leave it in
I'd just like a way to charge my modular power suits on MJ.. (as of yet I've not found it if someone knows that'd be helpful 8) ) but my gal loves IC2 since she's been playing with it since it pretty much came out. I've been playing with it but I always head to other mods, I love Magmatic engines and thermal expansion, I usually rush there asap as it just works for me. I feel tethered to IC2 tho as my MPS requires a TON of power just to charge it.

With IC2 I find myself being restricted on what I can do, needing upgrades to get the same speed of a basic pulverizer or even a powered furnace. It's not as modular as far as the interface ports which I love for compact builds. I would be okay, my signifigant other wouldn't so I just leave it in

Relatively recent versions of Thermal Expansion have an Energetic Infuser machine, which charges most things that can be charged including powersuits using just MJ.

The storage capacity is huge for a MJ machine but nothing compared to a MFSU, so to fully charge a powersuit you will want more than one Infuser and probably a separate heavily buffered power branch from your other machines.
I think the problem is that IC2 dosent really have midtech. I really like gregtech because it adds a midtech to IC2 and adds a whole slew of awesome end tech on top of already awesome IC2 endgame.
I'm late to this... but there is one thing that the other mods don't do that ic2 still serves like a champ... a way generating diamonds. Diamonds that you actually need for the other mods to compete with ic2.
I'm late to this... but there is one thing that the other mods don't do that ic2 still serves like a champ... a way generating diamonds. Diamonds that you actually need for the other mods to compete with ic2.
Or you could increase the Diamond spawn rate with Cofh... so that was his plan all along
I could never give up the Induction Furnace from IC2. I tried moving more energy through the conduits but from what it seems, the Induction furnace is the only real way to smelt massive amounts of X fast.
Cofh stands for cult of the full hub, the team behind Thermal expansion. The core mod, Cofh core, has a config that allows you to adjust spawn rates of all vanilla and TE ores
The one thing IC2 adds is probably one of the greatest power drainers of any mod; the mass fabricator. With the thing you can literally craft diamonds if you build a good enough power infrastructure. It also adds nuclear reactors which have their own unique way of working, and is still a viable option for fast ore processing and smelting. I don't see much of a reason to get rid of it in all honesty, people don't just dump mods unless they aren't updated, I can barely think of an instance where this has happened.
The one thing IC2 adds is probably one of the greatest power drainers of any mod; the mass fabricator. With the thing you can literally craft diamonds if you build a good enough power infrastructure. It also adds nuclear reactors which have their own unique way of working, and is still a viable option for fast ore processing and smelting. I don't see much of a reason to get rid of it in all honesty, people don't just dump mods unless they aren't updated, I can barely think of an instance where this has happened.

I can see where you're coming from with the nukes, I've got some successful builds on my previous world and while it is awesome for generating power the stable setups I have usually dont produce as much as my magmatic would as far as MJ is concerned. I had my entire bee lab on EU and lost waaaaaaaay too much power compared to the ammount I was able to generate with mystcraft lava age and magmatic engines. The loss seemed to compound when using my bee machines as yes they draw power still from the system to keep charged but the EU base I had could barely keep up with the flow of bees coming in while my MJ powerplant didn't have an issue, I just perfer them over it, hell this current build my gal and I are running a massive base with everything on the same powergrid and not having issues, she's had to upgrade her solar panels to keep up with her IC2 machines while she's gotta go through a ton of upgrades to get what I can just craft right out of the box.

I'd say if I saw an improvement in the way that the IC2 did things I may go back to solar, something that can make the panels perhaps a multiblock structure, the more panels added the more power it generates but give it buffs and benefits like a lowering of decay or a shrink in the cost of how EU is reduced in electrical engines. there's got to be something better then how that's done, I do like solar for a starting power system but nukes just dont cut it in the end without serious tweaking, not only that but to keep my nukes going I pretty much had to do an entire automations worth of uranium bees to get them to produce the materials I needed to keep it running.

The amount of work to fun ratio for IC2 in my opinion kinda negates it seeing any practical use. Tho when I am established I usually run mass fabs to get UU but honestly I ended up with over 200k worth of UU matter and nothing to use it on as other systems usually did those better. It was a nice source of iridium but other then that it didn't get much use past that.
The one thing IC2 adds is probably one of the greatest power drainers of any mod; the mass fabricator. With the thing you can literally craft diamonds if you build a good enough power infrastructure.
AS`s atomic assembler does diamond crafting in a better fashion with more infrastructure involved, which gives you a feeling that you`re actually tinkering with something high tech, rather than dumping energy into one block.
IC2 fits well in an environment with limited automation, and where people stick to building a few machines. Solar/wind/water produce free but limited energy, coal/lave a bit more but use up resources and then there is the reactor which can provide a large amount of energy but requires a huge amount of stuff to build, needs manual work (replacing cell, possibly monitoring the system) and uses up a finite amount of uranium. Usual energy usage is pretty low in that environment and in bursts (doing some ore processing after a mining trip). The massive amount of energy from the reactor is stored in 2 or 3 MFSUs to generate UU-matter for a quantum suit in the future.

But then other mods happen and time goes by. People don't build just a few machines and resources are plentiful. Suddenly you have treefarms feeding dozens of generators, watermill towers (or systems feeding them buckets), geothermal power stations sucken up immense amount of lava, higher level solar panel. Not to mention crossmod ways of generating insane amounts of power in comparison. IC2 just hasn't evolved with those mods and builds people use. Sure, some parts are still nice when abused, but the mod just doesn't fit in that well with the current state of the art.
Nukes need an output buff.

If you want the most EU for the least effort then (geo)thermal generators are the logical choice. They're really strong in plain IC2 but strangely Greg doesn't hate them. He made them even stronger; his version returns empty cells so you can fuel up manually without hassle and he added an advanced pump that seems to be made for these things.

Once you have nice things like uranium bees and piles of UU then no sane player would choose nukes. Of course, many of you aren't sane but that's okay; you want nukes because they are fun, and often !FUN! in the Dwarf Fortress sense. Good for you. However, 10 geothermal generators cost a lot less than one stable 200 eu/t nuclear reactor and if you can make a nuclear reactor you can also do advanced solar. The fun is not rewarding.