In your next Direwolf20 build, will you bother with IC2?

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If I could propose 1 tiny thing MM; some method of altering appearance. If MPS becomes the new ubiquitous armor (which it most certainly should) it'd be nice if this time around we the players didn't look like members of the quantum clone-army again.

LOVE the mod <3
you know you can "paint" your armour whatever colour you want (as long as it's one of 16 colours)
Nope, didn't know that.

MachineMuse: when you inevitably make it so we can tinker on the go, I demand you make it look like Predator arming his wrist-nuke ;D
If I could propose 1 tiny thing MM; some method of altering appearance. If MPS becomes the new ubiquitous armor (which it most certainly should) it'd be nice if this time around we the players didn't look like members of the quantum clone-army again.

LOVE the mod <3

*edit: I'm dumb, just re-watched the spotlight and noted you're 10 steps ahead of the game regarding coloring / transparency / toggling. Well done. Incredibly well done.
that was literally my first and #1 priority in making this mod lol

Aw man, there goes my suggestion to add an electric map that updates as you move. =[ It wasn't so much a minimap idea, but it would have been cool to have like a map overlay that you could mark, kind of like a expanded version of Rei's. Even more so for people who don't want to use minimaps, but really have no choice because gameplay suffers otherwise.
Edit: marry me MachineMuse?
Because that is how IC2 works. If you want this "fixed" (the correct term would be "changed", as it is not currently broken), you should ask in the IC2 thread for a config file option to be added for this (GregTech has an option to disable some of the more painful aspects in his main config file, I believe).

The person in charge of IC2 has repeatedly refused to do any such thing despite many requests over the lifetime of the mod.

Personally, I like the concept that you require a special device to remove a machine, and that you don't always do it properly. I dislike when it happens to me, so I usually upgrade to an electric wrench as quickly as possible without moving my machines whenever possible. It makes me think a whole lot more about how I deal with the placement of my machines in my base.

I am totally down with requiring a special device to remove a machine. I'm even okay with the device losing durability (for the standard wrench) or consuming power (for the electric wrench). I am NOT okay with the fact that the basic wrench can fail in such a fashion that, rather than simply not performing the operation, it destroys the device. I've worked in real factories and industrial environments. It is ROUTINE to tear down and relocate machines with essentially no loss, nevermind a 10% chance to scrap EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE CASING. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn't aiming for realism, they're aiming for fake, arbitrary difficulty.

It's not a balance issue, it's design fiat built on a fallacious notion.
It's not a balance issue, it's design fiat built on a fallacious notion.

Yeah uh, try moving a server rack without power tools and a hydraulic lift. Heck, try freeing conveyor assemblies or even bearing tracks without a power wrench. I am not sure how you free those bolts by hand; I'm told the inset nuts are a federally mandated safety feature. Power tools: not really optional in the real world.

This seems like such a tiny nitpick: by the time it becomes necessary to move things a lot you have a power wrench and the issue is gone. The only time it matters is early on with a few machines reverting, and the only machines where it's actually bothersome is the hardmode macerator.

If you're going to complain about IC2 realism, why not complain about how absurd the IC2 power grid model is? Not something so trivial that most people forget about it within a week. Finicky machines that can chain-explode is a small price to pay for such an incredibly forgiving power source with such low-tier storage options.
The person in charge of IC2 has repeatedly refused to do any such thing despite many requests over the lifetime of the mod.

Then it is safe to say the only way this change will ever happen would be if someone created a mod for it (which has been done, although it appears to be dead at this time).

I've worked in real factories and industrial environments. It is ROUTINE to tear down and relocate machines with essentially no loss, nevermind a 10% chance to scrap EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE CASING. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn't aiming for realism, they're aiming for fake, arbitrary difficulty.

It's not a balance issue, it's design fiat built on a fallacious notion.

As I'm sure you are aware, MineCraft is not built around simulation or even emulation of reality. It's built around the simulation of a type of reality that does not even start to fall within the limits of logic or realism.

That aside, the modification to MineCraft is another layer on top of the existing layer, dealing with the simulation in an entirely different way. Interaction with realism and logic is often extremely suspended at this point.

As such, your dealings with an offline factory cannot be used as evidence in regards to the functionality of IC2 machines in the MineCraft world. Therefore, it is unreasonable to consider it "fake", "arbitrary" or a "fallacious notion" because the universe being dealt with does not conform to your views.

And finally, the fact that the electric wrench can perform functions in both non-lossless mode and lossless mode (at the expense of a great deal more power) underlines that the functionality is designed to keep people from moving machines around often (which is the standard action, it appears, for IC2 as no tear downs are required at any time on a properly functioning machine).

Anyways, that's why you've got yourself an omniwrench, right?

Also, I believe the chance of losing a machine in non-lossless mode is much greater in regards to the GregTech machines, although I have not tested this myself.
Yeah uh, try moving a server rack without power tools and a hydraulic lift. Heck, try freeing conveyor assemblies or even bearing tracks without a power wrench. I am not sure how you free those bolts by hand; I'm told the inset nuts are a federally mandated safety feature. Power tools: not really optional in the real world.

I don't see how that affects my point; equally, in the real world you don't go punching trees apart with your hands and carve apart entire mountains armed only with a pile of rocks and some sticks.

This seems like such a tiny nitpick: by the time it becomes necessary to move things a lot you have a power wrench and the issue is gone. The only time it matters is early on with a few machines reverting, and the only machines where it's actually bothersome is the hardmode macerator.

With GT as provided in both Ultimate and MindCrack, the electric wrench is gated behind steel production.

If you're going to complain about IC2 realism, why not complain about how absurd the IC2 power grid model is? Not something so trivial that most people forget about it within a week. Finicky machines that can chain-explode is a small price to pay for such an incredibly forgiving power source with such low-tier storage options.

I think you misunderstand: I'm not complaining about whether or not it's realistic. I don't CARE about realistic, except as regards to the fact that people use "realism" to justify decisions that are, themselves, not realistic.

As I'm sure you are aware, MineCraft is not built around simulation or even emulation of reality. It's built around the simulation of a type of reality that does not even start to fall within the limits of logic or realism.

That aside, the modification to MineCraft is another layer on top of the existing layer, dealing with the simulation in an entirely different way. Interaction with realism and logic is often extremely suspended at this point.

As such, your dealings with an offline factory cannot be used as evidence in regards to the functionality of IC2 machines in the MineCraft world. Therefore, it is unreasonable to consider it "fake", "arbitrary" or a "fallacious notion" because the universe being dealt with does not conform to your views.

The above? My exact point. The IC2 devs have claimed that the reason the wrench works the way it does is for realism because you don't move machines in a real factory.

And finally, the fact that the electric wrench can perform functions in both non-lossless mode and lossless mode (at the expense of a great deal more power) underlines that the functionality is designed to keep people from moving machines around often (which is the standard action, it appears, for IC2 as no tear downs are required at any time on a properly functioning machine).

The problem is, this system is fairly punishing for early-game mistakes in placement, which is likely if you haven't sat down and plotted out exactly where every machine will need to be in its final configuration.

I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm trying to get basic functionality up, I don't have the same kind of workspace as I do when I'm ready to start doing serious industrial work. Where I place (or can even physically fit) my power systems, where I have my storage (which may have expanded and/or moved since earlier play) in relation to appliances, how the appliances are positioned relative to each other... All of these things change over the course of time, and it's the early steps where you don't have as many resources, and can't get an electric wrench going yet (in the case of GT, it's locked behind steel production) that the destruction of a machine due to that random dice roll is most punitive.

And no, I'm not going to blame GregTech for moving the electric wrench because the basic version should damn well be usable itself.

Anyways, that's why you've got yourself an omniwrench, right?

Yes, but I still feel I shouldn't have to bring in a mod tool in order to get basic functionality that should be available without going up the tech tree.

Also, I believe the chance of losing a machine in non-lossless mode is much greater in regards to the GregTech machines, although I have not tested this myself.

Immaterial, whether it's true or not.
Yes, but I still feel I shouldn't have to bring in a mod tool in order to get basic functionality that should be available without going up the tech tree.

Then at this point this discussion no longer has any further direction to go. Thank you very much.

Immaterial, whether it's true or not.

Outside of the discussion, but there for the benefit of everyone involved so your "10%" number is given consideration.
I don't see how that affects my point; equally, in the real world you don't go punching trees apart with your hands and carve apart entire mountains armed only with a pile of rocks and some sticks.

This is a boring circle you have set before us. Avoided.

With GT as provided in both Ultimate and MindCrack, the electric wrench is gated behind steel production.

Then turn that off if it bothers you so. The config is there.

It's not like steel is an insurmountable goal in these packs, nor even particularly late game. Particularly in ultimate, where you can get steel from RailCraft blast furnaces as well.
The 10% loss has been a fustrating poorly designed mechanic since the start. The thing that bugs me the most is you have to find an obscure refrence to a key combination to turn on lossless mode outside of the game to not have machines suddenly lose their parts 10% of the time.

I could understand durability loss on the wrench (and giving it low durability)
I could understand it breaking and you losing one of the minor components (Rather then nearly everything)

But we end up with a mechanic that makes no sence, adds fustration, has obscure controls and no config.

Basically it's not fun difficulty. Mechanics to lower machine movability in the early game could be intresting in theory. This implimentation is not. (Save for a few people who are probably getting more enjoyment from white knighting themselves over the issue then the actual mechanic.)

It's the goto example for a poor implimention of a mod idea. Just like RP's Rubber tree spam was the goto example for why config files would be a good idea when they /covered/ the landscape. Or the goto example of fluid fps issues is quarrys with water on them.

IC2 as a whole is a mix of things that are hard to do without since it's been around so long and lots of things are addons to it, some intresting but bizzarly balanced machincs, a complete lack of acknowledgement of other mods, a few cool tidbits.

Honestly, I'd like to see it seriously updated or replaced right now. In it's current state it's holding things back by being popular enough to not want it gone, while being mostly stagnent itself. I'm sure someone would fill the void quickly, if it hasn't been supperssed entirely by then.
I don't use it that much other than to power AE because its cheaper than mj, the armour because i dont like how MPS basicaly says if your i the end you can have as many ender pearls (and iron if you have ee3) that you want and the end isnt that hard to get to on ftb. MPS are just to cheap and easy for me e.g 1 tool that does everything as fast as a efficiency 5 shovel of dirt and can 1 hit mobs all power shared so that you only need 1 battery just to op to me a lot of iron for amazing amour isnt that like ee2 the OP as hell mod[DOUBLEPOST=1376675194][/DOUBLEPOST]And UU is amazing and realy helpful but costs a lot of power so is balanced
Uuuuh, this is yet another necrobump, but I'll ignore that xD
The end means lots of ender pearls, MMMPS doesnt allow it, its not hard to put yourself in a two high thing and just look at them.
Uu matter in the long run is very unbalanced, the problem is the way how you make EU, generally most people will use lava which means that UU can be free requiring little effort compared to what its meant to be.
I don't use it that much other than to power AE because its cheaper than mj, the armour because i dont like how MPS basicaly says if your i the end you can have as many ender pearls (and iron if you have ee3) that you want and the end isnt that hard to get to on ftb. MPS are just to cheap and easy for me e.g 1 tool that does everything as fast as a efficiency 5 shovel of dirt and can 1 hit mobs all power shared so that you only need 1 battery just to op to me a lot of iron for amazing amour isnt that like ee2 the OP as hell mod[DOUBLEPOST=1376675194][/DOUBLEPOST]And UU is amazing and realy helpful but costs a lot of power so is balanced

Dont necro an old thread that is 5 months old. Make a new one please.
Uu matter in the long run is very unbalanced, the problem is the way how you make EU, generally most people will use lava which means that UU can be free requiring little effort compared to what its meant to be.
and would you mind sharing with us about what it meant to be?
from my perspective its similar to EE2`s red matter, which was called by author, if my memory serves me well, a filler for a lack of content.
Damn, one of my threads victimized.

Although perhaps salient with the given state of 1.6.2 . Tough call.
Its not IC2's fault other mods have added items that are better than IC2's. Remember, IC2 got there first.
and would you mind sharing with us about what it meant to be?
from my perspective its similar to EE2`s red matter, which was called by author, if my memory serves me well, a filler for a lack of content.

Well, from what i always saw UU matter as, and i presume most people did was that it was the lategame of IC2, infinite resources if setup correctly and to bridge to the previous late game quantum suit, but it was hard to setup.
In 1.3 came single player becoming a server, this meant that lava could be pumped from the nether and put into geothermal generators without the player being in the nether, this meant easy and simple energy, ruining the point of the mass fabricator, which had a cheap recipe but used alot of energy.
Im very excited personally for ThunderDart to do his Re-Make of the mass fabricator, heck i would even be happy with them just throwing in gregs matter fabricator.....
The IC2 eco-system still has the most server-friendly infinite-loop power generation in the form of HV Solar Arrays. I use that to power my AE system, tools, Mass Fabricator, and Overclocked IC2 machines integrated into my AE system for on-demand recipes.

But, I do indeed use 36HP-based MJ power for everything else and could indeed do without EU entirely as the original poster has stated.

But, I would also not want to see the IC2 ecosystem be taken out of DW20 or Unleashed. It's a good set of mods for what they do.