Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

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Which Method Should we take to fix the pack

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Correct me if I am wrong, but these 'new' packs are still beta. As beta, world restarts shouldn't even be considered an issue, no matter how many hours you have invested in said world. Beta = incomplete / testing in progress / expect bugs. We all know this [or should know this], even novice MC players. As such, the correct repair process should be the only choice.

If I missed something and these packs are now considered out of beta, then disregard the above reasoning.

Even if these packs are out of beta, I still vote for a proper repair, as it'll mean less problems in the future.

I, for one, do also appreciate Slowpoke's community input on which path to take. I tip my hat to you sir.
Although I can see a full fix is in the end better then a band-aid, I would hate to have to start over.
I haven't got BoP enabled at all, nor have I visited the end yet.
I only just got a friend back into playing minecraft on my server, who lost interest because of losing his stuff on restarts. Plus I myself spent the last two weeks doing long 15+ hour sessions each day. (I'm ill at home and need to fill my time)
Got applied energistics ME going, nether energy central, wireless control and portal system between locations and ages, multidimensional auto-mining and a prettily designed imho house + giant redwood tree-house to boot...

If I don't use BoP and haven't visited the end, shouldn't it just transfer to a new full-fixed version? There's nothing generated with those block-ID's yet.
Does anyone know what the state is of MCEdit, would it be possible to use that to copy just my base and my friends tree-house over or does it still only support vanilla worlds? I don't care much for the world itself yet, just our two not very landscape-integrated builds residing in it.
I would first like to thank Slow and the entire ftb team for the packs. Having said that, why is it taking so long to change id's and rollback 3 mods? Are there more problems than that?
Consistency is at the heart of a good modpack.
Keeping it consistent makes it less likely that it will break in the future...

Just a thought...
If the patch is reasonably easy, could both be done, a patch and proper fix, with the understanding that the patch would not be further updated?

That might bail a few people out for the moment by just fixing what is currently broken in their worlds but it would also maintain the consistency of the pack going forward.
Just a heads-up. I backed up my direwolf20 1.5 v1.1.2 world and used midas to convert it to ftb unleashed.
I made a patch using the config files method as the NEI export didn't work for me.

I've been flying about in creative on my server for an hour or two now and can't find anything weird or odd in the default worlds nor in any of the dimensions/ages I had going. Not in old nor new chunks. All machinery seems to work fine, associated nbt data seems intact, bee genomes, powersuit mods, ME inventories etc. Now I definately haven't used all modpacks yet but so far so good right?

I'll keep going on my direwolf server for now because I'd prefer to stick with it if I can, just knowing when things do go awry and the upcoming update/rollback or band-aid requires a world restart, I can at least still keep going without too much of a problem on unleashed and perhaps even on the new direwolf20 pack using midas as well.
Something else is wonky with the configs.
I did:
Downloaded DW20 1.1.2 (fresh, not upgrade)
After launch exited w/o creating world.
Activated BoP and dropped Optifine in for use.
When I launched got block ID conflict error. Block 254 is being used by Ender Storage and BoP wants it for one of it's blocks.
Just a thought.. if this update/patch whatever ya wanna call it has has the potential to destroy unique structures like witch huts & triple dungeons ect. Wouldn't it be smart and copy only the found ones with an editor program save them to a file and put them back after the update or would that be in bad taste/cheating? After all they did spawn in your original world!! I know some of the editors can replace one block ID with another so that problem might be fixable also. I backed up my witch hut & plan to use the file in a creative map also :)

think the master of editor filters SethBling could fix it alll? lol
I don't really like the thought of having to restart but from the comments it seems that the 'band-aid' will just make things worse in the long run, so I guess I'll go back to playing in my 1.4 until the restart...
I'm just wondering now when the fix will be released...15 hours ago it underwent testing. I have work tomorrow night and have been itching to play since yesterday :( oh well, time to wait some more
I don't want to band-aid my server and worlds. I would rather the job be done correctly, if it takes a little longer than it takes a little longer. Is there an ETA to get everything corrected?
I think it would be better to fix it the way it should be, this way in the future these mistakes will probably not slip through. I just hope this doesn't mess with any of the world-gen ofcourse XD
Well I think a full restart would be good but also bring back mods like xycraft and rp2 because they were epic
Since everyone has to restart when the 1.6 packs roll out, why not just leave them out of sync till then.
Seems like I speak with the majority, I think I full fix would be better off than just trying to patch it, especially since it means down the roads any updates to mods would make things more difficult. On a side note, thanks so much for having all these mod packs, I for one love the change they bring, I can hardly play xbox now version :) Other side note, don't push yourselves so hard guys, I'd rather see you enjoying these mod packs as much as we do!
This should be fixed ASAP regardless if current servers need to world reset or not. 1.5 pack just released not even a week ago so in theory servers that have been using them will be out what 1 week? Servers that were open live using Beta packs well it was beta. My server is currently in Open Beta and waiting on an outcome of this dessision to fix this horrible error/mistake to we can move on to release the server with a complete wipe and start 1.5 fresh (coming from 1.4.7 Ultimate).

Currently i am using the 1.1.1 direwolf pack and so far nothing major has gone wrong (not a single crash over the past 5 days). Have seen a few errors but mostly with plugins which can be fixed over time and with the help of mcpc+. Please address the errors and release a stable system again in 1.1.3.

Thank you.
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