Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

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Which Method Should we take to fix the pack

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Why do a Band-aid fix when you are just going to have to do the full fix later anyway? Just get it over with its not like our livelyhoods will be affected.
I rent a server from area52 and was just fixing to switch it to the direwolf pack. Glad you guys posted the news about it. How will we know when the fix is complete and we can switch to it?
Well, it seems the poll is pretty one sided :P That said, could we get some information on how long it'll take? I'm sure I'm not the only one that decided to wait with playing more untill the fix is out :)
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I'm with the majority. We haven't had long enough to play with 1.5 to have any uber constructions that I'm worried about losing. Moreover, if anyone DOES have such problems, they can always not update while they figure out how to save it.
I do question how long this fix will take though. This going to take a day, week, month? Even if the estimate over stated one would be nice.
in my honest opinion; it's Direwolf's pack, what is HIS thoughts? There are a few things I don't like about the pack but it IS the pack I play the most!!! I see the current popular vote is for full sync but I'll back Dire's choice ether way, it's his name & his reputation & his choice.
While I love the idea of compatibility with existing worlds, the pack is extremely new and it sounds like the big plan is to keep it synchronized with others for speedy updates. The worlds made with the pack can't be that far along, so sacrificing them for the chance to nip the problems at the bud, thus ensuring that incompatibilities won't be a detractor for future updates to the pack, sounds reasonable to me.
I'll throw my vote in for a full fix.
I would like a full fix .Let's be honest tho really we are saying world reset or not. that is what we are really deciding on as most of us have no clue what is involved to fix it and what is required to fix it. Really I think this is more a choice for FTB . In Slows original post he admits mistakes were made so why not do what you intended to do in the first place? I believe Slow answered his own question in his own post . Keep up the great epic work you all are doing .I thank you from the bottom of my hart for making Minecraft new and interesting again for me .
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Full fix, with the possibility of a short-term private pack "band-aid" to allow larger server admins the chance to warn their users. However, it would be optimal for the full fix to come with a complete changelog as if changes were made between the same versions (DW 1.1.1 -> DW Full fix 1.1.1). That way, admins of small servers might be able to check placed entities & make manual changes without having to perform a full world restart.

Everyone makes mistakes, and it does suck. I know I may not speak for everyone, but I can't really hold it against anyone. Last time I checked, I don't recall having to pay for any pack included in FTB - and it's still being provided. Best that can be done is to fix the error and move forward.
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Avoiding temporary inconvenience isn't worth the headache for everyone else (myself included) down the line when the band aid stops doing the job. Go for the full fix :)
Full Fix. Bandaids often aren't as good as we'd hope, and end up needing more band-aids. fix it and be done with it.
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