Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

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Which Method Should we take to fix the pack

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I am not asking you to support anyone, i am showing you a critical error that causes "your" FTB software to crash due to a mod within a modpack recommended by "FTB" software team. The link i posted shows the exact error and crash report and reason behind the crash. I reported it to mcpc+ first thinking they could do something to fix it but referred me to FM mod which again is in "FTB" mod pack.

The instant you use MCPC+ you have changed the modpack. Which can cause any number of errors, including errors with mods that are not compatible with MCPC+. In your case it might be FM it might be FM not playing well with MCPC+ . While we will be updating to a fixed FM as as we can, we can't guarantee it will fix MCPC+ issues.
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The instant you use MCPC+ you have changed the modpack. Which can cause any number of errors, including errors with mods that are not compatible with MCPC+. In your case it might be FM it might be FM not playing well with MCPC+ . While we will be updating to a fixed FM as as we can, we can't guarantee it will fix MCPC+ issues.

Understood that better. My question next would be who is correct? MCPC+ saying the mod is at fault or you Jadedcat saying it "could" be a conflict with FM mod and MCPC+?
Understood that better. My question next would be who is correct? MCPC+ saying the mod is at fault or you Jadedcat saying it "could" be a conflict with FM mod and MCPC+?

We won't know for sure till we get a fixed version of FM.[DOUBLEPOST=1377298370][/DOUBLEPOST]New update added.
Understood that better. My question next would be who is correct? MCPC+ saying the mod is at fault or you Jadedcat saying it "could" be a conflict with FM mod and MCPC+?
That is difficult terrain due to mapping differences and other things done in MCPC+ to support bukkit AND Forge at the same time. We can not say what is a mods fault and what a MCPC+ fault. Sometimes a simple function is spelled differently or has other arguments in bukkit or Forge which then causes errors and crashes.
Simply put it is a conflict between two mods (as MCPC+ can be treated as a modded vanilla server) and both sides have to see what caused it and how to fix it.
FM already has a fixed version available so i would guess this time it wasn't the MCPC+ teams fault.

Hope this makes things more clrear to you.
Just want to say "thank you for the update".

Hopefully this bug fix can come soon. Here's hoping anyways.
Does this mean that once the 1.1.3 is available my 1.1.1 world will be ok? or will all worlds previous to 1.1.3 have conflicts? I dread restarting i was hoping for the fill fix with the possibility of not having to restart.
Does this mean that once the 1.1.3 is available my 1.1.1 world will be ok? or will all worlds previous to 1.1.3 have conflicts? I dread restarting i was hoping for the fill fix with the possibility of not having to restart.

Right now if you update to 1.1.3 any world created with earlier configs will have mismatched id's blocks may disappear or be converted to something else. That is the full fix. The tool that may or may not prevent that has always been a maybe not a guarantee. If you read all the posts on this topic we have made it very clear that a full fix to DW20 would cause id issues and that any tool that might convert worlds is entirely separated from the update. 1.1.3 is already available its just not the recommended version.
Thanks Jadedcat, that is exactly the information i was looking for. I do realize the converter was thing was a might maybe thing but what can i say i am hopeful. May be i was misreading or misunderstanding but i was under the impression that the conversion thing would be part of an update if it was going to be possible. That is why i asked the question, the wording of the latest update left me a bit more confused. Thanks again Jadedcat for making it more clear.
A complete restart would be the better solution in my opinion. Simply because you prevent a lot of possible future conflicts and all in all this step is needed, either now or in the future. By the way: could it be that in the privat pack the biomes o' plenty mod isn't functional? I tested it and everything was enabled, even the blocks showed correctly in NEI but there weren't any of the biomes and I scouted this for a long time in many directions.
A complete restart would be the better solution in my opinion. Simply because you prevent a lot of possible future conflicts and all in all this step is needed, either now or in the future. By the way: could it be that in the privat pack the biomes o' plenty mod isn't functional? I tested it and everything was enabled, even the blocks showed correctly in NEI but there weren't any of the biomes and I scouted this for a long time in many directions.
You have to change the world type to "Biomes O Plenty" when creating the world.
There is still no current update we can use on a server. The latest news was over three weeks ago. What is taking you so long? Yes, I might be a tad angry, and considering to migrate to another mod pack if this won't work out soon.
Right now if you update to 1.1.3 any world created with earlier configs will have mismatched id's blocks may disappear or be converted to something else.
I'm pretty new to serious amounts of mods, and very new to FtB in particular, so I hope this isn't a dumb question, but: If we're not actually using BoP, will updating still break our worlds? The post seems to suggest everything is/was fine until/unless BoP was turned on and the configs for that mod caused conflicts, so if it was disabled anyway, does that mean it's safe to update if we want to keep the world we already have? Frankly my server would rather stay on 1.1.0 than restart, but being able to get the new versions of the mods would be pretty nice!

Sorry if this has been asked before and I've managed to miss the answer.
There is still no current update we can use on a server. The latest news was over three weeks ago. What is taking you so long? Yes, I might be a tad angry, and considering to migrate to another mod pack if this won't work out soon.

Then you probably should leave. You can use the private pack, which may cause your world to not update if you utilized any of the Biomes O' Plenty stuff.

Getting angry over a free tool, which comes with no guarantee of service, is incredibly pretentious of you. It has been stated numerous times what is taking so long. They are testing the pack extensively, to ensure no more problems remain, and are working on a tool that may alleviate the world reset. Both take extensive amounts of man-hours (or woman-hours Jaded ;) ) and even more real time considering none of the people that are performing these tasks make this their full time job.

So stow the anger, and either be patient, or leave quietly.
I'm new to FTB and i recently set up a server for some friends with the Direwolf20 pack (1.5.2).
After exploring a lot we noticed that there where no extra biomes.
I later saw that the mod was disabled.
We created our world like 2 days ago but we really want to have extra biomes.
I have done some research about this and i can't really seem to find the solution or maybe there is none yet.
But is there a way that we can enable the mod and create a new world that will work 100% fine with new biomes.
And then maybe just use worldedit or mcedit or something to move our base in the new map?
Or is there any other solution to get extra biomes with our things we made in our current map together?
I'm new to FTB and i recently set up a server for some friends with the Direwolf20 pack (1.5.2).
After exploring a lot we noticed that there where no extra biomes.
I later saw that the mod was disabled.
We created our world like 2 days ago but we really want to have extra biomes.
I have done some research about this and i can't really seem to find the solution or maybe there is none yet.
But is there a way that we can enable the mod and create a new world that will work 100% fine with new biomes.
And then maybe just use worldedit or mcedit or something to move our base in the new map?
Or is there any other solution to get extra biomes with our things we made in our current map together?

If you enable the mod Mystcraft will have the biomes. If you don't mine your overworld being vanilla thats the way I would handle it.
If you enable the mod Mystcraft will have the biomes. If you don't mine your overworld being vanilla thats the way I would handle it.

Okey thanks :)
But will that even work if the mod is disabled?
Because just enabling it gives errors.
Or do i need to get the private pack then?
Okey thanks :)
But will that even work if the mod is disabled?
Because just enabling it gives errors.
Or do i need to get the private pack then?

The private pack has the fixes. But swapping to it will cause item id mismatches in your world. Sorry didn't notice which version you were using. If you haven't done much in the world it might be ok. Maybe
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