the old upgrade system in gregtech back, so I didn't have to put signs next to machines on what upgrades they have. it was so handy to see them in the machine interface.
wouldn't WAILA be able to help with that perhaps?
the old upgrade system in gregtech back, so I didn't have to put signs next to machines on what upgrades they have. it was so handy to see them in the machine interface.
@McJty, @BinaryMage, thoughts on this?Dear Santa, for christmas I would like:
- a way to transfer my bespoke mystcraft dimensions over to RFTools ones.
new system what looks cool. Must play about with.
I've always thought that a mod (maybe AE2) should add a block that flips the world upside down. For example, you could have a perfect sphere-shaped dome that half is facing up and when you go underneath you are also facing up if that makes sense. Hard to explain but sounds like a cool idea.
Or like a quarry that instead of wizzing back and forth over the whole plot, it starts from one side. It then drills down shafts with a decent spacing apart across the width of the quarry. Maybe in a circular pattern around the quarry block. Then it places tnt in the shafts moves out, sounds alarm. Blasts of a slice of the wall down a certain depth, goes in and picks up items and repeats.Today's pipedream:
TNT miner. Follows in the vein of various mods which add TNT that doesn't destroy dropped entities.
Like a BC mining well you plonk it down and feed it power. It'll start extending a drill head below it, place a blast shield under itself...
...then start seeding the shaft it digs with TNT.
Once it's got as far down as you want, feed it a redstone signal and BEWM.
a way to turn certain warp effects off in Thaumcraft because some of the visual effects can be a real pain (as in IRL headaches/nausea)
Or like a quarry that instead of wizzing back and forth over the whole plot, it starts from one side. It then drills down shafts with a decent spacing apart across the width of the quarry. Maybe in a circular pattern around the quarry block. Then it places tnt in the shafts moves out, sounds alarm. Blasts of a slice of the wall down a certain depth, goes in and picks up items and repeats.
Would be awesomely realistic, but probably not healthy to watch/for the server![]()
Actually a customizable option for the bc quarry would be good. Something that would add options like digging each square streight down or instead of strip maybe a checkerboard pattern lol
I thought you COULD enchant the bound sword??? Good job I didn't try and put my Fortune II book on mine - I'd have hated to waste it!![]()
Sorry for the all the posts, at work and bored LOL
I would love Steve's Factory Manager to have a library where I could save scripts to my HD and use them later on different worlds... Would really love that... hint... hint.... or a block that lets you input scripts or export them as items and trade between players... hmmmmm![]()
Steve's Addons has a configuration that allows this.
it's has a whitelist of users who can use this function, so open the configuration file from Steve's Addons and add your username to the whitelist
after that you can save your manager scripts outside minecraft, either through a savefile or pastebin
you can also load your scripts aswell through savefiles and pastebin
though the downside with savefiles is that it'll be hard to load the scripts on multiplayer servers and the downside of pastebin is that you can only upload a few scripts per day, as pastebin has an upload limit