I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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Jump into a new Mystcraft Age, got my linking book back home on me. Explore, find stuff, fill inventory. Use Ender Pouch to send stuff back to chunkloaded base...including the linking book back home. Luckily the world had a star fissure.

Oh and there was the nether trip with a Nitro Creeper taking out my vanilla portal and me running around trying to get flint from gravel, pissing off zombie pigmen mining nether iron and nether coal and then cowering by the furnace I barely had enough cobble to make hoping that one bar of iron will cook faster.
And that is why I added an LP remote orderer pipe to my AE network; anything that I need can instantly be sent into my "request" ender pouch thanks to my omnipresent remote orderer (I keep it on me in another ender pouch).
I also always have a spare linking book to back home in my "personal" ender pouch... it's a good idea to be prepared.
I built my base over lava /w glass floor and TNT for decoration.....
I would suggest that instead of using normal TNT blocks, you use Forge Multipart's or Project Red's saws and cut them up into slabs or covers - it saves on resources and isn't explosive.

For my next derp: forgetting to turn on my MPS mob repulser while fighting endermen. Not such a big deal, perhaps... but then again, maybe so.
But, sometimes when I want to replace the block, all I gotta do is right click it with flint & steel and it's poof! Gone! Then I can put w/e I want.
So my quarry stopped sending items back to my base.

At first I thought it had hit bedrock and needed resetting, so I grab my trusty wrench and landmarks and head over to the dig site.

Then I notice the FOUNTAIN of stone and dirt and other blocks flying everywhere out of the quarry.

*scratches head*


*sudden realisation*

When I set my quarry down, I got the tesseract, the conduits and buffer chest inside the chunks loaded by the quarry but somehow I put my trashcan one block across into the next chunk over, the mechanism was failing to void all the crap when I wasn't present.


at least it was the junk pipe and not the processing pipe.
I set up 3 small quarries with a chest above each of them and ME Import busses to transfer the items.
The quarries were running with full speed and I forgot to set the import busses to "move stacks".
So when I realized back in my base that items were coming very slow into my ME system, I moved back to those quarries and saw items spilling all over the place
out of those chests and most of them fell into lava which was at the ground of most of the surrounding old quarry shafts. :eek:
And this still happens sometimes...

Another one:
I wrote a mining program for turtles which is quite intelligent.
It enabled the turtle to deal with entities in it's way.(mobs)
If blocked by a mob, the turtle would attack the mob with its pickaxe until it dies and moves on.
When my turtle took long to come back I walked into the strip mine it was in. It was only a couple of block away form me on it's way back to the storage chest.
And I did not walk away for some reason. So the turtle stopped in front of me and suddenly I was loosing health.
I thought: "WTF is happening?"
And when I realized my own turtle was hitting me because it recognized me as a mob I was almost dead. I barely escaped my own turtle.
The bastard moved along to the refill station without any word of excuse.
If the creation turns against it's creator, something is horribly wrong. :rolleyes:
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I set up 3 small quarries with a chest above each of them and ME Import busses to transfer the items.
The quarries were running with full speed and I forgot to set the import busses to "move stacks".
So when I realized back in my base that items were coming very slow into my ME system, I moved back to those quarries and saw items spilling all over the place
out of those chests and most of them fell into lava which was at the ground of most of the surrounding old quarry shafts. :eek:
And this still happens sometimes...
To prevent this, here is how I set up my quarries:

Back at home base, I have 2-3 ender chests set up. Each has three basic import buses and one fuzzy which is set to stacks and the most common stuff the quarry pulls. Each ender chest is on a different colour code.

When I set my quarry up, I have it output directly to ender chests.

This means I can quarry literally anywhere, I don't have to set up an ME connection every time, and my storage is always properly set up so that I never accidentally lose anything.

Under the cut, my current setup (using a QuarryPlus and PumpPlus):


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So I've got a new one from yesterday.

FTB Monster, single player. Pretty much in the end game phase. Looking to make some Rotarycraft spawners and so I take my TiC and bedrock tools and my fully decked-out power suit and head into one of those rogue-like dungeons to grab a bunch of spawners.

Working my way through, not really paying much attention other than to try and keep an eye out for spawners hidden in walls, etc. Overall, much much easier work than when I first explored one with only a stack of torches and some iron weapons/armor.

I come across a room with a double chest sitting in the middle. I figure, why not take a peek in between shooting arrows at creepers from afar using my nightvision. Hey, what's that hissing sound? Is there a creeper near me I missed?


The trap was so big it blew out a 7x7x7 hole and destroyed everything in side it - everything that was in the chest AND all of my items. All my maxed-up TiC tools, my bedrock tools, the half-dozen or so spawners I had already collected, the QuarryPlus I forgot I had in my inventory, EVERYTHING.

It takes a really long time to remake a full suit of power armor with all the upgrades, even with AE.
So I've got a new one from yesterday.

FTB Monster, single player. Pretty much in the end game phase. Looking to make some Rotarycraft spawners and so I take my TiC and bedrock tools and my fully decked-out power suit and head into one of those rogue-like dungeons to grab a bunch of spawners.

Working my way through, not really paying much attention other than to try and keep an eye out for spawners hidden in walls, etc. Overall, much much easier work than when I first explored one with only a stack of torches and some iron weapons/armor.

I come across a room with a double chest sitting in the middle. I figure, why not take a peek in between shooting arrows at creepers from afar using my nightvision. Hey, what's that hissing sound? Is there a creeper near me I missed?


The trap was so big it blew out a 7x7x7 hole and destroyed everything in side it - everything that was in the chest AND all of my items. All my maxed-up TiC tools, my bedrock tools, the half-dozen or so spawners I had already collected, the QuarryPlus I forgot I had in my inventory, EVERYTHING.

It takes a really long time to remake a full suit of power armor with all the upgrades, even with AE.

That reminds me on this. :)
So I've got a new one from yesterday.

FTB Monster, single player. Pretty much in the end game phase. Looking to make some Rotarycraft spawners and so I take my TiC and bedrock tools and my fully decked-out power suit and head into one of those rogue-like dungeons to grab a bunch of spawners.

Working my way through, not really paying much attention other than to try and keep an eye out for spawners hidden in walls, etc. Overall, much much easier work than when I first explored one with only a stack of torches and some iron weapons/armor.

I come across a room with a double chest sitting in the middle. I figure, why not take a peek in between shooting arrows at creepers from afar using my nightvision. Hey, what's that hissing sound? Is there a creeper near me I missed?


The trap was so big it blew out a 7x7x7 hole and destroyed everything in side it - everything that was in the chest AND all of my items. All my maxed-up TiC tools, my bedrock tools, the half-dozen or so spawners I had already collected, the QuarryPlus I forgot I had in my inventory, EVERYTHING.

It takes a really long time to remake a full suit of power armor with all the upgrades, even with AE.

if the room has a creeper spawner in it, take out the spawner, DONT let a creeper explode, and dig up the floor.
if WAILA reads "trapped chest" dig the floor.
inattention in modded MC is often fatal.
So I've got a new one from yesterday.

FTB Monster, single player. Pretty much in the end game phase. Looking to make some Rotarycraft spawners and so I take my TiC and bedrock tools and my fully decked-out power suit and head into one of those rogue-like dungeons to grab a bunch of spawners.

Working my way through, not really paying much attention other than to try and keep an eye out for spawners hidden in walls, etc. Overall, much much easier work than when I first explored one with only a stack of torches and some iron weapons/armor.

I come across a room with a double chest sitting in the middle. I figure, why not take a peek in between shooting arrows at creepers from afar using my nightvision. Hey, what's that hissing sound? Is there a creeper near me I missed?


The trap was so big it blew out a 7x7x7 hole and destroyed everything in side it - everything that was in the chest AND all of my items. All my maxed-up TiC tools, my bedrock tools, the half-dozen or so spawners I had already collected, the QuarryPlus I forgot I had in my inventory, EVERYTHING.

It takes a really long time to remake a full suit of power armor with all the upgrades, even with AE.
I had something similar to this not so long ago; took on a Lich in Twilight Forest, but the server was seriously lagged up and I stuck around way after I should have retreated; as I died, three explosive projectiles hit the area and vapourized almost all of my good stuff.
So I included the mod Dartcraft into the pack I'm playing. I believe that's the one that changes where your health bar is. I spent the first twenty minutes of my world trying to figure out why I was in creative until I realized the health bar had just moved... *facepalm*. The best part is, the hunger bar stays where it normally is, and I still thought I was in creative.
To prevent this, here is how I set up my quarries:

Back at home base, I have 2-3 ender chests set up. Each has three basic import buses and one fuzzy which is set to stacks and the most common stuff the quarry pulls. Each ender chest is on a different colour code.

When I set my quarry up, I have it output directly to ender chests.

This means I can quarry literally anywhere, I don't have to set up an ME connection every time, and my storage is always properly set up so that I never accidentally lose anything.

Under the cut, my current setup (using a QuarryPlus and PumpPlus):


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You do realize that it is possible, albeit improbable, that the quarry theoretically could mine faster than items could be removed from the ender chest? In which case, you could rout items directly through the tesseract (infinite items per tick/second/whatever), removing the need for the ender chest.
There could potentially be a backlog of items, is all I'm saying... not that it is likely to happen, but remember, this is modded minecraft. :/
Although, the quarry does need to output to a chest anyway... just voicing my thoughts, again.
You do realize that it is possible, albeit improbable, that the quarry theoretically could mine faster than items could be removed from the ender chest? In which case, you could rout items directly through the tesseract (infinite items per tick/second/whatever), removing the need for the ender chest.
There could potentially be a backlog of items, is all I'm saying... not that it is likely to happen, but remember, this is modded minecraft. :/
Although, the quarry does need to output to a chest anyway... just voicing my thoughts, again.
Possible. That is why I've tested it many times though while watching carefully.

Larger chests are better for preventing backlog; if it were an issue here, I'd output to diamond chests and impulse itemduct to more ender chests or through a tesseract.

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I thought I could do it.

I picked up a firestone in the nether and I basically weighed up the risks entailed in getting it back to base.

All I needed to do was emerge from my portal, buzz across the first floor, down the stairs, across the machineroom floor to my ME access terminal.

My roof and the floor of the upper tier of Bloke towers are wood slabs.

Or should I say, they *were* wood slabs.

I gambled, my floor and ceiling lost.

Once I didn't know what Firestone was so when I went into my house everything was on fire and I was wondering why!

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if the room has a creeper spawner in it, take out the spawner, DONT let a creeper explode, and dig up the floor.
if WAILA reads "trapped chest" dig the floor.
inattention in modded MC is often fatal.

Yes, of course all that. The first time I went through one these dungeons (same game, a few weeks ago) it was early game and it was very careful so I found and disarmed all the chests.

This time I was just too cocky and overconfident.
Not really a derp but rather problem with a weak computer:

I built a 3x3 MFR tree farm with fertilizer and all the stuff. It was dragging down my FPS severely while it was felling trees, from 100 to less than 20. It was almost constantly felling due to the fertilizer. I didn't have that much of FPS drops before with such farms.
I figured out why it was lagging so much - it was build right on the corner of four chunks. Every time a block on the corner or edge of a chunk gets updated the neighbouring chunks' geometries also have to update, so they updated several times a second. I moved the farm into the middle of a chunk and it's all good now.

I suppose I need a better PC.
"You know, I'm bored just hanging around at my base, I think i'm going to go collect some more aura nodes"
*grabs glass blocks, wood slabs, my trusty staff*
"Dumdedumdedum...Wendy I can flyyyyy"
"Oooh, there's a node"
*uses thaumometer*
"Oh nice, lots of perditio. That'll be handy since I'm short on it"
*builds jar, collects node, TPs home*
*places node in Aura Corner (along with the other 20-odd i've swiped)*



"Huh, what's all this pink shit spreading round my garden?"

Yeah turns out I forgot to check the type of node and I brought home a sodding tainted node. Not only have I messed up my local environment, but it's also tainted a bunch of my normal nodes too. FFS :(

I planted some ethereal blooms to clean up the corruption but I don't think it'll fix the nodes. Looks like i'm going to have to replace a load of them.