I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Yeah, I know the feeling. I haven't accidentally any bronze in my current Pathfinder playthrough, but I did make a good bit of invar and electrum. I've used up all the invar by now, but there's still a dozen or so electrum ingots sitting in my chest.

Once, I realized that I was about to make some of that electrum a split-second before the silver melted when there was already some molten gold in the smeltery. I tried to pull it back out, but it was too late.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Skyfactory: *tosses in tin and copper in smeltery, and metals are very scarce*


The number of times I have put copper and tin ore in a smeltery is insane...good thing bronze makes decent tools, right (maybe)?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bronze is usually my go-to material before Alumite or the Nether metals


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Better than iron, at least. And, from the sound of it, not hard to repair.

Yeah, I always try to find gravel tin/copper ore just to skip the iron stage as bronze is better and (once you get mining anyway) easier to get. Although, I tend to use the smeltery until the mid-game, and even if I am for some reason using bronze I do not need stacks of it (was trying to say something like "well having three stacks of bronze has some upside, right?" with the "good thing bronze makes..." part, I good at communicating ideas:rolleyes::p)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its even worse when you have metallurgy installed I made all my iron into Damascus steel and angmellan because I forgot to look up the alloys

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Bronze gears actually work pretty well in Clockwork Phase tools- it has fairly high quality, which (for pickaxes and similar tools, at least- I'm not that far into the mod yet) roughly translates to Unbreaking. Not so useful for me, since I was able to make a gigantic mainspring because I'm swimming in Cobalt because I had good luck with RNG in Pathfinder, but if you have a bunch of bronze, but not enough metal to make a decent mainspring, it should let you use the clockwork tools longer without winding them up.

That said, I've yet to do any actual chronomancy, so quality may play a bigger role when used for hourglasses or Temporal tools. Note that if you want to use lots of gears in your clockwork, the metal costs go up fast- a stack of ingots will give you 16 gears, and each tool can accept up to nine items, so 16 gears will almost let you max out two tools...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can make like 5 Tool Forges out of it

*Inhales deeply to prepare lungs for high level sarcasm (it's over 9000)* Yes! What have I been doing with my life before this!:p:D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not necessarily my derp, but me and my friends were playing Hermitcraft Modsauce, and me and my SMART friend needed some gold. My idiot friend knows nothing about alloys and chucked all our silver and gold into the smeltery. We had more electrum than we ever needed


Jul 31, 2013
A small derp but can have some mayor consequence's.

I decided to make my tech base under the ground as this would give me some cobble which I need I also do not have much room as I live in a valley.

As to why this is a derp: I use the mod fun world gen this means that my world is a floating island over the void and I do not have flight.

result: I now have a layer of wood between me and death, I need to use lava in the build and I need to dig more down for cables and what not, I also did not get much cobble because I couldn't dig down deep enough. I still have no access to flight. This will get interesting.

I may or may not create a new room will have to see how well the lava and wood mix.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A small derp but can have some mayor consequence's.

I decided to make my tech base under the ground as this would give me some cobble which I need I also do not have much room as I live in a valley.

As to why this is a derp: I use the mod fun world gen this means that my world is a floating island over the void and I do not have flight.

result: I now have a layer of wood between me and death, I need to use lava in the build and I need to dig more down for cables and what not, I also did not get much cobble because I couldn't dig down deep enough. I still have no access to flight. This will get interesting.

I may or may not create a new room will have to see how well the lava and wood mix.
Crafting tables dont burn. Vanilla cobble gen sorrounded with crafting tables and you will have all the cobble you need. And you can always drop a bucket of water, so you can use the water to go below the island and make a new level below the island.


Jul 31, 2013
Crafting tables dont burn. Vanilla cobble gen sorrounded with crafting tables and you will have all the cobble you need. And you can always drop a bucket of water, so you can use the water to go below the island and make a new level below the island.
I could but it thats why I say that it would become interesting. I also need a lot of caballing and pipes. This world just started strange I can go to the nether before I even got 3 diamonds, still no good amount of power but I have almost infinite wood, more netherack than cobble. This are just some of the examples of why this world is strange .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I could but it thats why I say that it would become interesting. I also need a lot of caballing and pipes. This world just started strange I can go to the nether before I even got 3 diamonds, still no good amount of power but I have almost infinite wood, more netherack than cobble. This are just some of the examples of why this world is strange .
That is the definition of challenging, not strange! You just need to think out of the box. :)


Jul 31, 2013
That is the definition of challenging, not strange! You just need to think out of the box. :)

I know but normally I would have been mining until I have the materials for a quarry set that up and play the waiting game than use the obsidian that I got from the query to go to the nether.

Now I am even afraid of using that thing because I don't want even more holes in my world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suck at Mystcraft. After a long time, I finally managed to get a world which actually has ores and isn't made out of a single block, dense ores too :). Failed to make it mushroom island like I hoped too, and instead made it a water biome (That JUUUST a little annoying) Oh yeah, did I mention I had permanent Poison, Hunger and Weakness 3?


Jul 31, 2013
The potion effects are probably because of the dense ores.

as a derp I changed the config for microblocks wrong instead of "Biomesoplenty:log4" I had "Biomesoplenty:log":4
Does that count as a derp?

note the Biomesoplenty part is probably wrong as I am currently not able to check the correct id.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dense ores will be worth about 4-5 small potion effects and 2 big (underground) potion effects. If you were trying for mushroom island, and did not get it, then you messed something else up, and probably have another potion effect, possibly a 3rd underground one as well.

Keep in mind that "enemy regeneration" (all mobs recover damage) and "enemy resistance" (all mobs have armor) are considered small potion effects, but don't affect you or show themselves as obvious.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
My newest derp: I placed my Thaumcraft crucible in near proximity to my alchemical furnace, and I usually hang jars from essentia tubes connected to the alembics to collect the essentia while my distillation is not automated yet. When I removed a jar, it went and fell into the crucible, not only destroying a full jar of moderately rare essentia but creating a great deal of Flux.

I did this twice before I decided to move the crucible to a less stupid place...