Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

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Age: 24
In-game Name: ElBartoME
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Of couse
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm experienced in the use of Redstone for all purposes. I always loved Buildcraft and Industrialcraft and finally want to play it on SMP. For a long time I played on a vanilla server (minecraft.de, german server) without any problems.
Why do you want to join us?: First of all: Normal difficulty. I don't want to push my luck too far. :) I also want to play on a server that uses whitelisting. And well...I love cookies after all.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server is restarting every two hours, which is fine by me.

I have fixed the server crash Issue.
It should no longer crash on restarts!
Sorry for the long downtime!

Age: 27
In-game Name: Dex_Luther
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: oui oui
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Becuse I'm a cool guy from Quebec. And I just want to hang out and build things.
Why do you want to join us? Because I want to build cool things with cool people.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server restarts.
Age: 26
In-game Name: Eydamos
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: for sure
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Because I like to share my resources after I get enough.
Why do you want to join us? Because playing SSP is getting boring I want to join a community with FTB and no restriction to the items.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server restarts every 2 hours. I don't know why but the main thread said so ;)
Age: 26
In-game Name: Eydamos
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: for sure
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Because I like to share my resources after I get enough.
Why do you want to join us? Because playing SSP is getting boring I want to join a community with FTB and no restriction to the items.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server restarts every 2 hours. I don't know why but the main thread said so ;)
Age: 27
In-game Name: Dex_Luther
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: oui oui
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Becuse I'm a cool guy from Quebec. And I just want to hang out and build things.
Why do you want to join us? Because I want to build cool things with cool people.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server restarts.

Welcome, thanks for joining havencraft! Enjoy your stay. :3
Age: 16
In-game Name: 2011raed

Have you fully read and understood the rules?: I did
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I am a very nice player . All i want is to have a nice community to play with and without having to worry about griefers and stealers . I understand in most Ftb Mods ( Old tekkit player ) and i guess i can help other people in things . I am from Tunisia ;)
Why do you want to join us? I don't like playing in Ssp and SMP Is funnier than SSP. I want to build epic stuff . I maybe the next direwolf20 ( Just kidding ^^)
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: It is the server restart that comes every 2 hours without any announcement
Age: 21
In-game Name: Vince_Sixx
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm just a guy who likes aesthetically pleasing things, and I love industrial stuff. I don't like to rustle anyone's jimmies, I don't know. I haven't really been a part of a server before.
Why do you want to join us? I just want to join a server to learn this modpack (as it's pretty different from tekkit from what I'm learning), but otherwise I'll keep to myself unless someone needs help.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restarts every two hours.
Age: 16
In-game Name: kristoffer55
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: I do!
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Iam a friendly player :)
Why do you want to join us? I would like to join because it seems verry nice, and great players
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restart :)
Age: 19
In-game Name: uncutas
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes :)
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I am experienced mod player and im nice with people :).
Why do you want to join us? I want to join because its looks like you have a good community and I want to be a part of it.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server reboots.
Age: 19
In-game Name: MrFifo
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I have lots of experience with Tekkit and most of the mods in here. I love being a part of the community
Why do you want to join us? I want to join a good FTB server, and I think I found one.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restarts.
Age: 17
In-game Name: 123pker123
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes :)
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: i am a fun laid back kid that just wants to have some fun on FTB
Why do you want to join us? i want to join because i am getting bored of single player and want to move on to better stuff and interact with others
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server reboots.
In-game Name:gibs_90

Have you fully read and understood the rules?: yes i have
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: i have a good knowledge of minecraft and feed the beast, i have played feed the beast along time and i can make pretty cool contraptions
Why do you want to join us? i want to join this server becuase i would like to make some new friends and have some fun and this server intrests me
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: the server restarts every 2 hrs
Age: 16.
In-game Name: Numilex.
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Aye.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I have done most of Tekkit, so I know the basic things to begin with, I'm hoping to learn more while playing on this server. Also, I like to make very complicated redstone things in normal Minecraft, so FTB will be a dream for me :P. Other than that, I have no problems with helping new people out.
Why do you want to join us? I'm looking for a Mindcrack-like server. As in; no immature people who grief everything you build, and a stable server wich is up 24/7.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server has to restart.
We're not accepting new players at this point, untill we received enough donations to upgrade the server.
Upgraded the server, thus more player's can play at the same time. I'd like to welcome;
- Numilex
- gibs_90
- MrFifo
- uncutas

Thanks for joining HavenCraft!
In-game Name: th3niiinja
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes I have read and agree to the rules.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you:You should whitelist me because I am up to learning new things. I am relatively new to Feed the Beast and anything like and I am looking for a community to learn a bit about it in. I also don't really like to build a lone, so I like being on a server so I don't get really bored.
Why do you want to join us? I want to join so I can learn with people and have fun playing it at the same time :D
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restarts