Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-game Name:coolblockj
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Because i am very good with the mods, i have extensive knowlege in lua and how most of the mods work, i can help out if anyone needs it.
Why do you want to join us?: Because most of the other servers seem to have a immature community with many greifers, or unbareable lag, im hoping this will be better.
Do you have any previous bans?: None
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: As stated above, I know a lot of lua, and how almost all of the mods work, previous builds included a potion shop where it automatically made the potion you requested in the computercraft monitor, and dispenced it to you using buildcraft and redpower.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because of the server restart
What is your secret code?: 315


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-game Name:Zancoollazer
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I am very helpful, i can fetch others items and am very Friendly.
Why do you want to join us?: Other servers have anoying lag, and I'd like a better server community.
Do you have any previous bans?: None
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Not much, i can do a good amount of it but might need some help along the way.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because of the server restart
What is your secret code?:261


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16
In-game Name:ceten
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes ofcoure, it's very important to follow them.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm an experienced player for most of the FTB-mods, i really like playing together with people and building something up from the ground. After a while, you can look at what you built and be proud of it. I like that feeling.
Why do you want to join us?: I'm searching for a server because my former server wasn't good. Most of the time, it was down and when it was on, it crashed a lot. So i'm looking to start again. Also i really like the fact that there are commands installed :) so you can sethome
Do you have any previous bans?:No, i don't think so. http://mcbans.com/player/ceten
If answered yes, how come?: /
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes, played the "technicpack"(don't kill me for the word) before FTB existed a lot so i know most of the mods. Especially the technicmods, i don't play a lot with the magic mods.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because of building a way to big factory and causing lag =D
What is your secret code? Me thinks it's 650$
BTW hope to see you @ the server :)
EDIT : reviewed my code i think it's 35 BTW srr but just read over it didn't see it =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 21

In-game Name: Fungirl

Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes

Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I am a mature player . Operater on mc.cotnorth.com (a nordic server, mc.cotnorth.com/), so I know how difficulet to manage a server, and is willing to help if needed.

Why do you want to join us?: Looking for a not too big eu server to play on and I want to play whit yawavarma.

Do you have any previous bans?: No
If answered yes, how come?:

Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes, have played on yawavarma's server and hosting my own to test how the mod work and test it out.

P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: The server restarts

What is your secret code?: 621


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16

In-game Name: jack196

Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes

Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Im a good builder on the voxel box owned several servers of my own do not bother anyone and have friends i normally would like to play with. So i know how it can be troublesome to manage a server and will help if needed or stay out of the way.

Why do you want to join us?: Looking for a reliable server. Which i could play on and once i have played on, get my friends involved.

Do you have any previous bans?: No
If answered yes, how come?:

Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes i have been playing on the pack since day one and with the mods independently before although i do miss red-power :L

P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: The server restarts

What is your secret code?: 101 or 11 or 10 1 however you want to sum it (sorry HL maths at IB and i'm unsure of what method is required :) )
  • Like
Reactions: Zancoollazer


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome Fungirl & jack196!
Please enjoy your stay.

Those will be the last players to get whitelisted for some time.


Community member Smackzter had given me the oppurtinity to share a ''FREE'' Minecraft account gift code!
As a special thankyou, the next donator who donated 25 euro to the server will get this code for free. No charges! All raised money will be used to pay the server.

Big thankyou to Smackzter!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you said i was white listed i tryed to get on it said i was not could you please fix[DOUBLEPOST=1355344407][/DOUBLEPOST]Jenial Could you re-add me i think it was broken for you thank you :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Jenial
Could you please whitelist me, i changed my code in a former post its 35 srr i just read over it and didnt think about it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 14
In-game Name: KaosC57
Have you fully read and understood the rules?:Yes sir i always read the rules.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I am a great builder, i am getting the hang of Feed the Beast. but i mainly play tekkit.
Why do you want to join us?: I am looking for a nice decent sized community for Feed the Beast
Do you have any previous bans?: Yes ish (the ban was not my fault but on my account)
If answered yes, how come?: My little brother was playing on a tekkit server while i was afk and he griefed.
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I have many hours invested in Tekkit and a few in FTB
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: those gosh darn server resets
What is your secret code?: 111 (Ka is my first 2 letters K=11 and A=1)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-game Name:Tarek632
Have you fully read and understood the rules?:yes all of them
Motivate us why we should whitelist you:i want a feed the beast server that i can live in without being greifed
Why do you want to join us?:i am a nice minecrafter that doesn't greif
Do you have any previous bans?:nope
If answered yes, how come?: nope
Do you have any experience with the mods?: yes a little
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?:the server restarts every 2 hours
What is your secret code?:201


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're not on the list of accepted player's it's most likely your application form was of low quality or because your ''secret code'' wasn't right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're not on the list of accepted player's it's most likely your application form was of low quality or because your ''secret code'' wasn't right.

Im sorry. but i belive my code is correct because you said "Your personal codeword are the first two letters of your ingame name, written as a number in order of the alphabet." and my code is 111 which is either Ka or ak which i am using it as Ka


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 22
In-game Name: Willibilly19
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Absolutely
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm a very Mature guy just looking for a close knit community to play with. I'd love to join your server because it seems like a good fit for me. I'm a half-way decent builder (not being modest, I'm not design savvy:p) I'm a pretty technical person and love helping out others. I'm more into the community than solo play even though I'm new to SMP.
Why do you want to join us?: Your server keeps popping up on the list when I'm looking for a good server. I wasn't applying before because I'd rather have Mystcraft (I've never used it and wanted to try:p) I'm not going to let that hold me back anymore though because I keep coming back to your page:p
Do you have any previous bans?: Nope, as I said before, I'm still pretty new to SMP
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Not a ton, but I know enough to get around. I played Tekkit for a couple months, but then heard about FTB and moved over almost immediately. I tried a couple servers here so far, but I haven't been a good fit yet it doesn't seem. I hope that the search ends here.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: The server restarts without warning. (I'm actually looking forward to this to reduce lag.)
What is your secret code?: 2309

*Edit* I just saw your post a few up from mine that says those are the last people going to be accepted for a while (Darn that small print). I do hope you consider adding one more. I feel bad that I waited so long to apply, but I do feel like I would be a good fit for your server, and more than happy to help anyone else in the community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 17
In-game Name: xXGelirXx
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes I read all of them.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm a nice player and no griefer. I have lots of experience with IC and Buildcraft.
Why do you want to join us?: I'd like to play on a Server with a nice community and I hope to find it here.
Do you have any previous bans?: No never got baned.
If answered yes, how come?: -
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I played on a Tekkit server and already played FTB with friends.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because of the server restart.
What is your secret code?:2424


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 12
In-game Name: DarkSpyro52380
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes, and I agree with all of them, expect one thing: you need to be at age of 15 or more in order to join. I think that if you act mature and friendly he should be accepted, no matter of their age. (That is just my opinion.)
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Although I am 12, I act maturely and politely. I am always ready to help or give someone something, even my first diamonds! My goal on the server are going to be public Steve's carts farms and "green" power produciton with public charging station and MFFS protection over my base (obviously not public :p). I tried my best to write this application and I would be really glad if you accepted me. Hope to see you in-game :D
Why do you want to join us?: I played on a small FTB server recently, but then a mystical griefer joined in and destroyed everything i owned :( It was partially my fault, because I builded near spawn, but oh well :)
Do you have any previous bans?:No, mostly because I do not play a lot on servers. (But when I do i act maturely and politely)
If answered yes, how come?: N/A
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes, I have a lot of expirience with all the mods, expect Gregtech and Forestry. I was playning with mods from Minecraft version 1.2.5, and I'm playing Minecraft from beta 1.8
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restarts every two hours, without any announcement. I think that makes the server lag-free.
What is your secret code?: 0401 (41)

P.S.: If my grammar is not correct please note that English is not my main language. I come from and speak Croatian.