Hey red. We are no longer using monster pack, but we have started up tech world 2. I was still experiencing some lag in that until I shifted my windows 7 settings so that it focuses more on performance than appearance. This toned down all the intensive graphical fluff that Windows was using and now I am completely lag free in our multiplayer world, running tech world 2 with the John Smith Legacy pack (32x).
Could you please expand on this, specifically, where in Win7 do you change from "appearance" to "performance"?
I think I found what you did. Control Panel > System And Security > System > Advanced System Settings (on left side of window) > Advanced Tab/Performance Section, click "Settings" button... is that it?
Mine is set to "Let Windows choose what's best for my computer" but I could switch it to "Adjust for best appearance" or "Adjust for best performance". However, the title of the tab is "Visual Effects" and I think that whole selection is just for how your Windows desktop appears, not how a game is gonna run? Interesting. You seem convinced that it helped you, I should probably give it a try too.