Everyone should watch this:
Another video that convinces people of an idea with misinformation.. to cover a few:
A) The crowd against EE2 has always been significantly larger htan the crowd against doubling minerals
B) These aren't comparable because EE2 didn't care what you mined up, if you had seen the material you want once before you could make it. You could also recycle with 100% efficiency (something we don't usually see in other mos, making it incompatible)
C) The time scale was completely different to reaching the mods "endgame". This isn't really a point of contention as much as some people disliked their survival being creative mode in 3 hours (or others on their server), others enjoyed it. Whatever your reasons may be on either side. A lot of people could understand the other persons POV here even if they disagreed with it.
D) MMO's have had competition for decades. I imagine he's talking about WoW as that's the most successful one but what about Ultima? GW (which didn't have a monthly sub and was grindy!)? Everquest - the game which WoW was designed from and who's best players were used as developers? They grind because people don't mind repetition if they choose to do it.
E) A rant isn't an editorial just because you call it one. It's still a rant
F) Gregtech's changes on IC2 are very rarely cause of issue once someone has got to grips with NEI, outside of the matter fab. People dislike things like the forestry bronze nerf much greater than a macerator requiring diamonds from my experience on the 3 relevant forums.
G) He states that if you don't like a mod (he states game and applies it to EE2, but w/e.). instead of demanding change you should just play another. This is completely hypocritical with his comments on gregtech config. I disagree with the first comment and agree with the latter that if you don't like a game you should feel entitled to provide constructive feedback (although not necessarily expect it to be used). The problem here is you can't have your cake and eat it. EE2 and gregtech can't both be wrong when EE2 responded to feedback about difficulty and gregtech doesn't. Either EE2 is right for responding to feedback and their game was flawed for the desired audience (something Enigmius will probably never agree to), or gregtech is wrong for not responding to feedback, and their game is already working for their desired audience (something I doubt he will agree to either)
H+) Maybe if I can finish the video I will make more comments.
I have no problems with people presenting their opinion, if you liked the original EE2 and dislike gregtech that's fine for you. I don't have a problem with that. It becomes an issue when you are giving others misinformation by claiming EE2's difficulty was right and gregtechs was wrong (OT to OP, I know I know). If you don't want gregtech on hardmode in the modpack I have no issues with that at all. I believe that someone running a server should be sufficient enough to set up configs and if the MAJORITY want it easy, that's most beneficial to all involved is it not? But claiming configs for putting it on easy mode then denying the same argument for having it on hardmode is ridiculous.
Meh... Such blatant spinner videos annoy me.