Gregtechs role in the modpacks.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only difference between "easy" and "hard" mode for GT just other mod recipes? There's no alternative recipe for the Industrial items, Machine Casing, or anything like that. A few minor things make a difference (Mass Fab enabled+Matter Fab=no scrap required), but the large majority is the use of other mod (and vanilla) items.

Thats why I correct every person that says "uh, i playz easy mode" and tell them "you damn foo, that is hard mode + no changing other mod's recipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I also like your second idea, really simple, could be implemented in 5 minutes and make everyone happy. I honestly think the only people it would feel cluttered for is first timers, but first timers probably know what pack they want or will be flabbergasted anyway by the number of packs already in the launcher. 1 more pack really isn't going to make a difference for new people and experienced users won't notice any "cluttering" at all.
New pack it is! Now, somebody with some authority around here can send in the request? *cough*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He was unable to turn down the amount it burned for, only up. Yes, it does ruin the point of Scaffolds, but what are you gonna do?

You say, "Burning scaffolds for fuel is cheap and cheaty, but it doesn't make sense to ruin them as a construction aid over something that really doesn't matter. If people want to be cheaty, that's their business."

New pack it is! Now, somebody with some authority around here can send in the request? *cough*

This is kind of the issue. In many cases, including this, less is more. If mod devs want to tell people that they can tailor their user experience, then they need to create a USER interface for them to do it. But instead, we get devs doing things wrong in order to cater to a vocal minority and then in order to fix it we get config this and add another pack that and before you know it nobody wants to touch the damn mod pack because it's such a bloated mess. 3 wrongs don't make a right.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New pack it is! Now, somebody with some authority around here can send in the request? *cough*
If it's registered as a private pack but the code listed on the forums, it's even easier to keep it out of people's way.

Personally, I'd love to be able to just have a personal install with the FTB Launcher. A pack which, by default, has nothing, and the versions are minecraft editions.
I know that's not what FTB is for, and that MultiMC does that perfectly, but MultiMC doesn't have the same simple system for enabling or disabling mods. For someone who is almost constantly debugging their install, the ability to easily add or remove a mod to your game is very handy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thats why I correct every person that says "uh, i playz easy mode" and tell them "you damn foo, that is hard mode + no changing other mod's recipes.
but again, it's not "hard mode + no changing other mod's recipes." because nothing in minecraft is hard. Time taken to do something does not make something easy or hard.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is kind of the issue. In many cases, including this, less is more. If mod devs want to tell people that they can tailor their user experience, then they need to create a USER interface for them to do it. But instead, we get devs doing things wrong in order to cater to a vocal minority and then in order to fix it we get config this and add another pack that and before you know it nobody wants to touch the damn mod pack because it's such a bloated mess. 3 wrongs don't make a right.
It was a quick fix suggestion, how hard would it really be to do until we got a more permanent solution up?
If it's registered as a private pack but the code listed on the forums, it's even easier to keep it out of people's way.
And this would do well to help.

Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If it wasn't for gregtech I would not enjoy playing minecraft with all the mods that are added with ftb. I like balance and I like things to be challenging. I'f I wanted to be able to get things easy I would just play on creative. Alot of mods were not "balanced" to be used with certain other mods and some mod developers just don't care how op something is. Gregtech gives those of us that Like a balanced and challenging experience a way to have that without removing certain mods. I love gregtech and faithfully stand by it and everything it does and I'm really tired of people complaining about it.
Gregtech is doing an awesome thing introducing balance between the mods so they play well together. I understand that some people like gettings things in minecraft easy but I don't understand why, I wouldn't get any sense of accomplishment out of that. I like How you have to advance through things to get to the point of being able to make iridium and its not just some trivial thing that takes a week and feels like a real accomplishment. After using gregtech I could never use something like the mass fab it would feel like cheating to me and I may aswell just chest uumatter in from nei at that point.

Ftb should just offer a config file for easy mode and hard mode on there website or in the launcher (click a button install easy mode or hard mode) and if people are to lazy to install the config file then they shouldnt complain.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
blahblah I<3GT
People are missing the ENTIRE point of this thread. This is not a thread discussing "Gregtech is bad because" vs "Gregtech is good because"
This thread is devoted to the idea that everyone can be catered for without forcing them into config files. Easy, Hard, and no Gregtech can all be added to the 3 main modpacks (I disregard yogs as it adds nothing worthwhile other than a place for yogfanboi's to sing praise to the yogs) yet right now all we have is no GT and two packs with identicle hardmode GT configs. If FTB wants to cater to the most amount of people possible, then an option for easymode GT should be included by default in one of the packs. I am just making the suggestion that it should be ultimate, as out of the three main packs, that is the only one where THEY personally have the final decision on what is in it.

Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People are missing the ENTIRE point of this thread. This is not a thread discussing "Gregtech is bad because" vs "Gregtech is good because"
This thread is devoted to the idea that everyone can be catered for without forcing them into config files. Easy, Hard, and no Gregtech can all be added to the 3 main modpacks (I disregard yogs as it adds nothing worthwhile other than a place for yogfanboi's to sing praise to the yogs) yet right now all we have is no GT and two packs with identicle hardmode GT configs. If FTB wants to cater to the most amount of people possible, then an option for easymode GT should be included by default in one of the packs. I am just making the suggestion that it should be ultimate, as out of the three main packs, that is the only one where THEY personally have the final decision on what is in it.

Guess you missed where I said this:
Ftb should just offer a config file for easy mode and hard mode on there website or in the launcher (click a button install easy mode or hard mode) and if people are to lazy to install the config file then they shouldnt complain.

A button in the launcher would be easy enough, or a dropdown or w/e. It wouldn't be hard to just add something in the launcher to pick the correct config file you want. If they do that and people still complain because they are to lazy to click a button then thats on them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh I didn't miss it, I just was pretty much replying to your need to let everyone know your feelings on GT. That's not the point of the thread. I, nor anyone else, cares what you feel for Greg. Hell I doubt Greg cares either (he seems to be the "I don't give a fuck" kinda guy)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That didn't even make a whole lot of sense. Do better.

FTB launcher is a download link nothing else at this point if you want a custom pack with custom configs make it yourself go get permissions do something beside sitting here bitching that the people volunteering doing this didn't make you happy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I try to keep my mouth shut on GregTech ('tis better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt), but messing around this week has me pondering a bit.

First off, I have to admit I was rather disappointed to hear that Ultimate included GregTech "hard mode" (which is a relative term to denote it's more difficult/tedious than regular implementations of IC2, but it also isn't "poopsock mode", with changes to the block breaker recipe and such). It's not so much because I can't/don't want to handle it; it's that I manage a server with friends and some of them would rather not deal with it. Funnily enough, playing on a server with a bunch of people with degrees in CS yields a bunch of people who don't want to mess with their configs to keep up with server-side configurations, so the packs lock us into what we'll be using (only server-side config tweaks I do relate to server-controlled functionality: frame block limit upped to 2000 to support my enormous "chasm bore" fetish, square forestry farms because the people doing that stuff are too lazy/preoccupied to tessellate diamond shapes). I am fairly sure the sentiment for a number of server maintainers is we don't want to deal with having to distribute special snowflake config files when the pack was supposed to be "the way" to do this in the first place. Mod packs are supposed to make it easier to click and play, if players are required to handle more steps than that you're eroding the usefulness of it being a mod pack.

This week when updating (because I always wait a week or so on pack releases to see what shakes out; usually that stuff's resolved within 48 hours anyway but I'm paranoid, lazy, and also somewhat busy otherwise) we discussed what we wanted to do. We were running Direwolf20, but we were also chomping at the bit to play with Applied Energistics and 5.2.0 didn't have it yet. The usual "I'm not really feeling up for GregTech" sentiment cropped up, but then of course realization hit: with the truly massive amount of resources we had on hand, plus the automation added from Applied Energistics, GregTech "hard mode" really would be trivial at this point (it might've throttled us slightly early on when I had 3 BuildCraft quarries running in tandem, but I've gotten pretty rote and zombie-fied in handling the GregTech process up into making Titanium now, so maybe not so much). Not to mention the pack has bloody Power Converters for god's sake and we have an ungodly number of 36HP boilers running at all times now.

And that's the part where I giggled a bit. Why the hell include GregTech "hard mode" and then throw in Power Converters, of all mods? Who knows, I almost think the pressure to get "something" out the door hit and that's just what we happened to end up with.

Personal Theory: It may also relate to whatever internal cataloging system the mod pack team uses for handling concordance on their "FTB Team" configurations; have you noticed the configs included with the Direwolf20 pack that are for mods not actually in that pack, including basically everything in Ultimate? Yeah, I'm getting the impression that their way of handling centralized configs is to just include the same set with every pack at this point since there's no harm in including configs for mods you don't actually have installed.

In-launcher options would be very nice. I'm not certain how they can elegantly implement that. If my theory's on the money, they have to figure out a branch system for disparate configurations before they can even think about it, though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the point I'm trying to make is that we already have a modpack that has GT on hardmode, we already have a modpack that has no GT at all... but we have no modpack that has GT on easymode by default. Ultimate imo, should be that modpack.

and thanks :)
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I have been playing the mindcrack version since its debut and have spent a few months in the same world. I recently switched to ultimate because i wanted the FUN back. GT after its all said and done is annoyingly pervasive, yet I love what the mod adds to IC2. I was seriously considering a jump into learning how to adjust configs because to be honest, I can't do it again.

I have family, work, and other things to do and minecraft is distracting enough. GT's changes to the other mods aren't difficult, they're just TIME consuming. I'm not really in the mood to waste time when I could be making cool stuff and having fun. I agree with the sentiment of your post and I hope the next launcher version has config controls.

And while I am a loyal gregtech fan for the tech he adds, i honestly am against his pervasive editing of other mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was seriously considering a jump into learning how to adjust configs because to be honest, I can't do it again.
While I heartily encourage people to explore and learn stuff, if you're strapped for mental bandwidth, you could avail yourself of Velotican's excellent configurations here since Velo did all the work already there and I'm also a fan of not duplicating work if I don't have to. =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Morvelaira said:
To give an official word on GregTech in the Ultimate Pack, it will be included, but disabled by default. Easily able to be turned on via the launcher, if you so desire.

Dafuq happened?