Gregtech deliberately crashing client if TC installed..

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I know RichardG's been looking for a good excuse to shut down GT for ages and I know he's aware of this situation because he's mentioned it on Twitter. I wonder...
some of his fans are calling for greg to be placed as the lead dev of ic2/3 :confused:

Dear god, what idiots. There is no way in hell that that's ever going to happen. ic2 has a wonderful dev right now. Why would the mod need another person, especially greg.

Can you even really call GregTech an "addon" for IC2? It all but flat-out replaces the original IC2 mod at this point. Furthermore, his mod wrangles all the other mods into playing his way. If it were TRULY meant to be played with just IC2, he wouldn't be programming his mod to nerf Forestry bronze, at one point require Railcraft rolling machines, and CRASH THE GAME if mods he doesn't approve of are present.

To be quite honest, it's like BTW. He should just migrate to modloader so nobody can use mods with GT. Then he'll see how many people really like him.

So, IC2 gets removed from FTB? :p

I hope so.
At this point, the only people who will play with GregTech are those who adamantly wish to, and will just include it in their play even if the mod is removed. Also, just about everyone else will, at this point, simply remove the mod from the mod pack they are playing. Removing or adding the mod to a mod pack won't really change anything, those who wish to play with the mod will play with it, everyone else will steer clear.

It might change something. Greg is driven by ego. He's got a bunch of sheople sycophants on the forums that rationalize and defend his every act and decision and his mod was just so damn awesome it was featured in a mod pack when it was still just a bunch of nerfs to IC2. The only way to get the point across to him that his behavior is unacceptable is to pull the mod. He'll swear up and down that he doesn't care but I can practically guarantee you that if it was dropped from FTB, it wouldn't even be a month before code was added to GT that crashed the client if it was loaded with the FTB launcher. "Choose between FTB and me" just like his "choose between Tinker's Construct and me."

Reverting his changes hurts his ego. Having other mod devs challenge his decisions hurts his ego. And his response is to punish the players in an attempt to rally them against the people hurting his ego like we're all idiots and can't figure out who is responsible for what. What the FTB team does regarding GT in future packs will have an impact one way or another, but the only outcome that swings the outcome in favor of the players is the one that doesn't involve GT. If Greg gets his shit together and manages 6 months or so of bullshit-free behavior then maybe GT will warrant a second look.
Sorry. Was getting a different reading from the "nuclear deterrent" phrase, and especially given some concerns about operating system security by other posters, felt that it was worth clarifying.
It is very much like Nuclear Deterrent because it does the same thing: Mutually Assured Destruction. If I can't have my way, NO ONE WILL. He will simply make the game unplayable by the user, and no one gets to play Minecraft with his mod and whatever is being complained about at the same time.
now greg is attacking FTB users, this is just fun its like watch a mental break down.

BTW its not me that he says just reged there, I would have been banned inside an hour, no way I would be able to hold back so, didnt reg problem solved.
Sure is one huge mass grave he's digging right now, especially for someone dependent on another guy's mod to exist in the first place.
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No. No. Let's not encourage this. Everyone loses. It was bad when Sengir did it. It was bad when CovertJaguar did it. It is bad when Greg does it. You don't make users the tool to play out your agenda.
I know it shouldn't happen, that'd be stupid, but as I said, it'd be pretty funny.
No. No. Let's not encourage this. Everyone loses. It was bad when Sengir did it. It was bad when CovertJaguar did it. It is bad when Greg does it. You don't make users the tool to play out your agenda.

It could be the easiest and most direct way to stop it, though. It certainly wouldn't chain- a mere threat from RG to end Greg would be taken very seriously. I doubt Greg would be happy about having to make GT a complete standalone.
Now I have two modders that I can hate with a fiery passion!
Why bother hatin'?

As far as I am concerned, Gregorious has earned the shoulder-shrug of 'meh'. Other than ensuring that my users will not suffer from crashes as a result of his antics, I could no longer give a damn what he says or does.

In a way, I suppose it is kind of funny, but it's the sort of 'funny' that is equivalent to laughing at a mentally challenged individual failing at a task which would be trivial for most people. Honestly, if anything, I would probably feel pity for him, if I could be arsed to feel anything at all.

Don't Feed The Troll. Right now, that's all Gregorious is being. As long as he has people willing to stir up drama for or against his cause, he wins. Ignore him and allow him to fall back into obscurity.
It could be the easiest and most direct way to stop it, though. It certainly wouldn't chain- a mere threat from RG to end Greg would be taken very seriously. I doubt Greg would be happy about having to make GT a complete standalone.
Yeah, but it would stop people from playing Minecraft while threatening Greg. RG's better off posting on his twitter that he might make IC2 incompatible with GT or something if he wanted to threaten Greg than doing that. Even so, this wouldn't be the best decision either as it causes too much drama. I'd say to just PM Greg.
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