Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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And now, scared of other people trying to hack his mod he left a trigger that will cause an exception if anything else tries to hack it again.
Item ID conflict check has been there forever.
The forum community of FTB are so much against GT that they dont even listen to and see the whole picture of what happened, instead they just want to "REMOVE GT BECAUSE MALICIOUS BWAAH BWAAH BWAAH" also "Mdiyo didnt do anything wrong. IT MUST BE GREG!"
If you only knew how many people come to GT thread to whine about how some mod has added hardmode recipes to it :)
Well, then, maybe they just shouldn't add it. Alternatively, Greg could add configs to disable ALL of his nerfs, (even better, a single config like de-nerfEverything=true/false), and they could be set to not nerf everything by default in the FTB ultimate pack.
What things are configurable is decided by greg, what conf gets distributed by any modpack is decided by whoever makes the modpack. No one else can force either modder or the mod pack authors to change the part they are doing.[DOUBLEPOST=1374177702][/DOUBLEPOST]
So Greg can change other mod's recipes to his liking without a config (the bronze nerf and tin bucket nerf config option zomg u wnt creitive hur u go 111 items!11! does NOT count), but when Gregtech breaks another mod with his nerf, and that modder actually takes a stand against it, Greg decides to crash the whole damn game.
Big difference is GT respects configs of other mods, even for forestry bronze.
I would understand if it was Sengir attacking Greg for not having configs for forestry bronze for example... but this was Mdiyo attacking GT for a recipe change in VANILLA minecraft. and how did Greg fire the first shot?

The answer to both your questions is the same: Almost all mods revolve around the simple recipe that 1 log = 4 planks. This change is much bigger than Vanilla Minecraft because it changes a mechanism used by all mods, indirectly nerfing (abeit slightly in some cases) them.
The answer to both your questions is the same: Almost all mods revolve around the simple recipe that 1 log = 4 planks. This change is much bigger than Vanilla Minecraft because it changes a mechanism used by all mods, indirectly nerfing (abeit slightly in some cases) them.

Well I can say for 100% certain that this did not affect Mdiyo's mods in a breaking manner. Mdiyo was just butthurt about the autosmelting incident (and afaik Greg had the reverse smelting recipes in GT before Mdiyo's mod was even released)
Changing a recipe alteration back and intentionally crashing the users' games are not on the same scale. One is mildly annoying to another modder, the other is actively harmful to the entire userbase of both mods.

Likewise (but much higher on the scale of "bad comparisons"), balancing a vanilla recipe and people gaining basic civil rights and their freedom are nowhere near each other. I honestly cannot think of a more ridiculous comparison in my entire lifetime, and that includes every single Godwinning I've ever seen.

Again, the fact that Greg got so worked up over someone daring to change his recipes is sheer hypocrisy. Crashing users' games intentionally for any reason whatsoever is completely unexceptable. I say this while being someone who genuinely enjoys Gregtech and even considered it my favorite mod for a while for the lovely expansion it adds to gameplay. I just can't support a modder that egotistical, childish, and malicious anymore. It's toxic to the community, as the very need for this thread indicates.

Edit to add: And mDiyo's change of Greg's nerf was not breaking to his mod. Crashing the game is breaking to *every single mod in the pack.*
I would understand if it was Sengir attacking Greg for not having configs for forestry bronze for example... but this was Mdiyo attacking GT for a recipe change in VANILLA minecraft. and how did Greg fire the first shot?

Greg made a change to vanilla gameplay simply because it made a machine he added less useful instead of making the machine more useful all the while adding a config that didn't actually work claiming that it did. I consider that to be a bullet.
What things are configurable is decided by greg, what conf gets distributed by any modpack is decided by whoever makes the modpack. No one else can force either modder or the mod pack authors to change the part they are doing.
I'm not trying to "force" anyone to do anything. I'm merely suggesting that:
1. Greg should make all of his nerfs configurable.
2. In any FTB modpack not specifically centered around GT, the configs should be set to not nerf everything by default.
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I'm looking over all these issues with gregtech,
And i'm getting a more and more reinforced verdict on the subject

For an advanced coder, Gregorious T is EXTREMELY immature correlating of course to many issues, that man is part of the reason i am striving to become a better person

Disregarding user criticisms,
"Fighting" with other modders (see TC incident)
Causing his mod to just feature a lot of stalling for time (See all GT's nerfs)
Nerfing OTHER mods without consent from anyone
I mean that's plenty of reason right there unless someone can think of anything i can tack on furthermore, Another thing i'm tired of hearing from GT defenders is:

Dunt play Gwegteks/You kan konfigyer da geregtek, so der ar no nurfs/Nobody's making you play

One thing is i only really play FTB multiplayer, Why? Because i just get bored in SP unless i'm coming off multiplayer to test something
So that makes doing both of those things invalid to deal with it, One is my preferred pack is ultimate, Includes GT, And boy oh boy i'll have one hell of a time finding a server i like that doesn't have GT, Or a deviant configuration. and it's weird, because i hardly hear a call in of legitimate defense for the hell blasted thing,
I mean he adds a few things that are kinda neat if you have a month to spare to put them together, but at the end of the day is spending four times as long getting a macerator then you would normally any more fun?

But that's just my argument, Not trying to piss anyone else

Another gripe is even though he think he has the right to nerf other mods he will not allow anyone to nerf or alter gregtech and if they do he becomes a whiny crybaby.

I think that an ultimate pack without gregtech might be a worthwhile addition to FTB. I for one don't expect Greg to alter his behaviour in any way. He has no need to, it's his mod and he can do what he likes with it. However the FTB team might be able to mitigate some of the outrage by setting the greg tech configs to "play nice" with other mods. Even so they would need to be careful to not upset the hardcore gregtech fans.

I don't find gregtech's changes to IC2 and other mods enjoyable either. It's tedium and seemingly (to me) random balance changes that make me want to not play at all. Fortunately I don't enjoy multi-player so I can remove mods that I dislike at will but for someone tied to stock FTB servers I can see you having difficulty avoiding gregtech if you want to play ultimate.

An overly Harsh response from other modders might get him to reconsider his actions. Like every other tech mod adding some code that if it detects gregtech that mod refuses to load. But that really only hurts the end users not greg.
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Greg made a change to vanilla gameplay simply because it made a machine he added less useful instead of making the machine more useful all the while adding a config that didn't actually work claiming that it did. I consider that to be a bullet.

Actually I think the trigger is the TE Sawmill. and he nerfed that a while ago and made it useless, now he made it useful again by adding a progression curve to gaining wood.
Hoho, are you doing Greg or something? Good lord, you sound like his girlfriend.

GregTech shouldn't mess with any other mods, at all, period. He's stepping way over the line by making crashes if something doesn't go along with his muh vision for Minecraft.
Well I can say for 100% certain that this did not affect Mdiyo's mods in a breaking manner. Mdiyo was just butthurt about the autosmelting incident (and afaik Greg had the reverse smelting recipes in GT before Mdiyo's mod was even released)

I quite frankly don't give a flying f#$% about whatever pissing contest mDyio and Greg got into in the past. I'm focused on the current issue at hand. From what I can see mDyio didn't like Greg making his mod cost more. mDyio's change also did not break Gregtech, no more than he has "broken" other mods in the past.
Nothing will stop him... If he wants, he can add all the addons for IC2 to that blacklist, which will be hilarious. It's true that he went too far. About the wood... MFR harvester, planter and fertilizer are enough to get you tons of wood so I don't see a reason to get so mad but xD.... your opinion. Also it's mDiyo not Mdyo ;)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need wood to make the crafting table for the MFR farms? I thought so.
It nerfs everything indiscriminately. It's the mod equivalent of the atom bomb, because it can't distinguish between civilians and soldiers.
Sure, having to chop down twice as many trees as usual isn't gamebreaking, but it breaks the balance of EVERY OTHER MOD IN THE PACK. Remember how screwed up EE2 got when it started using its own values for everything when other mods used their own indipendant systems?
Tech trees should stay specific to the mod they belong to.

As for my spelling, it's MdIyo's fault for having an unpronounceable name.
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Hoho, are you doing Greg or something? Good lord, you sound like his girlfriend.

GregTech shouldn't mess with any other mods, at all, period. He's stepping way over the line by making crashes if something doesn't go along with his muh vision for Minecraft.

Okay, that girlfriend analogy is going a bit to far. I doubt greg has a girlfriend.
they dont even listen to and see the whole picture of what happened, instead they just want to "REMOVE GT BECAUSE MALICIOUS BWAAH BWAAH BWAAH"

You are correct that someone like me doesn't know the whole picture. I've only used FTB for about a week and have been waiting for an updated version, but I never had an account on this forum until today. I found out about all this mess by random chance, since I check FTB for possible updates or news fairly frequently (usually not the Forums part, though).

The thing is, from my perspective - and I may not be alone in this - I find that a deliberate game crash trumps all else. The whole picture may be interesting, or merely "popcorn material", but I don't care when it comes to forming an opinion on the matter: a game crash is so bad, so extreme, and so wrong that all other factors, reasons, excuses, justifications, and rationales combined will not match it. It's about the biggest no-no that a modder could do, short of doing damage to non-Minecraft files (ie. Windows system files, stuff like that).

I wasn't against the Greg of GregTech, simply because before today I didn't know he existed. I've used the mod before, including during my brief experimenting with FTB, but (and this is unfair to mod makers), I didn't know anything about who made it. And I'm not against the mod, since to be honest I'd never looked in detail into what it did. So I don't fall under the parasol that you've staked out, under which "they" sit and sip Rum&GregHateCola in their "I Hate GregTech" t-shirts. I'm not "they".

What I am is someone who was checking for information and found some, and it detailed someone deliberately introducing game crashing in order to... wait, I'm not going to even say why, since it doesn't matter why. The game crash is the end of it all, the end of the discussion, the end of the reasons, the end of all arguments. Nothing can trump that, no words can counter it, no justifications can explain it away.

I will say, though, if the maker of GregTech were to state, flat-out, that he would never again deliberately introduce a crash to the game, I would definitely give him a second chance. As it is, I cannot trust what he makes. Suppose I use a mod that he has decided to make war on, and it causes a game crash, and I (as a very casual Minecraft player who hasn't played for MONTHS and almost never check into the forums here or anywhere else) have absolutely no idea why it's crashing, or what I've done "wrong", or how to correct it.

EDIT: Further, let me state that as someone who has faded from Minecraft because I find it absurdly easy after reaching even iron armour (it becomes practically impossible to die without suicide), I definitely like the general idea or intent behind GregTech. If I'm not part of the target audience, I'm probably fairly close to it.
If we're trying to figure out "who shot first," I think this analogy may be useful:
Greg tosses a stone at mDiyo. mDiyo picks it up, chucking it back at Greg. Then Greg pulls out his shotgun and fires. Afterwards, Greg takes his finger off the trigger and claims to have destroyed the gun.
You heard it here first, GregTechs sole purpose is to make one log craft to two planks.

And your sole purpose here is to troll.[DOUBLEPOST=1374178524][/DOUBLEPOST]
If we're trying to figure out "who shot first," I think this analogy may be useful:
Greg tosses a stone at mDiyo. mDiyo picks it up, chucking it back at Greg. Then Greg pulls out his shotgun and fires. Afterwards, Greg takes his finger off the trigger and claims to have destroyed the gun.

Yes. something like that.. but it being that Mdiyo breaks into Greg's house. Greg pulls out his shotgun and fires, and leaves an armed guard on the doorway to keep him out in the future.
Okay, that girlfriend analogy is going a bit to far. I doubt greg has a girlfriend.

Oh dear lord, if you think greg is bad, let's all take a minute to think about what his girlfriend would be like...

If we're trying to figure out "who shot first," I think this analogy may be useful:
Greg tosses a stone at mDiyo. mDiyo picks it up, chucking it back at Greg. Then Greg pulls out his shotgun and fires. Afterwards, Greg takes his finger off the trigger and claims to have destroyed the gun.

What a wonderful analogy.
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Is there a place where I can see facts from both sides? I read mDiyo's post on the first page but the rest of the thread is complaining and namecalling from people who aren't involved (as much as I read). I just want the facts and to know if this is still going on or has been resolved.

If it has been resolved, I also suggest closing this thread and putting the issue to bed. I really don't care what mod authors decide to do for recipes or gameplay, I just want the game to work.
I quite frankly don't give a flying f#$% about whatever pissing contest mDyio and Greg got into in the past. I'm focused on the current issue at hand. From what I can see mDyio didn't like Greg making his mod cost more. mDyio's change also did not break Gregtech, no more than he has "broken" other mods in the past.

What other mods Mdiyo broke in the past? i'm sorry but I just can't really follow you on that one.

There is no current issue as far as I'm concerned. Greg has an exception in the code to prevent people hacking his mod. Greg already makes sure his mod loads last, so you have to really go an extra mile and break into gregtech's stuff to cause that trigger to go off.[DOUBLEPOST=1374178805][/DOUBLEPOST]
Is there a place where I can see facts from both sides? I read mDiyo's post on the first page but the rest of the thread is complaining and namecalling from people who aren't involved (as much as I read). I just want the facts and to know if this is still going on or has been resolved.

If it has been resolved, I also suggest closing this thread and putting the issue to bed. I really don't care what mod authors decide to do for recipes or gameplay, I just want the game to work.

I'm afraid it's really hard to do that. You would have to actively follow GT's forum AND read what mdiyo has been saying across many forums/twitters whatnot.

I found out about much of what happened by looking at the code and what happened there.
If we're trying to figure out "who shot first," I think this analogy may be useful:
Greg tosses a stone at mDiyo. mDiyo picks it up, chucking it back at Greg. Then Greg pulls out his shotgun and fires. Afterwards, Greg takes his finger off the trigger and claims to have destroyed the gun.

That is a flawless analogy
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