Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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I am personally happy to see that the future of the modpacks are planned in WGT and NGT versions. I run a server based on the Mindcrack pack and have actually been a big fan of many of the GT machines, I set up a charge-o-mat system for players and distribute an ender pouch that pushes into and out of the charger to new players. However with this situation I plan to ensure GT is not part of the build when the server moves to 1.6. Just can't trust the mod author to not significantly break something for all of the players down the road. I just hope that there will be NGT versions of all of the packs as they are updated to 1.52 and 1.6x.
Christ man your name takes me back to my childhood, "all the young doods carry the news"
Hello everyone! I'd like to tell the tale from my side of the story. Whether that's good or bad or it's all complete nonsense is for you to decide.

Early on in the development of TConstruct I made a bunch of modifiers for tools. One of these was the auto-smelt modifier. It seemed quite useless in the face of the Smeltery and other modifiers, so I added a bit of code to make it interact with Fortune. A tool with Fortune III and Auto-Smelt will give you 1-4 materials. Say... iron ingots. Fast-forward a couple months and GregTech adds a bunch of furnace recipes to reverse items.

The exploit should be fairly obvious. Fortune-smelt an iron block and you'll get back 9-36 iron ingots. Rinse and repeat. There was some indirect talk about the interaction though a messenger, but Greg basically called it a bug and thought it should only happen with pickaxes on ores. The modifier is supposed to work on all tools - charcoal and bricks included.

Some amount of time passed. A month, perhaps two. At this point I was getting 3-4 reports a day about people "discovering" the exploit. I added a message to TConstruct about disabling reverse smelting in GregTech. Greg added a full-screen rant about things. A config setting was added to disable the interaction on my end, Greg altered the message on his end, everything seems fine for awhile.

That's the past. It's context for the recent spat, and is a previous incident.

One of the recent updates to GregTech modified vanilla in... undesirable ways. Wood and stone tools have very, very low durability compared to before. Iron tools require hammers and files to make, and those require refined iron. Vanilla wood crafting from logs into planks gives 2 instead of 4, with the caveat that you can get the original 4 with a new saw. I added some new recipes to the game to restore the wood crafting. Greg goes and... crashes the game. Purposefully, with full knowledge, crashes the game.

The crash happened when a recipe was detected outside his config. The wood nerf was forced ON while TConstruct was installed, so the crash was guaranteed to happen.

I removed the wood recipes from TConstruct and told Greg to remove his crashing code, as well as all of the other code he had regarding TConstruct. He also had something called the "Pumpkin of Shame" that would constantly replace my helmet item, breaking the game for me personally with his mod installed. Everything regarding the crash has been undone, I'm pretty sure, but... well.

I do apologize for any trouble I've caused. TConstruct and GregTech do not play well together, and I would never recommend them in the same pack. I would rather people play the game however they like though, and I hope people can enjoy themselves in the future.
You shouldn't have to post this.
You are not correct on this. This was not an error, or a accidental mistake. The was deliberate. Premeditation is the issue here. It was a thoughtful and willful act.
The crash not an error I am talking about. It is about a behavioural error.
It's sad to see this whole thing happen to Gregtech. That mod had a lot of potential. But these recent events have made me lose both my respect for Greg as a person and my trust in his code, and therefore also made me lose my willingness to use or defend his mod in any way.
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Mdiyo just took the war hatchet out of the closet again.

"The anti-wood nerf code has been re-added to TConstruct. It is configurable; do not mess with my config, alter behavior based on the change, touch TConstruct with GregTech, and especially do not crash the game. I would rather not escalate from here, but I will not sit idly by while you harm end-users with malicious code. My mods are strictly a hands-off affair to you, GregoriousT." -- Mdiyo

Thought hes the grown up one. I was wrong.
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I've had a night to sleep on it, and I'm pulling support for GregTech from all my work permanently. I doubt I'll reconsider this in the future either. The sheer unprofessional conduct from Greg is especially bad because I understand he's a game dev student. The second a professional game studio finds out he's that Greg in interviews he'll be unemployable because they'll spread the word around. He fucked up bad and he's going to pay for it one way or the other; I've already heard of two GregTech replacement mods being planned since last night.

This state of affairs is a bit of a pain in the ass when your main contribution to the forums is an Easy GregTech + Extras config pack, but I'll cope somehow. ;)

Greg-lessTech: All the Tech without the Greg!

Someone get on it.
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This state of affairs is a bit of a pain in the ass when your main contribution to the forums is an Easy GregTech + Extras config pack, but I'll cope somehow. ;)

And you've done the community a great service in that regard. I personally thank you because I was going to flat out quit playing FTB until you solved my config issues and freed me up to actually play. When I got your assistance and turned all of the recipes back to normal, I actually started enjoying the game again. You removed tedium and frustration and for that I'm grateful.

I'm sure your knowledge is appreciated by more than myself. I respect your decision and support it.
Thought hes the grown up one.

He is. Looks like waters are being tested - read that again carefully.

well keep us the humble players informed bro, lot of tech players will be happy to have an alt to play/test/enjoy.

In that case, one's being built for Resonant Rise and the ideas post is here.

Over in RR's testing community we've been debating keeping GregTech or not for the last few weeks - that suddenly got really pointless! All modpacks got hit by this change and we were no expection, but apparently our community is a bit more direct at resolving sudden gaps in content as this is actually the second mod that has begun planning based on brick walls we hit in testing. The other one's already got an open beta, but that's beyond the scope of this thread.
Mdiyo just took the war hatchet out of the closet again.

“"The anti-wood nerf code has been re-added to TConstruct. It is configurable; do not mess with my config, alter behavior based on the change, touch TConstruct with GregTech, and especially do not crash the game. I would rather not escalate from here, but I will not sit idly by while you harm end-users with malicious code. My mods are strictly a hands-off affair to you, GregoriousT." -- Mdiyo

Thought hes the grown up one. I was wrong.
On the contrary, I think it's great that mDiyo's taking a stand against Greg. Someone has to show Greg that he's not the emperor of Minecraft. Since mDiyo's anti-nerf is now configurable, Greg won't really have a leg to stand on.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need wood to make the crafting table for the MFR farms? I thought so.
It nerfs everything indiscriminately. It's the mod equivalent of the atom bomb, because it can't distinguish between civilians and soldiers.
Sure, having to chop down twice as many trees as usual isn't gamebreaking, but it breaks the balance of EVERY OTHER MOD IN THE PACK. Remember how screwed up EE2 got when it started using its own values for everything when other mods used their own indipendant systems?
Tech trees should stay specific to the mod they belong to.

As for my spelling, it's MdIyo's fault for having an unpronounceable name.
Ha...just spend few more minutes collecting more wood?
Mdiyo just took the war hatchet out of the closet again.

Thought hes the grown up one. I was wrong.

He let users know what they were getting into. That's a heck of a lot more "adult" than anything greg's done up to this point.

I've been wanting something to replace greg's high-tech endgame machinery for some time, so I'm happy to hear this.

you know, I've just noticed something on the IC2 forums called fred-trek. It looks like some pretty cool star trek themed end game stuff.
As an "end user" of FTB mod packs, my point of view is not TC vs. GT or any modder vs. modder disrespect that has occured, mine is "How easy is it to use?" Sure Greg has done some nice work, no disrespect, but I am sick of being "nurfed"! Now before anyone yells "config files", Yes they are fairly easy to edit, but I have dyslexia and make tons of typing errors and misspell things all the time, typos have crashed my game so many times I don't even care to try anymore. I am sure there are a few like me or are just to scared to even open the files let alone try to edit it. "Install & Play" is what most end users I have talked to want in any game.

My resolve: GT will be removed/disabled from ALL my mod packs, Sorry

As far as TC; I haven't used it yet (sorry) looks interesting in videos though, might give it a try down the road!
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On the contrary, I think it's great that mDiyo's taking a stand against Greg. Someone has to show Greg that he's not the emperor of Minecraft. Since mDiyo's anti-nerf is now configurable, Greg won't really have a leg to stand on.

Ah well. Greg needs to nerf stuff to complete his mod goal. But yeah. I hate to not being able to play Tconstruct anyways, the mod is cute.. but not at all necessary.

Was fun while it lasted.
I personally loved what Gregtech added, but I hated how he changed the bronze recipe and some other recipes. It was not his mod he should have asked to have the change modifying the base mod. That being said when he changed the wood and mDiyo changing it back mDiyo stepped over the line. Sure mDiyo should not have crossed it, but he was doing what Greg has already done making the wood recipe origionally and other recipes. Then Greg responds with the childish crash and the Pumpkin of Shame. Greg gets angry when things affect his mod but doesn't care about others. This war is just back and forth and pointless and neither ide should just affect the mods without permission.

PS: Jaded I feel bad for you having to go through this continuoss stream of comments. Respect :)
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